Chips b'xejn minghand Tyson Butcher

Published: January 20, 2011 at 8:07pm

Now I’ve seen it all: an advertisement on Super One for Tyson Butcher in Zejtun, with that little twerp Alfred Zammit ta’ Kalamita doing the voiceover.



Followed by a lsit of prices and then


Mela ghandhom hamsin euro, dawk li m’ghandhomx flus ghal halib?

I’m telling you, I zapped back to the Kardashians really quickly, but not before I saw the next advertisement, for CRUISES SPETTAKOLARI.

I thought it was rather inappropriate on a televison station which broadcasts to an audience of people who can’t afford another four cents for a carton of milk.

I need the social lowdrown on cruises. Are they the new shopping trip to Catania ghall-Fiera dei Morti?

My, my, how times change.

32 Comments Comment

  1. K Farrugia says:

    We’ll soon see a new post entitled ‘Alfred Zammit writes in’ for you calling him twerp

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    Daphne, are you not afraid that the “little twerp” might write in, inundating you with insults like “tal-pepe”, “hamalla” and a “bottle of Perrier”?

    All in all, Stacy has handled her moment of stardom much better than celebrity John Bundy.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Seems like Tyson can help One’s audience make both ends meat.

  4. willywonka says:

    Ah yes! I almost forgot about that. I couldn’t understand Bundy’s comment that Daphne looks like a bottle of Perrier. Isn’t a Perrier bottle short and stubby? I always thought of Daph as rather tall, by our standards at least, and somewhat lanky – if you ask me.

    If anyone looks like a Perrier bottle, or better still an umpalumpa (and I ought to know, right!?), it’s none other than the name caller hisself, methinks.

  5. K Farrugia says:

    Robert Musumeci’s guest on Smash tonight: Marlene Mizzi. They’re talking about divorce (of course).

  6. Joseph Micallef says:

    This advert is a case study of many facets of Maltese society, but one in particular.

    If the language used is tailor-made for the Super One audience, then I would like to know how Super One goes about explaining the serious international economic context.

  7. TB says:

    Daphne, you seem to have touched a nerve…he’s even mentioning you, on his breakfast show for ‘hawswajfs lejburisti’ ;

  8. Tonio says:

    Lsit? Lowdrown? Hmm… looks like you’re reading too much Maltastar…

  9. Bob says:

    Where was this maltastar article copied and pasted from? Note the ‘Advertisement: Story continues below’ in the text.

  10. Riya says:

    And I assume that this Tyson Butcher is making good revenue to afford all these adverts promoted by media experts like Alfred ta’ Kalamita..

  11. L. Micallef says:

    although the working class is considered to be the UNDERCLASS… and you all want it to be in misery…however that’s why we all believed in the famous slogan FLIMKIEN KOLLOX POSSIBLI..! with the increase in wages we have been entitled to, we are now possible to buy extra commodities which we did not afford before!
    And btw, Tonio, not only Maltastar do such mistakes. you should start reading The Times online more often as I usually spot spelling mistakes there as well (and one has to take into consideration the reputation The Time has…)

    [Daphne – The underclass is not the working-class. The working-class, by definition, works. The underclass lives off social benefits, generally as a lifestyle choice and not because there is no choice.]

    • L. Micallef says:

      According to the oxford dictionary of sociology underclass is a group which in some sense are outside the mainstream of society.

      [Daphne – That’s right. In Malta, the underclass are those who live on social benefits (same situation as in Britain) and now, African immigrants.]

  12. cat says:

    Ir-riklami tal-programm Kalamita huma verament expensive. Dan fatt maghruf.

    Jghidu li huma effettivi ukoll ghax jidher li l-Laburisti huma lejali hafna lejn Zammit u l-istazzjon allura jmorru jixtru ghand min jirriklama ma’ Zammit.

    Naturalment min qieghed jinvesti fir-riklamar irid igibhom minn x’imkien il-flus li johrog, u min qed ihallas ghall-istess riklam? Il-Laburisti. U min jirriklama ser jaghti xi haga b’xejn?

    Jiena mort f’hanut li dejjem jirriklama fuq Super One u l-owner dejjem tpacpac u taghti l-pariri ma’ Alfred Zammit. Fil-hanut hlief rubbish li timportha hi stess ma kienx hemm u kollox gholi nfern.

