Noddy fell out of bed this morning

Published: January 16, 2017 at 12:28pm

Owen Bonnici, the Justice Minister, summoned journalists to a 7.30am press conference today, and instead of telling him to &#@€ off and hold his press conference at a time which suits them, because he’s the one who needs them and not the other way round, they obliged him and went.

What was the reason for his poor manners, arrogance, rudeness and sense of entitlement? We needn’t go into that here, but when politicians summon journalists at 7.30am, not for some important state announcement like a declaration of war but for some partisan bollocks and a personal vendetta, editors should have their people stay away and instead run with a story about the arrogance of demanding that journalists inconvenience themselves to suit politicians.

Noddy said he had a plane to catch to Brussels. Wow, kemm hu importanti l-gazzu, hej. He said nothing this morning that couldn’t have waited until he got back.

And another thing: ministers of the government do NOT give partisan press conferences outside the rival political party’s headquarters. That’s for the Labour Party to do. It’s bad enough that Malta has a Justice Minister who is sleeping with a Labour Party propagandist.
But at least it gave the Nationalist Party the chance to put up a suitable backdrop for Noddy