Marlene Mizzi wasn’t selected by her leader for Xarabank on Friday. But yesterday, she was with her leader’s wife in Gozo.

Published: May 18, 2014 at 9:25pm
The prime minister really knows how to treat a woman on her 40th birthday: at Ta' Karolina in Xlendi with the madding crowd.

The prime minister really knows how to treat a woman on her 40th birthday: at Ta’ Karolina in Xlendi with the madding crowd.

Michelle Muscat Marlene Mizzi Arkadia 17 May 2014_1

Michelle Muscat Marlene Mizzi Arkadia 17 May 2014_2

Michelle Muscat Marlene Mizzi Arkadia 17 May 2014_3

Quiet time - what's that? The prime minister's wife spent her single day in Gozo, to mark her 40th birthday, shopping and trying very hard to be noticed with Marlene Mizzi at Arkadia in Victoria. People duly noticed and sent in the pictures, which will please them.

Quiet time – what’s that? The prime minister’s wife spent her single day in Gozo, to mark her 40th birthday, shopping and trying very hard to be noticed with Marlene Mizzi at Arkadia in Victoria. People duly noticed and sent in the pictures, which will please them.

The prime minister’s wife turned 40 on Friday and spent yesterday in Gozo to mark the occasion. There was no attempt at seeking privacy or having some quiet time away from it all. She spent the morning not with the prime minister but with Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi, shopping at Arkadia and trying hard to be noticed.

I immediately got a spate of emails and today somebody sent photographs. One reader who emailed said: “They were doing their best to be noticed but it’s surprising that most other shoppers studiously ignored them.”

I got another spate of emails telling me that Mrs Muscat’s ‘special birthday date with the prime minister’, which she spoke about on Ilsien in-Nisa on the Labour Party television station, was at the very special and ever-so-discreet Ta’ Karolina in Xlendi, a typically casual tourist-type restaurant and a hot spot for Labour’s new tal-qalba set, who repeatedly post pictures of their lunches there on Facebook.

Well, the prime minister certainly knows how to whisk a woman off her feet, I must say. He really planned something extra-special there: eating at a tourist restaurant watched by a crowd of Maltese weekenders and the inevitable bodyguards.

Never mind. At least Mrs Muscat had a lovely time with Mrs Mizzi in the morning.

37 Comments Comment

  1. C. Calleja says:

    She reminds me of Emily Howard from Little Britain.

  2. Gahan says:

    L-ewel stampa, ix-xagħar nieżel bħall-maġġoranza!

    Ġurnata Għawdex mar il-partit Laburista kollu il-bieraħ, fejn Joseph għamel l-aħħar meeting tiegħu ta’ qabel l-elezzjoni.

    U din tiġri warajh.

  3. George Grech says:

    Zgur marret incognito.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    That’s a body double, you fools. The real Mrs Muscat spent the day ladle in hand at a soup kitchen for the poor, incognito.

  5. ciccio says:

    So there must be another iced bun ready for Marlene Mizzi, then?

  6. Gahan says:

    Buttardi owner, caught shopping incognito from an Arkadia costume jewellery outlet, by several paparazzi .

  7. Jozef says:

    “Iva, imma r-ragel busy hafna bhalissa hux.”

  8. Quebramar says:

    Hajjithom saret qisha fashion show kbir a la Dolce Gabbana. Kollox idur ma’ l-apparenza, l-easy life, salarji li qed ihallas ghalihom il-poplu, imma l-investiment niezel u mieghu nezlin ukoll l-opportunitajiet ta’ xoghol, kwalita ta’ hajja tajba u riskji ta’ dizastri finanzjarji.

    Ejja Silvio, organizza xi pelleggrinagg ghal-Lordez, ghax miraklu irid ikun biex jissalva dal-pajjiz bikri u mejjet bil-guh.

  9. GH says:

    Min gibed dawn ir-ritratti arrestawh bhal Norman Vella?

  10. rowena smith says:

    anzi ma haditx it-tfal “alonk”

  11. Tabatha White says:

    Is that a consolation prize, in advance?

  12. Antoine Vella says:

    Was she buying anything or just selling Buttardi jewellery?

  13. ciccio says:

    “Incompetent’ PM allowed EC to reduceincentives for industry – Busuttil” – The Malta Independent

    I am starting to think that the “incompetent PM” has also mixed up a “Share Purchase Agreement” with a “Power Purchase Agreeement” about the gas power station, and this would be why he told Simon Busuttil on Reporter that the “electric deal” had been signed.

    I think that the Opposition should step up the pressure on the prime minister to publish specific details about the power purchase agreement and the agreement itself.

  14. Joe Fenech says:

    Malta’s jet-setters…

  15. TinaB says:

    There may be an iced bun waiting for Marlene Mizzi if she fails to get elected this time.

  16. Nokkla says:

    Possibbli l-Prim Ministru ma sab imkien iktar privat u romantiku?

    • P Shaw says:

      Eating for free is more important than selecting a romantic place. Being prime minister has its own perks, and as his wife says, they need to make the best out of it.

  17. eve says:

    X’inhi r raguni li s-sinjura Michelle toqghod titkellem man- nies dejjem bin- nuccali tax xemx anke fuq gewwa? Milli jidher ma thossiex komda u kunfidenti biex tiffaccja lin- nies.

  18. bookworm says:

    Imqar ikla l-palazz tal-Girgenti Nokkla.

  19. The Phoenix says:

    Galantom ukoll, il-prim.

  20. Crockett says:

    An Unbearable Dullness of Being…

    • Tabatha White says:

      The type that doesn’t change with more renminbi in the account.

      Look at the Gattopardi set for more proof of that. No matter the number of generations, the streak remains.


  21. Katrina says:

    Yes, I saw them in Arkadia. Nobody took any notice of them as they tried hard to get some smiles back from the other people around.

  22. soss says:

    hanina anke mal-kandidati tieghu jiddeskrimina

  23. tinnat says:

    A 40-year-old with the mannerisms of a 65-year-old.

    • Nokkla says:

      Wrong, I happen to know quite a few 65 year olds who certainly don’t behave in that way. It’s just her. And as for il-Girgenti, Bookworm, that would have been nice – the prime minister needs some tips.

      • tinnat says:

        Nokkla, you’re right. It’s a 40-year-old with the mannerisms of an overbearing condescending woman.

  24. marianne says:

    I can see a lady in the picture who did not ignore completely our VIPs.

    Probably in Gozo the privacy of the public figures is being respected since they were ignored by other shoppers. Or maybe they decided to ignore them purposely.

    One last comment, I don’t think it’s fair if someone from the public who happened to be in a shop in that moment, the next day appears on a blog.

  25. Drood says:

    Marlene Mizzi is really fawning on Michelle Muscat.

  26. Ivan says:

    Obviously they were there thanks to their initials as the M&M girls.

  27. mar says:

    Why is Michelle wearing sunglasses indoors?? Did she think that she’s some Hollywood actress who was trying to go unnoticed, or did she do it purposely to get noticed? Hasn’t she learned a thing about good manners? The woman just doesn’t get it does she.

  28. Ness says:

    I used to see Mrs Gonzi shopping in Sliema quite a few times when her husband was still prime minister.

    She was generally alone and going about her business like a normal person rather than trying to catch everyone’s attention.

    I must admit I haven’t seen her in a while but that’s probably because I hardly ever shop in Sliema anymore, as it’s so much more convenient online.

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