    L-istess rubbish li fl-Italja jinbiegh b’xejn.

  13. cat says:

    Lil TYSON ghamiltlu riklam b’xejn fuq dan il-blog.

    Madoffi chips b’xejn ma’ 50 euros. Mela il-Maltin ghandhom 50 euros x’jonqfu ghand il-butcher ghidlu lil Tyson (skond Muscat)?

    Hafna paroli dan il-Labour Party u mbaghad Zammit stess jorganizza il-pellegrinaggi ghall-barra minn Malta.

  14. cat says:

    Zammit u Bundy fuq Super One. Zewg stars Maltin. Issa tghid min hu l-favorit tal-Laburisti?

  15. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Kalamita : Alfred Zammit meets Desperate Housewives.

  16. J Callejja says:

    I must say, you are the perfect distraction during exam time!

  17. Brendan says:

    skuzani ta .. imma int bis serjeta ?? .. xandu xjaqsam dawk li mandomx flus ghal halib … il commin sense jajdlek li dan ir riklam mux intenzjonat ghalihom ! … barra min hekk hafna familji illum il gurnata jamlu ix xirja darba fix xhar jew xi haga ekk .. allura biex tixtri ghal xhar shih tonfoqom hamsin ewro ghax il prodotti mhumiex bxejn ! .. allura tejd tant affarijit .. haga bhal din ma tigikx fmohhok ?

    [Daphne – Jien ma nistax nifhem ghaliex dawk li jigu hawnhekk biex jiddefendu l-Partit tal-Labour jinsistu li jiktbu bil-Malti meta l-Malti taghhom huwa daqstant hazin. Din x’inhi li kulhadd jikteb ‘tejd’, ‘jejd’, ‘jajdlek’ etc? Misteru kbir. Ftit rimarki b’risposta ghal dak li ghidt inti: 1. biex tixtri laham ghal xahar ghall-familja irid ikollok freezer kbir, imma b’hamsin euro lanqas ghal gimgha ma tixti laham, ahseb u ara ghal xahar; 2. jekk ir-riklam ma kienx ghall-udjenza ta’ Super One, ghal min kienet – ghan-nies bhali, li kumbinazzjoni nzertawh u forsi jithajru jahlu salt petrol jew diesel biex isuqu mil-Mosta sa z-Zejtun biex jiehdu pakkett chips b’xejn?]

    • Brendan says:

      l-ewwel nett tmurx al konkluzjoni bladdocc ghax jien ma gejtx niddefendi il partit laburista kif ghedt int … anzi jin nazzjonalist ima fej inhoss li haga ma togobnix , iva nesprimi ruhi … dak li ghedt fuq kif jiktbu, dak huwa tip ta lingwa li saret tintuza illum waqt chatting u affarijit simili.

      [Daphne – Ghandek zball. ‘tejd’ muhiex abbreviation ta’ ‘tghid’. Huwa biss spelling hazin u l-frott ta’ l-injoranza fahxija. Meta tikteb bl-Ingliz fuq l-internet ma tiktibx ‘helo jon last nite I went owt’]

      Issa .. il punt ma huwiex il fatt li jati chips bxej ( ghaliex iva bhala ‘premju’ huwa tad dahk ) .. imma jien li dejjaqni il fatt li int qbadt u tfajt lil kulhad fkeffa wahda meta ghedt li filli mghandhomx biex jixtru kartuna halib u filli ed ihegguwom jixtru b hamsin ewro . Fil fehma tieghi din kienet sew.

    • ghalliema says:

      Nassiguark li t-tfal ta’ Malta kollha hekk jiktbu minhabba il-fenomenu tas-social network…mur staqsi lill-ghalliema tal-Malti u jghidulek ghax dizastru shih fil-komponiment.

  18. pm says:

    I would like to remind you that last year I passed a similar remark (and I believe you published it as well) about money to spend when Zammit was advertising motorboats and dinghies. And of course an outboard machine for these at a very good price of over one thousand euros.

    Just wait until March / April when these adverts to resurface.

  19. Lorna saliba says:

    No I think it’s those cruises to Catania to buy chocolates and toothpaste. Those days in the early 1980s when we’d be shopping in Catania and some Sicilan clown at the market would stretch his arms out clasping a packet of Treets, howling “signora…signora….. anche questi sono buoni….How shameful!

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