Norman Lowell forbids you to give blood

Published: July 12, 2008 at 1:15pm

Just in case you were wondering what Norman Lowell is up to while his little friend (in every sense of the word) Arlette Baldacchino raises funds for his campaigns by selling lapel-pins on the Viva Malta site, he’s busy trying to get us to stop giving blood so that Mater Dei will run dry of supplies.

The basis of his argument appears to be that the blood of white people should never be mixed with the blood of black people, and if a pure-bred Maltese (ha!) donates blood to Materi Dei, you never know, it might be used for – horrors – an African. Here’s his post below. You know, the oddest thing about Norman’s obsession is that he would be among the first to be rushed to the extermination camps by his beloved Nazis, going on the basis of physical appearance. The actual historical Aryans were from the region where Persia met India, and looked more or less as I do, if their present-day descendants are anything to go by. The Aryan as a blue-eyed blond ancestor of the Nordic tribes of Europe was entirely Adolf Hitler’s invention, and despite the fact that Norman Lowell adores Adolf Hitler, Hitler would not have reciprocated those sentiments.

So remember what Norman told you: don’t give blood or an African might get some (and don’t even begin to think about all the African blood running in Maltese veins, with the obvious inclusion of our Norman’s, or you might have nightmares).

Re: Do Not Donate Blood
Excellent post – blood should never be mixed amongst races.
A drop of blood can determine the race (or degree of race mixture) of a person.
Blood may be red for Blacks and Whites – but it is different.

That multi million white elephant has now become an African hospital.
Blood there is not segregated according to Race.

An epidemic will inevitably explode in Malta.
Let us hope those affected first will be the do gooders : the JRS in particular.
It is a question of time – but an epidemic will surely explode.

Norman Lowell

38 Comments Comment

  1. Isa says:

    What a pity that these words will be heeded by a group of persons who have this kind of hate which is being subtely intrigated in their lives. The vunerable will read this and spread more of this hate to others. Next week or next year we will be reading in our newspapers that a kid took his father’s gun(which is being used by his father to kill innocent birds) and so a rampage in a school or public place- God forbid! we should all join in condemming NL words!!! there is enough hate and bloodshed in the wordl as it is

  2. Sybil says:

    Isa Saturday, 12 July 1337hrs
    “What a pity that these words will be heeded by a group of persons who have this kind of hate which is being subtely intrigated in their lives. The vunerable will read this and spread more of this hate to others. Next week or next year we will be reading in our newspapers that a kid took his father’s gun(which is being used by his father to kill innocent birds) and so a rampage in a school or public place- God forbid! we should all join in condemming NL words!!! there is enough hate and bloodshed in the wordl as it is”

    And all thanks to the gratuitous publicity given on this forum to a website no one ever bothers accessing, except for those with nothing better to do.

  3. Vanni says:

    @ Sybil
    Should the BBC be condemned as it has recently been giving prominence to the wave of knife attacks happening in the UK? I know what you mean, don’t get me wrong, but people should be made aware of the sickos and looney bins. Burying our heads, ostrich like, won’t make the problems go away.

  4. Sybil says:

    My point is that people are quite capable of making up their own minds about most things, especially since the advent of the internet, and their propensity to do so should not be underestimated. We all know what is happening all over the world around us and within our shores as well, no matter what official headline makes it to the top and which gets sidelined. Giving free publicity to certain far-out pourings, even if made with the best of intentions , could boomerang back. Re the BBC and the knife attacks , I think that too much publicity could be counter effective in that it may encourage more copycat attacks.

  5. David Buttigieg says:

    He is a sick, degenerate, vile, dangerous beast!

    Comments like his SHOULD be exposed so that anybody who thinks ‘he has a point’ will know what kind of vile slime the man (and I use the term loosely) is!

  6. Mark-Anthony Falzon says:

    Much needed post. However, with respect to the ‘Aryan race’, the notion of ‘actual historical Aryans’ is itself highly problematic at best. If I may don my anorak for a second, may I suggest the following (scholarly) text:

    Trautmann, Thomas R. (1997), “Aryans and British India” (Los Angeles and London: Berkeley).

