And now, a message for Salvu Balzan

Published: June 12, 2012 at 10:23am

I have just read Saviour Balzan’s column in Malta Today of 3 June. I was away for the last fortnight and he doesn’t put his stuff on the internet in the hope that more people will be driven by deprivation to actually pay for his lousy newspaper.

It’s all about one of his favourite obsessions: me, the “queen of bile”. The way he goes on, anyone would think he was a spurned lover. But rest assured, dear readers, that I never gave him so much as a second glance back in the day.

He always looked like something you might see if you lifted a pig’s tail. It’s not that age has treated him unkindly.

Do you really want to know what the problem with Saviour Balzan is, where I’m concerned? He asked me – more than once – to work for him or with him or whatever, and I said THANKS BUT NO THANKS.

Since then he has gone on to build a campaign against me, allege all manner of things about me using the code name ‘queen of bile’ so that, should I choose to sue (I won’t bother), he can claim it wasn’t me but, you know, some other queen of bile. You know how it is with ball-less cowards.

He manipulates the things I write, takes them out of context, lies about them and me, and champions the “hurt and pain” of my “victims” – those other ball-free zones, Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett and Robert Musumeci.

Five men whining in a corner about one woman.

Pathetic. “Sirrrrr, ghidilha biex tieqaf, sirrrrr! Kemm hi mean to me, sirrrr!”

In my post ‘A message to Charlon Gouder etc’ I wrote that sometimes, words just aren’t enough. But you know, sometimes they are. So here’s to you, Saviour Balzan, you washed-up, ugly try-hard who could never get a date because of your negative personality, and who never forgave society for your copious personal shortcomings.

26 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    You were away for a fortnight and kept your blog alive and kicking. No wonder they hate you.

    • A. Charles says:

      Franco Debono must have been given hints how to go about legislation on hardening of libel laws by none other than the frustrated Salvu.

    • innocent bystander says:

      They hate her because she is a woman who happens to have bigger balls than any of them.

    • ConDom says:

      One sure way of knowing that this blog is in “snooze” mode is when Victor Laiviera starts posting obsessively all over other comments-boardes, Facebook pages, blogs and forums at a faster rate then usual.

    • FP says:

      They hate Daphne because they can never even come remotely close to matching the power of her wit and writing skill.

      Were Daphne on their side, she would be their one prize writer. But that would be an oxymoron, wouldn’t it? I mean, there’s nothing for them to be prize writing about.

      • ciccio says:

        They would love to have just one sentence written by Daphne which will praise their leader, their party or one of their policies. They would quote it and use it until kingdom comes.

      • Angus Black says:

        They hate Daphne because they hate the truth.

        And truth hurts those who will deny it.

        They hate truth because privately, they hate their own past.

      • Pepe says:

        @Angus Black

        The truth hurts does with a massive chip on their shoulder, which they have never been able to rid themselves of, no matter what “status” or material trappings they deem to have acquired; the truth hurts those who have lived a false life, putting on what they deem to be an acceptable front to those they try hard to emulate (yet never truly manage to do so), and whom they inwardly resent.

        People like that strive to impress, are never truly happy with themselves and never will be happy, forever striving to be something they can never be, until one day, in a moment of anger or pent-up frustration, all is let loose, and the true “hdura”, “lanzit” and bile come flowing freely out, for the enjoyment – or otherwise – of those witnessing such an ugly (in every sense of the word) spectacle. People like that truly deserve each other.

      • Pepe says:

        I meant “those”, not “does” …

      • Pepe says:

        They hate Daphne because, no matter how much they deride her, deep down they wish they were more like her.

  2. Joanna says:

    Silly me. and there was I, thinking that the “queen of bile” was none other than Saviour Balzan’s awful mother, who terrorised generations of St Dorothy’s schoolgirls with her bitchiness and her spite.

  3. Jozef says:

    When will Saviour Balzan realise he managed to ruin ten years of his life? Maltatoday was an interesting project, nowadays it’s totally predictable.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    Loved that ‘pig’s tail’ comment. Still chuckling.

  5. elephant says:

    Cannon: It’s not hate but envy. They would blind themselves in one eye if this would give them someone of Daphne’s calibre

  6. gel says:

    Then there is the story of the spurned lover who ended up marrying a bi-sexual.

  7. ciccio says:

    Maybe he does not understand the figurative “O” at the end of the word?

  8. Grezz says:

    He might like this one, too –

  9. Dee says:

    “Il-Loggia Mazonika tal-Bikkejja Irgiel Maltin.”

  10. Miss O'Brien says:

    You’re a LEGEND! Please keep them coming during these dire times of exams.

  11. The chemist says:

    ‘Va te faire foutre’ sounds chic. It’s what any self-respecting person would tell Saviour and his arse-wipe rag.

  12. Min Weber says:

    Saviour might wish to see whether he spots himself or any of his colleagues here:

  13. Li Ding says:

    The problem with slinging mud is that one gets one’s own hands dirty and the mud doesn’t get very far anyway – it rarely has the right consistency to arrive at its target.

    Then the little that does, although easily wiped away, is hugely exaggerated. The result: the insultee wins the public sympathy over the insulter, irrespective of who’s right.

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