Radio 101/anzjana update

Published: July 29, 2015 at 6:00pm
Anzjan il-vera ohxon gie appuntat mibghut specjali tal-prim ministru

Anzjan il-vera ohxon gie appuntat mibghut specjali tal-prim ministru

I’m listening to the six o’clock news on Radio 101 (just finished listening to David Thake – loved the bit where he rang that filthy louse Pullicino Orlando) and was thrilled to hear the first item (though not at all pleased about the subject matter, it goes without saying):

MARA TA’ ERBA U SITTIN SENA was involved in a car crash.

Yesterday that would have been ANZJANA.

FORWARD! (to quote that fabulous Muscat meme).

You see? It sounds so much better. Makes the news sound less old-fashioned, too.