What was that we were saying earlier about primary-school-level support for Muscat?

Published: January 25, 2015 at 2:17pm

Too bad I’ve only just seen this. It would have made a terrific Christmas greetings post for my fabulous readers.

I heart Joseph

32 Comments Comment

  1. Candy says:

    Has the look of someone who has just come through a neatly-performed lobotomy.

  2. Peppa says:

    Mizmum fuq wicc l- idejn.

  3. Matthew S says:

    Is it just me who finds this image really creepy?

  4. jack says:

    Yellow stars – taken off the Chinese flag

  5. pocoyo says:

    the little reign of tacky Joseph

  6. il-Ginger says:

    Reminds me of goatse

  7. P Shaw says:

    You should see the tattoos

  8. doris says:

    Imma dan jitaxxaq meta jara dawn l affarijiet? X’misthija.

  9. Mila says:

    Why does he love making that hand gesture so much?

    • Aaron D says:

      He is copying Angela Merkel – who has been making that gesture for years – and is nearly always seen doing it at conferences and public events.

      I vaguely remember reading that she does it to avoid putting her hands anywhere that Bild (Germany’s delightful tabloid) might joke about – without having to hold them rigidly by her sides all the time.

  10. This is the sort of art-work common in North Korea.

  11. P Bonnici says:

    Xi hlew marija.

  12. P Bonnici says:

    Is this real, Daphne? This must be the tackiest photo I have ever seen of a European leader.

  13. ciccio says:

    Joseph. The Kink of hearts.

  14. Mk says:

    Il-qalb mmqaddsa tas-Salvatur. It also looks like a poisonous apple. Mmm.

  15. aidan says:

    ‘The golden voyage of Sinbad’, the return.

  16. Xjim Purtani says:

    “University educated more likely to trust neither leader”

    I was not surveyed, but that is how I would have answered.

  17. Joe Fenech says:

    “The weird sisters, hand in hand,
    Posters of the sea and land,
    Thus do go about, about,
    Thrice to thine and thrice to mine
    And thrice again, to make up nine.
    Peace! The charm’s wound up.”

  18. bob-a-job says:

    Oh look a dekorejtid ostricc ekk.

  19. Tabatha White says:

    For Joseph Muscat to be such an idol, some people must have very miserable lives and zero outlook.

    The back of beyond wasteland in a manipulated vicious circle.

    Exploited first by Mintoff and now by Joseph.


    This is why Labour will always represent the profiteers of the system.

    Perception is real even when it is not reality.

  20. P Shaw says:

    Straight out of a poster from the Soviet Union/Iron Curtain countries era.

    Joseph Muscat would have made Ceacescu proud.

  21. Watcher of lies says:

    Kim Jong Joe

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