Let’s keep our eyes on the ball about the biggest scandal right now

Published: June 25, 2015 at 8:38pm
Corrupt police inspector Daniel Zammit

Corrupt police inspector Daniel Zammit

The face of corruption: former acting Commissioner of Police Ray Zammit

The face of corruption: former acting Commissioner of Police Ray Zammit

That scandal is the fact that Police Inspector Daniel Zammit went into business and set up a company with Joe Gaffarena while he was investigating and prosecuting Gaffarena’s son-in-law for murder.

The murder inquiry has dragged on for six and a half years with Gaffarena’s son-in-law not yet placed under a bill of indictment.

Daniel Zammit was still the sole investigator and prosecutor right up to the day he was ‘boarded out’ a few weeks ago.

During the six and a half years he was supposed to be investigating and prosecuting (alone) Joe Gaffarena’s son-in-law, he and his brother, mother and father set up not one but two companies with Joe Gaffarena.

While all this was going on, his father, who was also in it up to his neck with shares in the company, was at various times assistant police commissioner, deputy police commissioner and acting Commissioner of Police.

I cannot underscore sufficiently the grave dereliction of duty and corruption we are looking at here. This is the biggest scandal of them all.

We are looking at a situation where Ray Zammit, a very senior police officer and for a while the most senior police officer, knew that one of his men was in business and in collusion with the father-in-law of the murder suspect he was investigating and prosecuting, and yet did nothing about it for two reasons:

1. the corrupt inspector is his son;

2. he too is involved in the same business and companies which is how he knew about it in the first place.

This is a shocking, grave scandal and yet 24 hours have gone by and the Police Minister and the Prime Minister have not issued a statement.

This tells us a great deal about their moral disorder.