Taghna Lkoll parking update

Published: July 29, 2014 at 3:32pm

Pamela Seychell

Pamela Seychell, personal assistant to Michelle Muscat at the Office of the Prime Minister

19 Comments Comment

  1. Rosie says:

    Because we can!

  2. Osservatore says:

    “personal assistant to Michelle Muscat at the Office of the Prime Minister”

    Please remind us again exactly what Michelle Muscat’s job description within OPM is. I find it hard to remember, let alone why she should have her own PA.

    • Edward says:

      From what I hear she has a PA to take down the names and details of people who go to her and ask for favours when she throws one of her high society parties.

      • Comment says:

        Please note Pamela is not her PA, Maria Grech is and please don’t forget she has also Ritienne Cassar and Pauline Abela as a baby sister.

  3. martin said says:

    My God how I hate those stupid number plates….some people are so full of themselves!

  4. Grace says:


  5. Nokkla says:

    More arrogance from Taghna Lkollers. Why am I not surprised.

  6. ken il malti says:

    Personalized rug munching plates ?

  7. M says:

    Flouting rules and regulations in public makes you wonder what else the same people are capable of doing in private.

  8. Fido says:

    Kif għid il-Malti, “Ġaħan, li qatt ma kien libes qalziet, ħara fih l-ewwel darba li libsu”.

  9. Galian says:

    Are the wardens furnished with a list of all the Taghna Lkollers’ number plates so as not to inadvertantly give them tickets?

  10. Chris M says:

    Seriously ? Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand the arrogance of people in the Taghna Biss government and I’m glad I took no part in putting them in power, but don’t we all park badly whenever we can’t find parking?

    I understand making it a point to highlight it when it is a cabinet minister etc. parking badly but not this.

    • Galian says:

      Speak for yourself Chris M. There were instances when I parked up to 300m away from home when I could have easily parked like Ms. Seychell.

      • Chris M says:

        Depends if it’s a quick stop or long stay. If I was going say, to a restaurant then yes I’d park properly. But if its a 5-10 minute stop, like going into the shop quickly then there is no way I’d park 300m away.

      • Galian says:

        And that, Dear Chris M, is the inherent problem.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      I beg to differ. I, and many others I know, would never park on double yellow lines. In more decades of driving than I care to remember I have never received a ticket for parking on double yellow lines or a no parking zone.

  11. Comment says:

    Mrs Muscat has no role, she works for free for her husband

  12. Comment says:

    Kif xi qatt tridu jitghallem il-poplu Malti jekk il-huta min rasha tinten.

    Suppost il-gvern, ministri u nies ta’ madwarhom ghandhom ikun ta’ ezempju tajjeb ghal poplu Maltin, imma dan ma tantx qieghed isir.

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