It has to be Laburisti to use Facebook to try to silence free speech – and not see the spectacular irony in doing so

Published: August 29, 2012 at 1:25am

I have lost count of the number of Facebook groups these sub-literate morons have set up since I was mean to their lovely Mintoff (jahasra, kemm kien gustuz).

One of them carries a picture of a noose and wants me hanged. Another encourages everyone to come and thump me (I’d like to see them try, when most of them don’t reach past my navel) because it’s ‘wortit’ for sixty euros. A=

Yet another calls for the police to arrest me – no grounds necessary, ghax hekk ghalmuhom tal-Lejber. Another wants me arrested but has decided there are grounds: hate speech (presumably they’ve become blacks, Jews or disabled overnight, and I’ve told people to blow them up because of their skin colour).

And now we have this one: they want me to apologise, hej. You should hear what I’m saying right now. It’s unprintable, but has lots of foxes.

Trid tkun Laburist Malti, insomma, biex tuza l-internet halli tipprova taghmel sarima ma’ halq in-nies. U ma tindunax bil-kontradizzjoni.

Dawn l-istupidi min iz-zikk rabbihom? Tghid mhux xi mami u dedi Mintoffjani mgiddmin? Jahasra, ma kellomx f**king chance.

185 Comments Comment

  1. Wormfood says:

    The sweet joy of seeing their futile efforts to impose their sordid village mentality on the internet. They haven’t yet understood that it is not another coffee morning gathering or a kazin that they are in.

    You have become our very own Salman Rushdie, dear Daphne, though I do hope that it will not come to the issuing of fatwas calling for your demise.

    • Jon Marsh says:

      Please do not EVEN compare Daphne to a literary genius like Rushdie.

      And bitch please, if there was a lejborista version of Daphne, the nationalists will act the same.

      • Wormfood says:

        There cannot be a Lejborista version of Daphne. People who are intelligent and value freedom of speech simply don’t vote for a party like that. Rabble like your good self are no different from those who were protesting against the Muhammad cartoons in Denmark.

    • Anon. says:

      here, here.

      Three cheers!

      Fight on, Daphne. These morons are the shame of the Maltese islands.

  2. Lord Lucan says:

    Hey! I think you might have been right. As time and comments pass your case for exposing all this gets stronger.

  3. allan r. says:

    On the subject of free speech, check out this link and go to 2.10. Wish there was Xarabank then – this guy is a natural.

  4. The Engineer says:

    I wanted to give some insight about Mintoff’s era and his aftermath. He was a potential dictator. That’s for sure.

    Thank God he didn’t succeed in his intent even though it might not be evident that he wanted to become a dictator he still could have become one. Just remember that most of the ex-colonies have had considerable turmoil, deaths and fighting most of the time resulting in dictatorships and our country despite all the antagonism has surpassed that moment without too much infighting and bloodshed.

    Still Mintoff left his imprint on the Labour Party and the wider Maltese community.

    His strategy, methods and political style have been embraced by his predessors. There are a lot of young Labourites today who are over-ambitious and their only aim is to go up the social ladder as soon as they can just like Mintoff had become secretary general at the precocious age of 19.

    Even though violence has been eradicated they still employ other methods of coersion which are as frightening a violence. They repeatedly employ psychological bullying.


    I have to admit as well it is very difficult to outperform the PN as they have always shown great skills in dealing with daily problems and also they always had a long-term vision.

    Labour was in favour of integration than he shifted to the opposite stance of demanding a more favourable terms for our independence.

    Labour was against Europe now he is demanding better terms of our EU relationship.

    Mintoffjani are extremist and by definition an extremist is an incompetent person.

    Labour has been hijacked by Mintoff and the MIntoffjani long time ago and it is still under their influence. It is for the better of everyone even the PN that a moderate leader is elected at the helm of the labour party. And if that leader won’t succed find at least another moderate leader not another incompetent extremist.

  5. The Engineer says:

    I think one can distinguish a Mintoffjan in many different ways. Firstly he is an extremist both in view and attitude, intolerant, heinous, incompetent, over-ambitious, irresponsible and immature politically, lies everywhere, discriminating in every possible way. Doing whatever they like.

