“The UK seems to have voted to enter a dark age of ignorance” – David Berman, Queen Mary University

Published: June 27, 2016 at 12:21pm

Professor David Berman, 42, is one of Europe’s leading string theorists, who is based at Queen Mary University in London and who travels the world giving lectures, attending conferences and conducting research. He is quoted here.

“Places like CERN [the institute that developed the Hadron Collider) are a testament to the achievements of Europeans working together. No one nation could ever fund or have the human intellectual resources to create an institute like it.

“There was no doubt for me or any of my colleagues the Remain vote was the right thing.”

He continued: “What will follow now is a potential collapse of British science with large numbers of educated people leaving. The knock-on effect to British industry could be catastrophic. This failure of democracy began when the debate was driven by fear and ignorance. The UK seems to have voted to enter a dark age of ignorance.”

And right on cue, interviewed in the same article, we have Ben Travers, 56, a businessman moving excitedly round the pub telling anyone who will listen: “Today is the best day of my life, after my wedding day and the births of my children.” He told the newspaper:

“I might lose 20 per cent of my wealth because of this if the markets don’t recover but I don’t care. I voted Leave for my country and my children.”

“I hope we ditch the Scots from the UK. I hope they do get another independence vote and we can get rid of them. And the Welsh. Then we can just be England. That’s what people wanted – England back.”

The newspaper also interviews another man, especially foul, who boasts triumphantly about having voted Leave even though his daughter, 26, begged him not to right up until polling day. He has no qualms about doing this to her, and even says how “distraught” she is at the outcome.
