Making hay with Bill Francia’s legacy

Published: August 6, 2014 at 1:01pm
Picture taken at the Ball of the August Half-Moon

Picture taken at the Ball of the August Half-Moon

The prime minister and Mrs Muscat threw a party last night for a bunch of very casually dressed Taghna Lkollers, at Villa Francia in Hal Lija. The place was all lit up – lights throughout the garden, lights round every bush, lights at every level – every door and window was thrown open, soldiers on duty, and catering people popping in and out (hopefully, not one and the same).

Last night was fireworks night in Hal Lija, and Joseph Muscat’s father is from that village. He used to help make the fireworks every year before he became rich selling explosives and other chemicals to those who make them.

Now his son is the prime minister, and he who was raised by a Mintoffian mother in the shadow of Villa Francia, at a time when the Francias lived there with their many servants, is getting the same kick out of the fact that his son is cock of the roost there temporarily as Dom Mintoff got by making the Auberge de Castille the prime minister’s office in 1972 because his father was a cook there when it was the seat of the British military command.

39 Comments Comment

  1. Peter Vella says:

    Wasn’t Villa Francia meant to be used for official functions only?

  2. Jozef says:

    You nailed it.

    Wanna bet she wasn’t so keen on his showing off, dik sfiera, dak tat-tlieta, ara x’bukketti….

  3. Did you type that last paragraph all in one breath?

    [Daphne – No. I don’t type with my mouth.]

  4. Claire Buhagiar says:

    It’s a democracy. I suppose that they earned it.

    • Josette says:


    • tinnat says:

      I hope you are being sarcastic. Did they earn the right to waste tax payers’ money on Party activities? Did they earn the right to behave arrogantly?

    • silvio says:

      Yes they worked hard to be where they are, they deserve it and now they are rightly enjoying what they deserve.

      If I remember correctly wasn’t there a P.N. minister who used Verdala Palace for his son’s or daughter’s wedding. I don’t recall Mrs Daphne protesting then.

      [Daphne – It was actually the president, Guido Demarco, and the wedding was his son Mario’s.]

    • F.X. says:

      Was this paid from public funds? If so by “earned it” do you mean they earned the right to use public funds?

      Was this paid from their own pockets? If so, how many people do you know in this democracy that can hold these parties in these venues?

      This schoolboy is so nostalgic the Socialist welfare state in coming that I wouldn’t be surprised they will soon be hiring beggars at the door to make it more picturesque.

    • bob-a-job says:

      ‘Earned it’?

      I thought that the whole point of being in government was ‘to serve’ people and not to plunder public property but my time machine may have taken me back to the middle ages.

      One other point to note.

      If Mrs Muscat expects to be referred to as the ‘First Lady’ she had better be told that it appears that the first person to use the ‘title’ was President Zachary Taylor who in 1849 called Dolley Madison “first lady” at her state funeral.

      It therefore stands to reason why President’s wives are understood to resent the title. They obviously know better.

    • watchful eye says:

      Illuminate me further please. Earned what exactly?

    • jose' says:

      As far as I know democracy isn’t a carte blanche.

    • Grace says:

      Earn what! Do please illuminate us.

    • Tabatha White says:

      You’ve got to be kidding.

      I thought that this was a one off comment or perhaps that humour was meant to have been playing a part, but I read back and checked.

      Your comments make me despair at the level of active reflection underway on any good day in this country.

      There were special conditions governing the transfer of that specific property to government. These are not being respected.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    Ghax Issa rahas Id-dawl, allura Issa nziedu il-bozzoz.

    • Makjavel says:

      Insomma , ghax rahas id-dawl ma kellux bzonn jistenna il-qammar kwinta biex ikollu dawl bizzejjed biex jara jisfen.
      Ma jmurx jisfen ma xi hadd iehor bi zball.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Dawl gej mill-enerġija pożittiva ovvjament.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Was Edward de Bono invited?

  7. Mario says:

    All thanks to a certain Dr Lawrence Gonzi who handed over Malta to Dr. Muscat on a silver plate with a majority Dr Muscat could only have dreamed of and a financially and morally bankrupt PN party as opposition. Well done Dr Gonzi….pity you resigned you ruined Malta but maybe you could have saved Libya once again.

  8. ciccio says:

    Is there a high UV in the firework displays?

    Li ma jmurx jerggha jghidilina li kellu l-blades slashing into his eyes u jaghmel xi ftit granet ohra ma jersaqx ghax-xoghol waqt il-krizi fil-Libya.

  9. helen says:

    Tajba Salv, kemm hu ahjar eh Villa Francia biex tara n-nar milli xi cint f’nofs ghalqa. Kif jibdlek iz zmien!

  10. pale blue my foot! says:

    I’m sure all of the nation`s intelligentsia were invited.

  11. S. says:

    Ajma xi qziez!

  12. S. says:

    Lukin’ gud hi :D

  13. bob-a-job says:

    Make hay not love.

  14. chico says:

    Bill’s to blame I’m afraid. Should have known better than to leave the place to the servants. I wonder who advised him.

  15. S. says:

    Najs Smajl. Prosit Jo and Mich ju ar di best hij :) Qiskom tal ferri tejls. Imma ju wud beter wejk app end hev e lukk et di rijaliti erawnd u end da komjuniti erawnd u end molta dett ju r sappowzd 2 serv!

  16. Grace says:

    Is-sinjura Muscat kienet qalet li ha tiehu dak li tista f’dawn il-5 snin li zewgha ser ikun Prim Ministru.

    U b’allec hekk qed taghmel u tigi taqa u tqum minn kollox u minn kullhadd. Ghandha xi berbaq!

    • Comment says:

      Nabel mieghek Grace mhux int biss smajta tghid dan il-kliem qalitu fil-berah li meta jkunu hemm ser taghmel li trid hi w ma jimpurta min xejn. Sakemm mhux min buta dik tberbaq kemm tiflah.

  17. Lija says:

    The lighting was provided by Nexos. I live close to Villa Francia and there was a van on Monday setting up the lights. Catering by Dolceria Primavera. So far, Michelle Muscat has used this venue for a concert, fashion event and receptions.

  18. Nathalie says:

    And I was hoping the Lija fireworks will get less loud.

  19. maria says:

    Malta taghna lkoll ghal tal-qalba biss – poor Malta.

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