    I believe that Mintoff and his followers have raped the soul of the original founders of the Labour Party. Some young labourites don’t know any other way of doing politics other than the one used by Mintoff and his successors. Both KMB, Sant and Muscat are Mintoffjani. Sant might have strongly disagreed with Mintoff but he uses the same style as his. There has to be a change at the helm of the Labour.

  6. ciccio says:

    I think we need to ask some important questions about the risk that the country degenerates into violence if Labour is elected to govern the country.

    Will Joseph Muscat – he who dreams to be Prime Minister before he turns 40 – be in a position to control the elements in his party-turned-to-moviment who still show clear traits of violence, intimidation and sheer disrespect for human rights?

    When Mintoff came to power, the country was probably not as polarised like when he left office.

    When the PN came to power in 1987, they had to deal with the deep divisions he had created.

    25 or so years later, the Laburisti are still inflamed with hate, envy and the need for violent revenge. Muscat says he is leading a Moviment, but we do not know who the various factions are, and what are the principles that keep it together, except for convenience.

    That movement is looking more like a devastating tsunami in the making, that will engulf the country should Labour be elected. And then, it will be like “Fejn laqat laqat.”

  7. bettina says:

    With the kind of things that you write you don’t expect people to send you flowers do you?

    [Daphne – Why would I want flowers, bettina? I am perfectly capable of buying or growing my own.]

    So you want your right of freedom of speech but if someone criticises anything about the PN you expose them and their family to all sort of attacks.

    [Daphne – I don’t WANT my right to freedom of speech, bettina. I HAVE my right. That’s what INALIENABLE means.]

    PS. I used to vote PN – people like you convinced me not to do so anymore.

    [Daphne – My, your level of intelligence is really impressive. Start a business. You never know, you might become the new Christian Grey and get to fly your own helicopter and have sex in it, with handcuffs. But only if you’re a lesbian, of course. You won’t find many men willing to do an Anastasia. I talk about this because I’m assuming it’s the one book you’ve read.]

    Yes, you can say that I am stupid and subject me to all sort of titles but what counts is my vote and its going to be shifted.

    [Daphne – That’s the mistake you make: to think that it’s only your vote that counts. When you have nothing to be getting on with, you use your vote and see it as a symbol of your leverage and worth. For the rest of us, votes are incidental, and not weapons.]

    Would love to see you run over by a truck full of labourites. I suppose not many will attend your funeral since they will be busy clinking their glasses.

    [Daphne – How would a truck full of Labourites run me over, bettina? Remember, I don’t vote Labour, so the likelihood that I might be found standing in the middle of the road staring blankly and trying to remember whether I should walk forward or backwards is quite remote.]

  8. edgar says:

    Did I see Joe Cilia amongst them who is asking you to apologise?

    Was he not the one who was asked to resign because when he was parliamentary secretary he committed some irregularity? Issa rega tfacca.

    L-imnejkin li kienu intefgu il barra bis siq issa gejjin lura.

    Issa naf xi tfisser tkun progressiv: tmur il-Maghtagb u tigbor lis skart tarmilu l-ingravata hamra u ittih wahda blu. Issa accettat, minghalihom ghax bil-blu. Malta zghira u in-nies marufa, Joe Cilia.

  9. RJC says:

    Wow. Brian il-Baby is hilarious… professional poker player!

    X’taghmel, la x-xoghol li hawn hu ‘tac-ceckik’ skond Josef. Trid id-dawwar ir-rota b’xi mod.

  10. SM says:

    It takes a special man to be able to misspell his own job title. What the f is a “Technition”?

  11. Hibernating from Malta says:

    Technition… professjoni gdida din!

  12. The Engineer says:

    were is my comment that i have posted yesterday

  13. Patrik says:

    “Technition at Melita plc.”

  14. ego trip says:

    There were no official Laburisti declarations to condemn l-attakki fuq ‘is-sahhara tal- Wardija’.