  7. David Buttigieg says:

    He continues!

    What a filthy piece of slime he is!

  8. Corinne Vella says:

    Sybil: Console yourself. There could also be a backlash with more donors coming up …once the weather cools down, that is.

    I wonder where Lowell plans to pick up his emergency blood supplies when he needs them. Perhaps he keeps a stock in his refridgerator, courtesy of the gremlins that inhabit VivaMalta?

  9. Mario P says:

    Norman! that nose! The skin colour!! I wonder if Norman has ever gone to a Neo Nazi parade/demonstration/slugfest in Germany? – they would make short work of him before he has time to say ‘Ich bin Norm…..’

  10. John Schembri says:

    How about organising a visit to the blood bank in the afternoon?

  11. Meerkat :) says:

    Hi All and amrio :)

    Me is back!

    Hitler was hardly the epitome of Aryanism…maybe that’s why Norman identifies himself with the Fuhrer so much. Pity there was no extreme makeover in those days…they could have gone on the programme together

  12. Mario Debono says:

    WHY PEOPLE BOTHER TO READ WHAT THIS UNBELIEVEABLE NUTTER SAYS IS BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION. THAT THEY BELIEVE WHAT HE SAYS IS EVEN MORE REPREHENSIBLE. The blood bank screens blood assidiously according to international norms. We need blood. Blood is blood, be it african, maltese, Aryan Norman’s, Hitlers or whoever. If i were te Government, I would incentivise blood giving by the illegal immigrants if well screened. We ned it. There are people who are desperatly waiting fo an operation out there. Lack of blood is one of the causes of operations waiting lists. Norman and Co…..go take a running jump to Valhalla!

  13. Antoine Vella says:

    Apart from the disgusting racist attitudes of those who contributed to that Forum topic, they were also technically wrong (or should I say “errant”?).

    The blood of Africans, European, Asians, etc is perfectly compatible and the same blood groupings are found in all human beings. Organ transplants where the donor and receiver belong to different ethnic communities are also frequent throughout the world.

  14. chris I says:

    @Antoine Vella
    However, there are some interesting things going on under the cover. for example it is becoming increasingly apparent that certain drugs work extremely well with one ethnic group and not with another.

    This has led, for example, to some drugs being banned in the States and being available in Japan.
    I’m no scientist but apparently it has something to do with the DNA structure.

    And before anyone decides to quote me, all I’m saying is that we mat be different in parts, but not less equal.

    (Ironically a misquoted similar statement got the man who discovered the DNA structure, James Watson, into a heap load of trouble and lost him his job! Imagine being fired at age 79!)

  15. Watson says:

    @ chris I

    What you are describing is in fact called pharmocgenomics and in simple words it means the fine tuning drugs to the genome (i.e. the DNA) of the person. It has very little to do with ethnicity but more with the DNA make up of the person.

    In fact there is a whole movement amongst Health researchers to use phenotypical groups (i.e. groups showing certain traits derived from the mixture of genes) rather than ethnic groups (this is still widely used in health science to divide the study population – it might make some sense in some diseases that show clear cut ethnic segregation i.e. Cystic Fibrosis in North Europeans, Sickle cell disease in Africans).

  16. Kagemusha says:

    In a MTV interview Mr. Lowell once said…”I am a lion”
    I am passionate about documentaries. In very rare stance we were shown one about the end of lions when they age….if they make it that is…It’s very sad…the king of the savannas: becomes scarred, toothless, his place taken by younger pretenders who know better. He is abandoned by his female entourage. See they look for younger studs. His looks are sad…he is isolated…he will die a very slow death, not able even to feed himself ….

