Taghna Lkoll bus update

Published: September 1, 2014 at 8:54pm

68 Comments Comment

  1. Kif inhi din? says:


  2. Par idejn sodi says:

    Inti bomba!

  3. Kif inhi din? says:

    This is clear evidence to substantiate Mr Mizzi’s claim that the service is cheaper to run than under Arriva’s management.

  4. Cikku says:

    Kif Alla jridna qegħdin! Anzi ma smajniex b’xi accident! Jgħodduha b’waħda l-passiġġieri li kienu fuq dik ix-xarabank.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    As they say.

    It’s usually the nut holding the wheel that causes accidents.

    Here we have a fine example.

  6. Last Post says:

    Tad-dahk, kieku mhux tal-biki!

    Ara kemm kienu jdumu juruh fuq Super 1 dan il-filmat biex joskuraw u jirredikolaw is-servizz tal-Arriva li ntroduca Gvern Nazzjonalista. U ma kontx ittihom tort.

    Imma llum hafna nies accettaw (almenu fid-deher) ir-racanc ta’ servizz tat-trasport publiku pprovdut mill-gvern Lejburista.

    • Mark Mallia says:

      Nahseb ilek ma titla fuq tal-linja. Is-servizz ahjar milli kien – fuq dik m’hemmx dubju!

      • carlos says:

        Tista tghidilna fejn huwa ahjar? Forsi fil-buses li l-Gvern qieghed jikri bla Air condition. U hallina Mark. Dan l-episodju ta’ karozza tinqalghala l-istering huma esempju car tal-kwalita ta’ servizz li qeghdin niehdu.

  7. Dave says:

    A bit like Muscat’s government – “hands firmly on the rudder” …pity the rudder is coming off.


  8. Gahan says:

    Yes, that’s what we call a bus service under Labour!

    I couldn’t believe my eyes – I checked and re-checked four times over.


  9. Edward says:

    Wow, how much better it is than Arriva. Thank God we got rid of those evil foreign people who ruined our fantastic bus service and gave us the worst service ever.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    Back to the days when drivers were simultaneously drivers, owners, managers, freelance coach drivers, cleaners, and mechanics! Viva l-Lejber !!!

  11. Tragicomic says:

    A bus service literally in shambles. Joe Mizzi must be proud.

  12. Dissident says:

    This would have been headlines 2 years ago

    • curious says:

      If only you heard the conversation that I heard. Two Labour women discussing the bus service. “Eh, iridu joghlew in-nollijiet biex ikollna servizz tajjeb. Bilfors, mhux hekk.”

      They hanged the PN administration for much less but now they are even happy with an increase in fares. Tal-blieh.

  13. manum says:


  14. Salvu says:

    Perfect analogy with what is happening in Malta.

    Malta (the bus) being driven by a prime minister with a government (steering wheel) which is getting detached from reality.

    The consequences are either a horrible crash or a complete standstill.

    • Cikku says:

      Gasdown gol-hajt.

    • M says:

      I love your analogy because in the clip one can see the driver obtusely pleased with his stupidity, debasing himself, the service and those responsible for it.

      Of course if recruitment is being left in the hands of the sub-contractors they must be congratulated. No amount of positive advertising restores what acts like this one takes away. The goat noises incident can be blamed on the driver but this is much worse, this points to a much deeper problem in the servicing and maintenance of the vehicles themselves.

      Remember when a less then par airconditioner unit would be news of national importance? Are people ready to direct their blood flow away from their nether regions to their brains now please?

  15. Trisha says:

    You can’t be serious! Please tell us it’s an early April Fool’s joke.

  16. Paddling Duck says:

    Where are the €80,000 a week in parts Joe Mizzi was boasting about?

  17. Jason King says:

    Back to the Golden Years of Third World Malta!

  18. Francis Said says:

    A song comes to mind seeing this video:

    Please don’t go, don’t go Ohohooo, please don’t go….. ARRIVA please return, RETURN… Ohohoooo….