  15. …and yet the PN is destined for 15 years of opposition :)

    • Stefan Vella says:

      Should that happen, it will be further proof that this nation is politically immature, inhabited by idiots who can’t see further than their nose.

  16. Joe Micallef says:

    What type of work does Kurt Grima do at Melita?

  17. Bob says:

    I love Brian il-Baby who works as a Professional Poker Player.

  18. M Pirotta says:

    My favourite: Works ar rasi ghax sta bene!

  19. il-Ginger says:

    Arem hej, gej Brian il-baby ha jtik xeba.

  20. La Redoute says:

    Jesmond Zammit, eh? He’s a fine one to talk. Isn’t he involved in

  21. La Redoute says:

    And another one’s a technician at Melita plc, but Kurt Grima can’t even spell his job title right.

  22. Jack says:

    GaliZZia … nice touch. But then again this comes from a group with “Brian il-baby” in its fold.

  23. Manuel Camilleri says:

    Shades of things to come if they are elected to govern this land.

  24. MLS says:

    Do not be surprised if Joe Grima joins the Facebook group of nice people demanding an apology.

  25. Josephine says:

    Dayton in-najċi. Brian il-baby (with that lovely additional detail – that he works as a ‘Professional Poker Player’). Enough said.

  26. Paul Bonnici says:

    Some Maltese are twisted, especially Labour supporters. They glorify politicians, which is dangerous and unhealthy. Politicians should be criticised and rediculed. I like it when Labour mock Dr Gonzi; that’s how it should be.

    Daphne, keep it up, continue with your good work. Perhaps you might change the mentality of some Maltese.

  27. Charmaine says:

    Daphne, during the time of Labour it was a living hell. Labour took my childhood away. I am now not ready to give my children`s childhood to them.

    They are still the same people, same mentality. I WILL NEVER EVER TRUST LABOUR NEVER.

  28. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Kif tibqa meta jigi xi Mintoffjan jiftahar bl-edukazzjoni b’xejn imbaghad lanqas jaf jispelli semplici sentenza?

  29. Mifsud says:

    Dayton in-najci? Brian il-baby? Both seem like such sorry excuses for a person.

  30. Tiziana says:

    It looks to me that they are missing the 70s and early 80s a great deal. For them those days were heaven.

    They used to think they were on top of the world where they could control anyone as they pleased for no bloody reason. They seem to be eager to live in those days once again.

  31. sv says:

    Typical. They have spelled even apologija badly.

  32. Int biss serjeta? says:

    This is not free speech. You are instigating hate and that is a crime punishable by law. Your time will come. In the end all dues are paid.

    [Daphne – Hate speech is clearly defined at law: racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, that kind of thing. Don’t believe everything you read on other people’s Facebook walls. This is free speech: the freedom to say that I am glad that Dom Mintoff is dead because boy, what a bloody old bastard he was in public and in private, and so very bad at his job, with dreadful consequences for Malta.]

    Personally, I do not know what the fuss about your blog is. You only have a handful of followers who share the same psychopathic mentality as yourself. Even the majority of your own political party despise you.

    [Daphne – Bloggers don’t have followers. Twitter users do. Bloggers have readers. And no, they’re not a handful. For a start, not even one person would fit in a hand. I don’t have a political party. I vote for one. Whether ‘most’ of whatever despise me is neither here nor there. I am in the business of being read, not the business of being loved or voted for.]

    • etil says:

      What exactly do you mean when you say ‘your time will come’ – hopefully it is not a threat.

      You say so much about people who do not agree with you but it seems it is quite OK with you to spew hatred and envy (via your party’s newspapers) against the PN and its supporters and whoever does not agree with your political views.

      When are you going to learn that people are entitled to different opinions.

      Try for a change to be a bit more positive in life and take politics with a less serious attitude.

  33. Aunt Hetty says:

    Eddie Fenech Adami’s ‘Rikonciljazzjoni Nazzjonali” and Alfred Sant’s efforts at taming the savages he inherited from his predecessors are dismal failures.

    You can take the savage out of the jungle , but not the jungle out of the savage.

  34. TinaB says:

    Such intelligence, mamma mia.

