The prime minister quibbles, and the newspaper gives him the headline he wants

Published: October 20, 2014 at 8:26pm

That’s right – it wasn’t before the general election that he made his specific pledge to resign. IT WAS AFTERWARDS, precisely in March this year, when Reno Bugeja asked him a specific question on TVM and he gave a categoric answer.


resignation promise

18 Comments Comment

  1. Barabbas Borg says:

    He is indeed a sly fox.

  2. Libertas says:

    Reno Bugeja before the elections understood what most people understood: that Muscat would resign if the new power station wasn’t ready by March 2015.

  3. ciccio says:

    Before the elections, in reply to a question by Marco Cremona, the prime minister promised to carry the responsibility for his energy plan. The energy plan was made up of several things, including delivering a powerstation within 2 years in order to deliver the other parts of the plan.

    But the key point in Labour’s plan was not just the timing and whether to build a powerstation or not, but that the “trahhis fil-kontijiet” will be paid for by the private sector which will be allowed to build a new 200MW powerstation in return for the government guaranteeing the purchase of all that amount of power for many years (10 years was the minimum intention), and that the private operator will deliver each unit of those 200MW at a cost of 9c6 to Enemalta as from March 2015.

    So, from March 2015, the first 200MW of power available to Enemalta should cost 9c6 and they should come from Electrogas. If the prime minister does not make sure, as the head of government, that Enemalta is getting this deal, then he has two options:

    1. Penalise the contractor – Electrogas – and make them pay the excess of costs over and above 9c6 for the first 200MW of power generated at Enemalta (or bought over the interconnector) until they deliver their own; or

    2. Carry his political responsibility and resign, because he is unable to enforce what he promised.

    This is the language I expect from the leaders of the country. No government can allow a private consortium to take the country for a ride. Indeed, if the consortium is unhappy about this, cancel the process and start afresh.

    If it is true that the prime minister has signed the Power Purchase and Gas Supply Agreements with Electrogas already, then this should be a piece of cake.

  4. Giovanni says:

    Keith tal-Kasco doing his bit with the newspaper.

  5. Libertas says:

    Muscat is a fraud. It’s not his government that’s based on a lie, nor his premiership. HE is a lie.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Oh, his Government is also there fraudulently.

      Ask Keith Kasco. Ask Ryan Schembri.

      Hell, ask Super One’s own sugar stick Joseph Muscat.

      Sugar only proves the connections.

      There’s also the drug money to take into consideration next.

  6. hoovermouse says:

    Prim Giddieb tal-Prima Klassi Maggura. Kapural tal-Giddibin u kampjun tal-Qerq.

  7. Edward says:

    You have got to be kidding me.

  8. Paul says:

    Tonio Fenech gave him an excellent reply. He told the PM if THAT is what you meant all along, when Reno Bugeja asked you if you would resign, why did you not say: I can never resign, because we ALREADY have the investor for the power station.

    In fact when Reno Bugeja asked him that question back in March this year, Electrogas was already chosen as the investor, so the PM’s job was “safe”, in the PM’s twisted version.

    Il-giddieb ghomru qasir.

  9. Giovanni says:

    Now the same newspaper is giving Konrad Mizzi all the praise for his childish speech in parliament. No wonder most of its readers are shifting to The Malta Independent leaving it as PL’s daily English newspaper.

  10. Barabbas Borg says:

    Resegna subito dr muscat

  11. Gahan says:

    If Joseph repeats this lie for the third time , Franco Debono will appear from nowhere and will start to crow.

  12. Peritocracy says:

    Talking about newspapers, your colleagues at The Malta Independent seem to be competing with The Times for the Minglish Award.

    “A 66-year old man lost his life this morning after a car crashed into a bus stop, where the man was sitting, chatting with a relative, of 61 years.”

  13. billy goat says:

    Reno Bugeja clearly asked the Prime Minister: “Ghadek marbut li tirrizenja?” This implies that he had already stated that he would, and was merely asking for confirmation of his statement.

    A journalist with proper balls should confront him and hammer him on this point.

  14. Jozef says:

    The explanation he makes puts him across as one who was willing to gamble this place’s future just to sate his ego.

    And anyway, that is not what he said at the memorable business breakfast.

    One of his certainties was that they’d come running to pour money into it, saving everyone from the Nationalist’s humbug.

    This individual just has to be the financial product salesman, and so sorry if it goes bust. The moment we voted, the risk became taghna lkoll.

    Muscat’s implying how perhaps he doesn’t deserve all that trust. Definitely not up to expectations.

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