    I can understand Mr. Lowell’s arguments…but how can I explain to a colored four year old child … and tell him
    Honey, you are a freak, and he smiles
    Your DNA is broken, and he smiles,
    Your blood is contaminated…and he smiles.
    God your creator meant you to stay put in your country…don’t mix with us…we are civilized…and he smiles
    God meant you to be second grade humanoid…and he smiles.
    See his problem? He is still in union with God
    That four year old keep smiling because he is giving us the chance …to smile back…it does to us so much good… “Desperation humanity is your name”.
    What a lousy world we are living in …chosen races, creeds, colors.
    Generations with their hands on “hearts or books” in their name they kill, condemn, outcast…rob lands, make wars, kill their own prophets one way or the other….
    If it were not for the sake of that child smile …I personally won’t believe in God.

  17. M. Bormann says:

    I used to think Norman Lowell was funny, but having read this blood post of his, I’m starting to think he’s an absolute shit.

  18. Corinne Vella says:

    M. Bormann: Norman Lowell isn’t funny, except in the non-humourous sense.

  19. NGT says:

    When Malta becomes the center of Imperium Europa and people from all over Europe recognize Malta as a sacred spot you’ll all pay!
    Hmmm… ok, right.
    What surprises me is how this man still manages to shock people years after he expressed his grand nutty plan. The moron thrives on sensationalist crap – ignore him and he’ll fade into oblivion with the Farfett Party guy and the other Lord Sutch equivalents we’ve had over the years. The more coverage he gets the longer he’ll linger like a bad fart.

    PS: Oh well Mater Dei can’t that bad – it is a ‘white’ elephant after all :)

  20. Leonard Ellul Bonici says:

    “Great man cultivate love… only little man cherish hatred”

    Having said that, I happen to know Norman Lowell personally and when I read that article I just burst laughing, not with its contents of course although it is irrelevant what he thinks I will donate blood. Knowing Norman and his “creative thoughts” he seems to mix painting and writing, the more surreal the better it looks.

    I am finding a common thread among some fellow writers in this blog and yes such a racist statement hurts. In addition, it is quite understandable to have such views for such negative thoughts. One might begin to wonder. What was he thinking? How can anyone write such a controversial statement? Is it self-promotion? It might be the later, Norman was a Bank Manager and knows well how to promote-market himself. Whatever the case is his paintings are not low-priced.

    Some people never take risks in what they write, they just ‘’follow the stream’’ on the other hand some people, like Norman, take such bold step and they pursue their mind and take courageous step. It takes tremendous courage and belief in yourself to put such thoughts “out into the world”. You are leaving them in a sense, open and vulnerable to potential criticism.

    I do not agree with Norman Lowell regarding the above statement but I admire his guts because he believe in what he says even though he has a unique one-of-a-kind voice.

  21. Zizzu says:

    @ Watson

    Chris I is right. I read an article in New Scientist a few weeks back about certain drugs’ performance depending on the recipient’s race. (It is well known that certain physiological processes happen at different rates or to different extents in different races e.g. Far Eastern Asians are much more susceptible to motion sickness than any other group.)

    As you know, the DNA only codes for proteins, and targeting specific genes – although still in the realms of science fiction – won’t help much unless the disease is a direct result of incorrect gene expression. Pharmacogenomics try to correlate a person’s genetic makeup with a drug’s efficacy (or otherwise).

    The first experiments that run along the lines you suggest have been carried out in May (2008) in Hvidovre University Hospital, Copenhagen. The drugs tested are meant to target snippets of RNA and somehow stop the HepC virus from replicating.

    @ people who think that Norman Lowell is not a sandwich short of a picnic
    Races are adaptations of a particular species to a particular set of environmental conditions e.g. “eskimos” have skin with a higher fat content – to protect them against the cold, “black” people have higher melanin concentration in their skin to protect them from damage higher UV indices etc etc … speaking of a race being superior to another shows ignorance – of the highest order – of biological principles.

  22. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    People, it’s true that mentioning vivamalta and the other filthy little racist sites gives them publicity, but we have to remind ourselves that vermin like this exist, every so often. They’re certainly NOT funny, even (especially) when they try to use legal due process to stick up for themselves. The efforts of a few misguided liberals notwithstanding, people like this deserve only exposure in front of the law, not its protection, because they come to the table with dirty hands.