    Are these the same people who call Daphne “kera” and “sahara” by any chance?

    Kollha jghaxxquk bil-gmiel, God bless.

  35. freeworld says:

    Kurt Westergaard is to Muslims as you are to Mintoffjani-Imgidmin. Free speech ruleZ!

  36. Dandu says:

    L-isbah ta’ dan il bravu Jesmond Zammit ghax lanqas fejn kien imur skola ma jaf kif tinkiteb.

  37. Miss O'Brien says:

    The latest on FB

    Bis-Serjetà – Serjetà Biss
    12 minutes ago
    A new question has been added to the driving theory exam:

    If you see Daphne Caruana Galiza crossing the road should you
    A) Increase speed
    B) Increase speed
    C) Increase speed

  38. Alex says:

    Imnalla partit progressive u liberali u li sar terremot kbir! Where is Cyrus?

  39. Homer S. says:

    A six letter word for sheer incompetence, lack of vision and total ethical deficiency?
    a. LABOUR,
    b. LEJBER, or
    c. LEJBOR

  40. ex-pn says:

    I believe free speech is when one steps on a wooden box in the middle of a square and speaks his mind and not hide behind a blog that a magistrte rules that the owner cannot be identified, as if.

    [Daphne – Din tajba ukoll. I’m hiding behind a blog now. Ghandkom mohh, jew? Just look at your reasoning: you want me on a soapbox so that you can hit me, right? Really unenlightened. You’re no better than those Gaddafi fans we saw on television right through last year. But why am I not surprised.]

    • Matt B says:

      “ex-pn” reminds me of someone who always used to sign like that… I think his name was Ray Spiteri?

      Talk about hiding behind an alias.

    • Patrik says:

      It’s a blog with Daphne’s name on it. Daphne’s e-mail has been published numerous times. I’m sure Daphne’s phone number isn’t too hard to get hold of on this island.

      Daphne’s workplace is featured in a large part of the posts. Most people seem to know where Daphne lives (you know, when she’s not having an orgy with the devil and stuff).

      Yet signature “ex-pn” complains about Daphne hiding…

    • A Montebello says:

      Ex-PN writes anonymously whilst accusing you of hiding behind your blog? Dan bis-serjeta?

      And frankly I do not believe that anybody can remain EX pn after being reminded of the hama of past Labour, seeing first hand the venom of the present Lejber, and seeing that the faces of old Lejbor will be there in the future.

    • maltawarrior says:

      @ ex-pn

      come off it! are you for real?

    • Matthew says:

      Naqbel mieghek 100 %, imma hawn min li taht l-iskzua tal-liberta tal-espressjoni qed jipprova jinsulenti lil dak u lil iehor. Nixtieq nikun anf x;jigri jekk xi blog hekk jiftah gewwa l-ingilterra, fejn bhalissa qed nghix. Zgurissimu li l-blog am jibqax miftuh u li l-persuna tispicca bejn erba’ hitan.
      Sfortunatament il-ligi tikkundanna attakki kontra nies suwed, omosesswali u anke fuq nisa jekk ikunu kummenti dispregattivi, imma mbaghad kummenti li qe djghiru nofs pajjiz lliterrati, u thgajarhom b’dak li ghandhom u ma ghandhomx jigi gustifikat.
      Jahasra,hawn min jins ali r-rota ddur u jum wara jum jasal ta kulhadd f’dan il-pajjiz

      • Chris says:

        Haha, “Zgurissimu li l-blog am jibqax miftuh u li l-persuna tispicca bejn erba’ hitan.. ”

        This Matthew obviously works in the UK but doesn’t live there, or he really doesn’t understand the language or the culture.

        Here’s a couple of place he can look at at

        The tradition of free speech finds its home in the UK and has always been protected vigorously.

        What a dick-wad.

    • Manuel says:

      ex-PN my foot. Should have signed as “Laburist kont u laburist nibqa'”

    • ciccio says:

      ex-pn, there is enough space in St. George Square. Why don’t you go there and express yourself? Just make sure you leave access to the fountain, because Emmanuel Mallia’s nanny may need to fill her jerry cans.

