Paranoia has set in

Published: February 10, 2016 at 11:57pm

This piece went up on the General Workers Union’s news portal (iNews) earlier tonight. Check out the tone – if you find it shockingly sinister, you were born yesterday. Labour has always been the Stasi Party – it just kept that under wraps while it gulled a whole bunch of idiots and suckers.

It’s quite obvious what’s happening here: a systematic campaign to scare people into not giving me information. The first volley was fired by Konrad Mizzi’s lawyer a few weeks ago when he asked the court to strip me of my right under the law to protect my sources.

Just as an aside, I love how they take “my international worldwide network of spies” completely literally and repeat it in hushed tones to scandalise their readers. As I said to Pawlu Lia in court, trid tkun il-vera Laburist…

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