  23. Maria Borg says:

    Please lock him up in a psychiatric ward! This guy is a total nuisance (right of quiet enjoyment is being disrupted to such a degree that a tort is being committed)for our society, all he does is instill hatred and racism. We surely have other major important issues to deal with than listen to this ….. He is an embarrassment for your country. His words are morally wrong! very wrong!!

  24. tony pace says:

    now this guy’s definitely got NPD.
    but whatever he’s got, he’s definitely VERY VERY sick.

  25. Peter Muscat says:

    Rather then all this bla bla ,I think that finally the time has come for us to do something practical and charitable. I fully support John Schembri’s suggestion that we all go to the blood bank and give blood.

    Now let’s take this seriously and Daph may organise it. I hope that we’re not “qatta paroli u bla sinsla” here and that we’ll really go or else we’ll only be a bunch of scared kids just chattering and teasing without cookies.

    I be willing to be first on the list if this takes place , even if my employees and myself donated much need blood last Friday at Gozo’s General Hospital.

  26. Charles Cauchi says:

    One can find more articles of value from the worst landfill than from Norman Lowell’s website.

    His philosphy(!) is not even good enough to be mixed with raw sewage.

  27. Corinne Vella says:

    Peter Muscat: Why not just go ahead and do it instead of waiting to be organised? Maybe because it’s all so much bluff on your part. If you really donated blood last Friday, surrounded by loyal acolytes, then you’d know it’s too soon to do so again.

  28. John Schembri says:

    Wednesday at 15.45 I will go to donate blood .

  29. Whodareswings says:

    Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi is called “The Father of the EU.” Scroll down at this Wikipedia entry for him and read his opinions on race and religion. He dedicated his life and the fortunes of his benefactors to his vision. Now look around you. Is the new “aristocracy” not in it’s place and the genetic material for a new race of global plantation slaves there too? It is the mandate of the new lords to mix our blood until we look all like Egyptians while they continue to keep theirs clean. On your knees, please!

  30. Peter Muscat says:

    @ Cora … you might be prettier then your sis but certainly you are less intelligent and less interesting.

    If the need arises I will certainly donate blood once more. Anyhow, my suggestion,which you called a bluff, was real, most honest and there was never any ulterior motives behind it.

    Your response gives you no credit and its shameful.

  31. Corinne Vella says:

    I see the tiresome bore masquerading as Peter Muscat has crawled out from under his stone again. “If the need arises”…we’ve already established that that need exists, haven’t we? That should keep you busy for a while…

  32. Peter Muscat says:

    @ Cora … lol now another compliment! I chose not to re act and reverse your compliment.

    I hope you have a good sense of humour because one day I would narrate to you a “Wella” story. Next day I would narrate you another one called “Ma Mo” story.So please prepare yourself in forming some much more attractive compliments.

  33. Corinne Vella says:

    Peter Muscat: Too late. You’ve already reacted. You should really increase you dose of medication. You’re more than a little unhinged.

  34. Peter Muscat says:

    @ Cora … You seems to be very familiar with ‘medication’.
    Maybe one day you will find real reasoning and enlightenment. I’ll pray for you.

    Do not ever give up. There is a place for everyone and that includes poor you.

  35. Corinne Vella says:

    “Peter Muscat”: There really is a place for everyone. Good manners prevent me telling you where yours is.

  36. Peter Muscat says:

    Cora … Didn’t realise you have any good manners.You gave many compliments and I refrained from reversing any.

    However, one thing I am proud of is that I bear no one any malice and I respect all, even those who have different opinions from mine and those who have no respect for anyone.

  37. Peter Muscat says:

    It is very silly in turning this topic to Corinne Vella vs Peter Muscat one. It was never intentional. Apologies to all.

    On the other hand I know such ‘silly behaviour’ would keep a forum much alive.It is a pity my time here is very limited and cannot respond in time.

  38. Corinne Vella says:

    Clearly, your time’s not limited enough, is it? Why, if you don’t have time to respond, do you bother doing so at all? Why not just start up your own blog … elsewhere.

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