At last, an archbishop who isn’t a timorous coward

Published: August 15, 2016 at 11:09am

Malta Today’s headline and story in the screenshot below are based on the Archbishop’s column published in The Malta Independent yesterday.

If the matter were not so serious, we should be highly amused at the sorry spectacle of Labour supporters and internet comments-board apologists launching assaults on the Archbishop in defence of Joe and Mark Gasan and Jurgen Fenech.

Would we ever have thought we would see that day? These are the people who voted for Sant’s Labour Party in 1996 because of IL-BARUNIJIET, the very BARUNIJIET who the MLP targeted through all its media: radio, television, press and billboards.

At least they’re constant in their anti-clericalism: progressive and liberal they might think themselves to be, but apparently not progressive and liberal enough for religious toleration or to understand that not all community leaders are politicians (and thank God for that).
