Sad man update

Published: November 26, 2014 at 8:59am

I don’t know about you, but this strikes me as totally gay – and that’s an observation not a homophobic comment. So what do you know, maybe the women are beards and that accounts for the relentless explosive anger and frustration.

It might also account for the Jörg Haider-style jackboot politics on non-WASP foreigners. And we won’t go into Carmen Ciantar’s petition to the court to have their marriage annulled on, among other things, grounds of incapacity.

It’s terrible when national and international agendas are hijacked because of somebody’s personality problems and angst. If Adolf Hitler’s parents had been nicer, would so many millions have died and most of Europe been destroyed?

Incidentally, nice to see that Miss Boffa couldn’t be arsed to bake him a cake or even to order one from a proper cake-maker, and has instead bought him one of those horrid mass-produced plastic things with foam on top that you get in tacky restaurants. I hope he doesn’t eat it all because the E numbers are going to make him even more agitated than he is already.

sad man update 1

14 Comments Comment

  1. CiVi says:

    One thing for sure is he is aging badly.

    • etil says:

      He is looking like a woman.

      [Daphne – Yes, my point exactly. He looks like an off-duty lesbian PE teacher or hospital matron. And that’s why he overcompensates with all that aggression and macho talk.]

  2. Felix says:

    Whether gay or not I see him as sad and unstable.

  3. gn says:

    1.28 Ara Agius Decelis kif spara lilu nnifsu ghal warajh.

    Kemm sabbat il-bierah…it-teacher’s pet.

  4. Katrin says:

    He’d better be careful – Jörg Haider died under very suspicious circumstances.

  5. KALANCC MA (cantab) says:

    Well no offence but it does look as if he likes his vice versa with that typical pose.

  6. Xejn Sew says:

    ‘COUNTDOWN TO 51!….cake number one, lemon meringue!’

    I bet cake number fifty-one is a fruitcake.

  7. The Three Monkeys says:

    gn prosit for your comment. I think Anglu Farrugia didn’t know “x’inhu gej ghalih”.

  8. Superman says:

    The “Pretend-To-Be-Serene” Face….

  9. ken il malti says:

    So JPO is a twink.

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