    • eman says:

      Qieghed jindirizza lilek u ma jafx min int – tajba din. X’genn ta’ nies.

      Il-Gorg il-barri ma rieduhx.

      Lil Mintoff ikorni l-mara riedu biss.

    • Toyger says:

      “hide behind a blog that a magistrte rules that the owner cannot be identified”

      What an idiot!! Daphne would be hiding if she didn’t show who she is…everyone knows who is writing the pieces in this blog. What ignorance!!!

    • steven says:

      Duffy darling,
      You’re one to talk about freedom of speech ,huh.
      There have been at least 6 posts posted by me that you did not publish. And you call yourself a paladin for freedom of speech???!!! Two bit hypocritical blogger , that`s all you are. Not even a journalist or columnist

    • Strid says:

      “soapbox so that you can hit me, right? ”

      a.k.a Daphne is Scared now ?

      [Daphne – No, honey, just bloody bored of you all. You have NO idea how much, or how weird and absurd you all are.]

  41. Md says:

    kieku int kont qed tattakka l argument u dissiskuti biss x’kien hemm hazin f’zmien mintoff hadd ma kien jipprova jsiktek izda int qed tkun hamalla,pastaza, oxxena bi kliem ta hdura lejn il persuni u dan huwa hazin ghax igib biss mibgheda .

    • maltawarrior says:

      @ Md

      Din mhijiex kwistjoni ta’ mibgħeda, imma ta’ verità tal-fatti u lealtà lejn l-istorja. Meta xi ħadd jipprova jpinġi sitwazzjoni differenti minn dik li verament hi, sabiex jaqdi l-ħtiġijiet partiġġjani reviżjonisti tiegħu, ma jistax jippretendi li kulħadd se joqgħod fommu mitbuq qisu ma qiegħed jiġri xejn!

    • Last Post says:

      Dak li qed tghid inti ghal dak li jghidulu “hate speech”. Fid-dinja moderna li qed nghixu fiha dan it-terminu ghandu tifsira partikulari kemm fil-lingwagg komuni (common parlance) kif ukoll f’kuntest legali. Ikun jiswielek hafna (ghax titghallem) jekk tfittex ftit x’inhu “hate speech”.

      Tajjeb ukoll tiftakar (u jekk le tista’ tfittex ukoll) li hafna mit-tip ta’ lingwagg li jintuza hawnhekk kien jintuza wkoll fis-60-ijiet mill-istess pezza ta’ nies li qed jigu ‘attakkati’ hawnhekk. Zmien meta l-affarijiet kienu jaharqu wkoll u l-ebda gvern, lanqas dak kolonjali, ma sikket lil hadd (ghax ma setax). Ahseb w ara llum li z-zminijiet tad-dlam qbiznihom, u int taf grazzi ghal min.

      Mill-banda l-ohra jekk trid tiffranka l-hin taghmel dan it-tiftix kollu tista’ taqra xi hag’ohra li ma fihiex la hamallagni, la patazati u lanqas kliem oxxen. Ma nahsibx li ghandi ghalfejn nghidlek jien x’ghandek taqra. Pero’ mill-lum il quddiem zomm f’mohhok li dak li ghalik jikkostitwixxi “hate speech” m’hu xejn minn dan, u fuq das-suggett jaqbillek izzomm halqek mitbuq (ghax tkun qed tghid ic-cucati).

    • NotSuperOne says:

      Il-mibgheda hi dik li qed tohrog min halq certa presentaturi ta’ Radio il-bierah , ghal xi l hamsa nieqes kwart ta’ fil ghaxija,kienu qed jincitaw lissemmiegha, biex jitilghu il Bidnija u ikissru il-propjeta privata u wicc dik u l ohra ghax wara kollox, ”kemm tista tehel., mhux xi sittin euros?

      Tal-Misthija kif il-leader tal-moviment progressiv u moderat ihalli dawn it-tipi ta’ interventi fuq ir-radju tal-partit. Li kien qed jinghad ma kienx fuq xi facebook privat , jew anonimu lanqas.