    Goodness gracious me, if only we had a Minister and Transport Malta that had the minimum amount of intelligence, our public transport could have been well organised by now!

    You get who you elect I suppose!

  19. M says:

    What a darn coincidence, Times of Malta also found this clip on Youtube!

    Tuesday, September 2, 2014, 09:28 (one day after they saw the video on this site):

    Who needs a steering wheel anyway?


    But lo and behold they did not see it fit to push a microphone underneath the chin of the minister responsible or the big-wigs at Transport Malta. It is a real pity that newspapers are not made of softer paper and four ply, then we might find a use for them. Shame.

  20. Chris Borg says:

    Pull over, twat!

  21. xejn b' xejn says:

    Ma nafx jekk ghandix ninfaqa nidhaq jew nidispra bil- misthija. Where is the Transport Malta quality analyses team now and where are the ONE “reporters” and their ridiculous headlines demonizing Arriva?

    [Daphne – Transport Malta quality analysis team? One of the directors of Transport Malta is busy breaching quality standards – and the law – himself by operating an illegal hotel. So how do you expect the Transport Malta board to have the moral authority to clamp down on people like this?]

    • xejn b' xejn says:

      Shame on me for even considering it. I do recall when Arrival was being launched that a number of stages had individuals monitoring the timings, state of buses etc. Good old days gone by.

  22. ciccio says:

    Quick. Someone remove that video.

    • Robert Pace Bonello says:

      Why remove it? Let it serve as a reminder of how ‘bad’ Arriva was. The minister must be proud of his achievements in this sector.

      May I suggest to Customer service at Transport Malta to place a notice on all buses requesting riders to make sure there is steering wheel in the cabin before boarding.

  23. Volley says:

    Thanks to you, Daphne, this video is going viral on the internet.

    Classic! PL used to say that ‘zmien il-buzullotti spicca!’ I beg to differ.

    This country doesn’t deserve this. But yes I beg to differ here once again- yes this country perhaps deserves all this because of the huge majority the Maltese electorate gave to PL.

  24. Maltri says:

    The lives of 40 or so people are in good hands. But a terrible steering wheel.

  25. Chris M says:

    I heard the video is just someone taking the piss and it was done on purpose.

    Unprofessional? Definitely, and it does not matter if the bus in the video was in public transport service or not or if they were pissing about or serious.

    I think the Transport Minister or someone responsible should make a statement about this.

    • Galian says:

      Oh! Is that what Joe Mizzi instructed his ‘elfs’ to say on the social networks?

    • Caroline Oxford says:

      I can assure you that it was not done on purpose! My sister, her friend and my mum were on the bus and my sister is the one that filmed it. Not only was there a real chance of a crash, they were then left stranded waiting for another bus to come, when they had a plane to catch!

      • Chris M says:

        So, they temporarily put the bus out of service till it was repaired (2 days only?) and suspended the driver.

        What a joke!

        The company who is leasing the bus and driver should be made responsible for this.

        Why have The Times not questioned which company the bus belongs to and if the company have been fined ?

  26. Clueless says:

    The bus driver is clearly manoeuvring through public roads. This is not piss-taking.

    I’ve also noted that the loud music accompaniment is back on public buses.

    Have The Times tracked Joe Mizzi down yet?

  27. milton says:

    Unbelievably Malta Today’s Rachel Agius glorified the driver for his expert handling.

  28. H.P. Baxxter says:

    #foxxAustinGatt, I hear you say?

  29. pacikk says:

    Welcome back to the 80s, kumbinazzjoni with the PL also in power.

  30. Libertas says:

    That’s one of the new buses Joe Mizzi bought – no airconditioning and make-believe steering-wheels.

  31. Trisha says:

    Another thing. Is that t-shirt the new uniform?

  32. Jason King says:

    Watching this video reminded me of the cartoon the Flintstones but at least his steering wheel did not come off!

  33. Connor Attard says:

    People always expect so much from a Nationalist government, but under a Labour administration, they quietly settle for whatever rubbish some intellectually impoverished minister manages to string together (Oh, and keep voting Labour into Government every so often).

