UPDATED/Muscat has taken another decision: not to wait for the audit results

Published: April 29, 2016 at 12:01am

Muscat has been telling us for two months that he will wait for the results of that fictitious “international audit by one of the big-name firms” before he “takes a decision” about Konrad Mizzi.

Now he has taken a decision about Konrad Mizzi (to keep him on, and to retain the energy portfolio himself, so that he can carry on working with his henchman). And to fend off demands by the press for the audit results which would have supposedly provoked this decision, he said he has taken another decision: not to wait for the audit results “because they will take several months”.

OH, BUT I THOUGHT KONRAD MIZZI’S COMPANY WASN’T POPULATED WITH ASSETS AND THAT HE HAS NO BANK ACCOUNTS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD EXCEPT MALTA AND, PROBABLY, LONDON. So why on earth is the audit of those simple things he declared to parliament going to take up to Christmas and beyond?

A corrupt Prime Minister who lies brazenly to our faces, knowing that we know he’s lying, to protect his corrupt henchmen Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri – can it get any worse? I’m afraid it can.

Looking like the Mafia: Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi strike a deal for 'wind energy' in Montenegro, an extremely corrupt country

Looking like the Mafia: Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi strike a deal for ‘wind energy’ in Montenegro, an extremely corrupt country