    • Jozef says:

      Mela issa kulhadd viztu ghal-sebgha snin u Alla hares xi hadd jitniffes ghax nitilfu dit-taparsi ghaqda.

      Ghax ma’ tammettux li kontu u ghadkhom mwerwrin minn dak l-ghafrid li kien xaba’ jghaddikom biz-zmien.

    • S(anto) S(ubito) says:

      It is “il-perit” who has to be attacked because he lost control over the violent elements within his party. Also, knowingly or unknowingly, he instigated violence in the way he pronounced himself.

      Did he condemn the violence committed against the residence and the family of Eddie Fenech Adami on 15 October 1979?? He did not. In fact, he justified the violent mob by saying “What happened was the result of spontaneous actions after provocations and systematic incitement by the Leader of the Opposition in his newspapers and the incitement of Nationalist MPs in the Council of Europe”.

      Let’s declare him Santo Subito. Halluna tridu?

    • Ivan says:

      …and we have a winner! “…f’zmien mintoff hadd ma kien jipprova jsiktek”

  42. L.Gatt says:

    I think that you should first write a formal apology to the most distinguished member of the group, “Brian Il-Baby Works at Professional Poker Player”. Then Ferdinand Gafa “works ghar-rasi ghax sta bene” (taht gvern Nazzjonalista jekk joghgbok) and who is probably Domenic’s son. And last but not least Dayton in-najci.
    I have no doubt that Darwin’s theory skipped a link or two in Malta.

  43. Stupid says:

    Kurt Grima has a pic of Karol Wojteyla on his Facebook diary, with next to it written “Mintoff ghal hdejk habib kontu 2 nies kbar”.

    Hadt qatt ma qallu li Wojteyla ghamel hajtu jiggieled il-komunizmu. X’injoranza bla limiti.

  44. A Montebello says:

    This isn’t just anybody insisting you apologize, Daphne. These people include the likes of Dayton In-Najci, Ferdinand Gafa who “works at Al Rasi Ghax Sta Bene Loll !!!!” (hello, is that you irony? come in and join the fun) and last but most certainly not least Brian il-Baby who “works at professional poker player”.

  45. Last Post says:

    What you say is very true and in trying to find some reasoned explanations I’ve come up with this:

    1. To a very large extent Labour is still overshadowed / dominated by the overpowering personality of Mintoff. After all he moulded them and they find it very hard to think “out of that box”. Muscat is no Mintoff and can never be, so Mintoff’s death gives them renewed energy as if to make his presence felt once again.

    2. What they fail to realise is that in the Maltese socio-political climate of the 50s-60s-70s it was plausible to envisage a type of (totalitarian) government as Mintoff led (he had quite a few examples around us). But today this is no longer the case. To compound matters, Labour’s obstinacy has cost them the battle for EU membership. Mintoff too may have lost the Integration and its opposite (Independence) bids, but he took the time to draw up a more aggressive, longer-term plan, the results of which are there for all to see.

    3. So far, such a plan from Labour is practically non-existent or at best very nebulous – their criticism of the government is just piecemeal, without any coherent plan. If anything, Mintoff did it all for them and they have no idea what comes next.

    4. As regards freedom of expression Mintoff’s track record is horrible. Yet his supporters and today’s admirers can relish what he did then, but they can’t wind the clock back. All they can aspire to is to turn such a democratic tool as the internet into a weapon to silence opposition and free thought. (Incidentally, do you remember when he first suppressed then controlled the entry of computers to Malta? He was shrewd and knowledgeable enough to know what they could lead to back then.) It’s unbelievable that they don’t realise it will backfire on them. But then again, without any convincing plan or ideas, it is their only form of attack (or defence!)

    5. The beauty of the internet, as against “The Times” in 1979, is that you can’t burn it down. They can’t appreciate this even with such recent incidents as in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria being so evident. On the other hand perhaps they do, so they think they can get rid of you and your blog (you have become a ‘national institution’) the way they removed RCC (“the PN strategist”) from Malta’s Embassy at the EU – again by using democratic means to achieve their undemocratic aims.

