So much for the concrete plan

Published: June 4, 2009 at 2:47pm
Ma tantx qed johrogli tajjeb dan il-pjan tal-concrete.

Ma tantx qed johrogli tajjeb dal-pjan tal-concrete.

From my article this morning: “The trouble is that at no point in the campaign were we told what this plan, crafted in concrete or otherwise, might possibly be. We are expected to guess, and that’s never a good idea where the Labour Party is concerned because the answer usually begins with N: nothing.”

From Labour’s advertisement in The Sunday Times, last Sunday: “Labour is fielding a team of candidates with a concrete plan crafted with you, your concerns and your aspirations in mind.”

From Joseph Muscat’s article in The Times today: “We are presenting a team of 12 candidates coming from different walks of life and with whom you can easily identify. They will be working on an 18-point priority plan crafted with you in mind. They will be putting you first.”

See? There’s nothing there. And worse still, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. The Labour Party puts out advertisements telling us that it has a concrete plan which has been crafted with us in mind.

And four days later, the party leader has an article published in which he tells us that his team of 12 candidates have yet to work on that plan, even though they know already that it has 18 points.

I suppose the 12 candidates will be waiting until the elections have come and gone to work on their electoral plan, otherwise it wouldn’t be the Labour Party we know and love. And by that time, of course, three of them won’t be candidates and the rest will be has-beens.

4 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    I think it’s another case of brilliant writing style. What they meant was that the candidates will be working according to a plan which has already been crafted, to use their quaint expression. What they actually wrote is not even a literal translation from Maltese because we say “taħdem skond pjan” not “fuq pjan”. Their English is so abysmal that it is actually interfering in their communications with the public and causing misunderstandings.

  2. Pat says:

    What they mean is that they have already crafted a plan to craft a plan that will lead to the crafting of an incredibly crafty plan.

  3. maryanne says:

    This must be their latest fixation. ‘concrete 18 point plan’ about immigration and the concrete 20 point plan mentioned above.

  4. A Camilleri says:

    Baldrick, can you hear me?

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