    Could anyone explain this madness to me?

  34. Sparky says:

    Gass down gol-hajt. So very true.

  35. TROY says:

    Just a small mishap. Allura!

  36. vanni says:

    Excuse me is the driver wearing a t-shirt?

    Whatever happened to the smart shirts and ties?

  37. ken il malti says:

    It is really Austin Gatt’s fault.

  38. I get annoyed when someone writes “Only in Malta” or “Pajjiz tal-Micky Mouse” to criticise something which takes place in Malta, but in this case I have to say the same.

  39. Kif inhi din? says:

    In a follow up to the above story, The Independent has used a picture of several buses showing the old Arriva logo.

    Isn’t this illegal since Arriva is no longer involved with Malta transport.

    Besides the bus concerned was an old bus belonging to a sub-contractor.

  40. C.G says:

    X`sigurta ghandna bil bus drivers. Dan saq bus bl`istering zboxlat u baqa jsuq sakem gie f`idu. Haqqu titehidlu l licenzja mill llum qabel ghada. Kieku slogans kellhom, Viva labour !

  41. RF says:

    We can’t expect any better from the minister, Joe Mizzi. Isn’t he the one who before the elections had said that he would find oil within 3 months (or was it weeks?) of being minister? What amateurs. More fools those who were taken in by such twerps.

  42. joseph says:

    Qabza ohra fil- kwalita nahseb. B’lura.

  43. Aldo says:

    Minghajr ma ndahhlu politika, dan id-driver ghandha titiehidlu il-licenzja tas-sewqan ghal ghomru ghaliex bhala driver u bhal kull driver iehor ghandu responsabilita’ ghas-sahha u s-sigurta’ kemm tieghu innifsu, tal-passiggieri, ta’ vetturi ohra, ta’ terzi persuni fit-triq kif ukoll annimali. Kien fir-responsabilita’ li jirrifjuta milli jsuq vettura fi stat perikoluz bhal dak. L-imghallem tieghu ghandu jigi penalizzat fuq traskuragni taz-zamma tal-vetturi, talli naqas li jzomm il-vetturi fi stat tas-sewqan tajjeb, talli ippermetta xufier li jsuq dik il-vettura meta kien jaf li hija difettuza u kienet ta periklu u Danni ghal terzi, vetturi u annimali ohra. Hemm hafna affarijiet aktar fuq xiex ghandu jigi ippenalizzat imma dan mhux fil-kompitu tieghi izda ta’ l-awtoritajiet koncernati. J’Alla jittiehdu il-passi kollha necessarji sabiex issir gustizzja kif suppost.

  44. Qeghdin Sew says:

    F’***** L-ARRIVA!

    Hold on, what?!

  45. just me says:

    L-aqwa fl-Ewropa.

  46. Popeye says:

    Jekk il Ministru Joe Mizzi ghandu ftit dicenza, dan ghandu jirrizenja ghax il fjask li qieghed jghamel fit-trasport publiku ma jikomparax ma dak li ghamel Austin Gatt fejn gabna fis-seklu wiehed u ghoxrin fit-trasport publiku.

  47. Zaren says:

    L-aqwa fl-Ewropa – tlifna t-tmun tassew!

  48. Frans Cassar says:

    Ma’ tistħux tgħidu kontra Joe MIzzi meta’ kemm ilu ministru sab iż-żejt fil-kaxxa ta’ Malta u miskin qed jieħu ftit minnu u fuq it-trasport xi tridu tgorru wara li issa skopra li jista jmexxieħ bir-REMOTE CONTROL ….L-isteering wheel m ‘hemmx aktar bżonnha issa…. Prosit Joe int m “hawnx bħalek u m’n Alla….

  49. James Gatt says:

    Hello. You are not writing any posts at this time or it is me that I am not seeing them? Although never commented I always read most of what you write on this blog and elsewhere.

    Kind Regards,

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