    6. One last point about apologies. In his heyday Mintoff used to boast he didn’t need to apologise to anybody because he did all for Malta (l-ewwel u qabel kollox… hmmm). Later on when he was reduced to nothing even within his own party he felt the need to apologise to anyone whom he might have hurt, only this time because he did it on the spur of the moment (fis-sahna tal-mument)! So much for The Great Leader, Alla ta’ Malta!!

  46. Rup says:

    Kurt Grima is a ‘technition’ …and pray what is that?

  47. Min Jaf says:

    The Times today – Mintoff:: Ideology, or just a cult?

    Answer: Neither, he was just a cunt.

  48. Manuel says:

    Shades (excuse the pun) of things to come if Labour are elected.

  49. aaa says:

    Fox kemandekkkkk ja mara mgidma

  50. aaa says:

    uuuufoooooooooxxx il mejtinn tijakk oolllaaaaaa

  51. Allamana says:

    I cannot understand what the fuss is all about.

    Are you commenting on public persons only? YES.

    Is your blog mandatory reading? NO.

    So whoever is logging on to your blog is doing so voluntarily.

    So these Einsteins log on to your website and then cry foul.

    The answer is simple, DON’T LOG ONTO THIS WEBSITE if you cannot stand the heat.

    Can’t be easier or simpler than that.

    And all this talk of shooting, sniping, immiekek, nixxutjak and all nice things to do to your body/face/other body parts are symptomatic of an old saying – the leopard never changes its spots.

  52. ciccio says:

    This is getting worse by the minute.

    So what does Joseph Muscat have to say?

    Let me see:

    “U le, din bhal kandidatura ta’ Jason Micallef u l-pozizzjoni tieghu fil-One – mhix fl-interess nazzjonali;” or perhaps

    “U le, I expect “good sense” to prevail;” or maybe

    “Joe Grima’s insult was just academic.”

  53. NB says:

    Even just looking at their profile pictures makes me sick. I’d love to see how they would react if the PM closes down university courses, gets undergraduate doctors from China to carry out operations, and if they find a policeman behind their door to confiscate any electronic equipment that may educate the population.

    Mintoff may have given the people some money, but he withheld knowledge and education…which is still having its effects until today in these retarded pieces of sh*t.

  54. johnusa says:

    Do you consider hate speech as something pertaining to race, orientation or religion only?

  55. Giigii says:

    And there is also Kurt Grima who works as ‘Technition’! I think that he must really have impressed his peers in the various courses he undertook.

  56. Osservatur says:

    Daphne, I can smell a hidden agenda with all your useless hate blogs. You are doing whatever you can to provoke people to physically attack you so that than you will be the ‘martyr’ and you make headlines on Net News…….pathetic ‘lady’. Labour has changed grandma Daphne.

    [Daphne – Hekk ghidila lil ommok: ‘grandma’. Kemm tiggranfalek wiccek bil-gel nails, kieku.]

  57. albert laferla says:

    MD, trid tisma hamallagna pastazata w oxxenita? Mela isma din:

    Appologija z..b f, s…..kom.

  58. The Engineer says:

    These are not labourites. They are extremist people. Mintoff and his supporters have hijacked the party and thrown Boffa aside and we are still experiencing the spell cast by Mintoff on the MLP.

  59. Anonymous says:

    Daphne, if you promote free speech, then I don’t think you should be criticising heavily us Labourites for having an opinion that you disagree with. Anyway, we are human beings like you, and we should be entitled to the same liberty as you regarding Free speech,, and not get police behind your door for supporting your corrupt Government. Hippocryte!!

    [Daphne – Ah, I see: a new definition of free speech. We are not allowed to criticise others for saying what they do. But we are allowed to demand that they be silenced, failing which we shall silence them ourselves. My, no wonder Labour has such an easy time of it, collecting votes.]

  60. Tony says:

    Daphne, can I have your email address please?

