The official welcoming party – and the family

Published: July 29, 2014 at 12:06pm

Ironically, it’s Malta Today that has run a stream of photos which (unwittingly) put last night’s charade into context.

Incidentally, just take a good look at the Police Minister. He’s like a comic figure: the short, fat baddie plotting his next move.

apron 1

apron 2

apron 3

apron 4

apron 5

28 Comments Comment

  1. issa naraw says:

    Take out your popcorn for the Xarabank Slowmos.

  2. francesca says:

    They’ve taken their uneducated standards to another level. The Labour government has no heart, no soul, no morals, no education and definitely no principles.

  3. PWG says:

    All too much to stomach.

  4. Nokkla says:

    U le, il-membri tal-familja jmisshom kienu l-ewwel nies li ra Martin Galea malli nizel mill-ajruplan. Dawn in-nies kollhom pompi, l-aqwa li jidhru. Joseph ihobbna u jiehu hsiebna.

    • Salvu says:

      Mhux hekk biss. Messhom baghtulhom karozza d-dar biex tigborhom u li tohodhom dritt fuq l-apron ghal hdejn l-ajruplan.

  5. Grace says:

    Ara f’hiex gabna Muscat … pajjiz korrott u bih fil-poter pajjiz li riesaq lejn id-dittatorjali.

    Mallia qisu l-hanzir tal-gungla!


    • bun-seeker says:

      Mhux Muscat. Dak gabar il voti u gie elett. Il poplu Malti mhux lest biex ikollu gvern. Nahseb li dittatotjat jisthokklu il poplu injorant. Elettorat stupidu hu tgheddida ghad-demokrazija

  6. dutchie says:

    In the first picture, the Fat Controller’s upper body is facing opposite his legs. That’s his back side below the belt.
    He must be walking backwards.

    • Neil says:

      Wow, that is EXACTLY what it looks like. Could it be that he turned about-face from the waist, and due to the enormous weight involved he managed to totally dislocate top half from bottom?

      The man’s girth is truly impressive, in a disgusting way.

    • helen says:

      Exactly my thoughts! Manuel takes the biscuit.

  7. MoBi says:

    Love the pink tie. Incidentally, I was wondering if the Police Minister and the President are one and the same person. A wig, a little make up, and he’d be indistinguishable from her. See below:


  8. ciccio says:

    Another publicity stunt gone awry.

    # More cookies, or more media relations disasters? Joseph#@Malta #

  9. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Pardon my French, but what c*nts!

  10. Jozef says:

    Kurt didn’t even have the time to plan the session. Basta bit-training Londra.

    Too busy ensuring spotlights wouldn’t send Muscat into another week of curtain drawn ‘darkness’.

  11. chico says:

    Has that jacket middle button undergone a stress test?

  12. FGF says:

    In the photos shown with his family, Martin Galea is wearing different clothes to the ones he was wearing descending the aircraft. Rather puzzling.

    [Daphne – That’s not Martin Galea with his family. That’s a member of Martin Galea’s family – probably his brother – with his family.]

  13. Frans Cassar says:

    Shame on you PM, this is unbelievable.

  14. watchful eye says:

    This government owes a big apology to the Galea family for the inhuman way they were treated yesterday on his release.

    Mr Martin Galea belongs to his family and not to the government.

    • Floater says:

      They do not seem to care, on the contrary, they are in full praise for the government and all those Maltese who worked for his release.

      On a lighter note, Mr. Galea is an ex-military man. Most of the time these don’t like to show their softer side in public. For sure, the thought of him being cuddled, hugged and kissed on the 8’o clock news was his worst nightmare on that 45 minutes voyage.

      But Dr. Muscat and entourage came to the rescue. In any case Mr. Galea seems delighted and relieved.

      There is too much negativity here, much more than anyone can care. His release was a good thing…just rejoice.

      • La Redoute says:

        “Just rejoice” What is this? A prayer group?

        You’re not floating. You’re sinking, and don’t even know it.

  15. Gordon says:

    From the first photo it would seem like the government delegation was given a whole lot more than 15 minutes notice of arrival.

  16. Gaetano Pace says:

    Min stenna xi haga ahjar minn min hajtu mfassla fuq stil gharbi ? Id-daqna bhal tal gharab, u issa ? Issa il mara fil kcina waqt li l-irgiel mal mistednin jiffangaw u jiddixxaw fuq xi bicca haruf u xeba ikel. Ir-ragel fuq quddiem mal hbieb jaghmel li jrid u l-mara bis sikaktura u msakkra fejn ma tidhirx.U biex inkunu zgur li mexjin ma dawn it-tradizzjonijiet impjegajna milem f kastilja biex jara li kollox sew u hekk qeghedin sew. X`tistenna allura minn min ghandu din il kultura ? Stennejtu li lill mara ta Martin ser jistmawha xi naqra ahjar ? Ma tarax. Il mara ta Martin civilizzata, edukata u ta l-affari taghha. Lanqas biss fethet halqha ghax taf kif imorru l-affarijiet ma injoranti, arroganti psataz din il kwalita u branded Joe Muscat & Co. Ghal dil Maltija, mwegga, anzjuza ma kienx hemm BMW twassalha fuq it-tarmac. Ghal dan iben Malta li mar jaqla il bicca hobz lil hinn minn xtutna, u mhux gej minn fuq l-Etna wara shopping ghad l-awxan, ma hemmx BMW tghatih lift ta kortesija, imhabba u rispett sad-dar. Lill Joseph naghtuh dak li haqqu, PROSIT Guz ghal falliment, l-injoranza u l-arroganza. Ma jisthoqqlokx ahjar.

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