The Malta Freeport chairman never reads this website

Published: October 25, 2014 at 12:02am

Well done, Aaron u prosit tal-programm! You get the Running Commentary gold star for this. You’re a big boy now! (But don’t tell Cyrus Engerer.)

aaron farrugia

10 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Tom Scholes-Fogg must be advising them on British humour.

  2. Bumblebee says:

    How many boarding gates does Catania Airport have ?

    • pm says:

      There are several BUT, you have to ask how many flights were departing from Catania airport at around the same time as boarding KM flight. Most probably only Air Malta’s. Meaning that he had 100% chance to get it right.

  3. chico says:

    Prosit, Aaron. Kif tajt il-kunjata “Id-destin jaghmlek li int”.

    Il-Mulej kin jaf x’inhu jaghmel meta inti m’ghaziltx il-karriera ta’ pilota. Fejn poggewk ma tantx taghmel differenza jekk timissja xi runway jew tnejn.

    Almenu hadd ma jinduna, ghax kollox go xi kexxun jew xi filing cabinet – u hadd ma jmut tragikament. Keep on flying!

    Bil-haqq issa tista tmur Ateni low-cost. Hemmhekk ghandhom l-Acropolis (look it up). Mhux dejjem Catania, xi dwejjaq. Kemm ser iddum tiekol arancini u granita?

  4. C. Calleja says:

    Anyone who uses a #in vain should be flogged.

  5. Makjavel says:

    Ejja , gab wahda tajba fl-ahhar.

  6. Albert Bonnici says:

    This guy cannot manage a gate let alone the Freeport. Its a good thing that, hopefully, he sits down when he needs a sh*t.

  7. TinaB says:

    Ha ha ha! Priceless.

  8. Tina says:

    Ara xi hlew, Aaron jaqra l-blog ta’ Daphne.

  9. Lomax says:

    Quantum leap for getting to the right gate. Good God he must have really been living a low life to leap so high just by getting to the right gate.

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