  61. La Redoute says:

    They can stuff their demands. How about THEY apologise to everyone else for this:

  62. The Engineer says:

    Insomma il-Labour anke fil-funeral ta Mintoff baqghu dejjem leali ghal istil taghhom. Qalu zewg gideb ghal okkazzjoni dejjem spirtu pront fit-tradizjoni tal-partit.

  63. Helen Cassar says:

    Just for who needs to refreshen up his memory, tune in to Net TV. There is a repetition of Evidenza, Il-Qtil ta’ Wilfred Cardona.

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

  64. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Kumment fuq:

    “TumasMuscat (3 years ago)
    Lol meta Dr Wenzu Mintoff meta jghid fuq il-bocci niftakar dak li kien jghidli n-nannu meta kien jilghab mieghu. 1 – Meta jmissu jixtri l-pastizzi hu ghal shabu, dejjem jimrad jew jinqalalu xi haga. 2- Meta jidher li se jitlef, imur fuq il-bocci, igerfixhom u l-loghba jkollha tieqaf hemm.”

    Wenzu Mintoff jitkellem fuqha fil-vidjo minn 04:40 sa 05:12. Tfakkarkom f’x’kien jagħmel xi ħadd meta s-serduk ikun qed jitliflu?

    Bejn 02:50 u 04:03 isemmi meta spiċċa kollu tbenġil ħabba għawma fil-maltemp. Din l-istess ta’ meta “waqa’ minn fuq iż-żiemel”?

  65. Danton says:

    Viva il-Partit tal-progressivi u moderati;

    A comment in the link posted by a certain coqlaqxi says;
    ”hemm u isalvatur taghna il maltin int flokk alla ”

    But are these scum for real?

  66. Bil-vistu says:

    And true to form, they have misspelt half the words that make up the title of the group.

  67. Aunt Hetty says:

    DH Lawrence once said,

    “Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks.
    Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools.
    And their grand-children are once more slaves”

    Wise words indeed.

  68. Pepe` says:

    Does anybody know how the James Vella story ended? Last we know, both him and his wife shut down their FB accounts.

  69. david calleja says:

    il-bierah fuq in-net rajt evidenza. ahjar jitolbu skuza lil familja ta’ wilfred cardona. il-verita tniggizhom ma jifilhux ghaliha. huma mhux bil-pinna weggu imma bi qtil, frameups, swat, tfieh ta’ gebel, sparar fuq in-nies u mitt haga ohra. tal-lonour baqghu l-istess vjolenti. sant ipprova jnaddaf imma muscat gabar lil kulhadd lura. daphne kuragg ghax dawn jisthoqqilhom li tikxfilhom awwarhom u min veru huma.

  70. Leli says:

    Il-Laburisti bil-frosta biss jafu jigvernaw.

  71. GB says:

    Hi Daphne, do you have an e-mail address ? Thank you.

  72. TROY says:

    Big fat Joe is now telling us that Mintoff was a simple man and all he cared for was his nation’s people.

    A simple man, with a simple plan.

    Robbing the Maltese people of their rights, their dignity and their money.

    He goes on saying (Times of Malta 30th august) that we witnessed a ‘people’s’ funeral.

    Two thousand (if) people attending a funeral is the population of our country?

    Grieving for a great prime minister?

    Dear Joe, while you and those who flourished during Dom’s reign of terror were, yes, let’s call it grieving, the rest of us were celebrating the coward’s death with the finest of champagnes.

    So, Mr. Grima, please speak for yourself and for your friends.

  73. Ganna says:

    Dear Daphne, keep on writing because some us forgot the past already. My son reads your blog and he can’t believe what we went through under the regime of Mintoff.

    I do remember very well the past. What you wrote about Fusellu and Mintoff is the truth. Joe Grima can’t handle the heat.

    I think he never got any money from the insurance because it was arson which he committed himself, or maybe he just wasn’t insured properly.

  74. Manwel says:

    a) May I correct your grammar: You don’t write ‘Laburisti’ but ‘labourist’. I agree with you that you lost count on facebook groups. There lots of them !

    b) I am not saying that you should be arrested or whatsoever, but the respect to your readers should come from your writing.

    c) As far as I know you never apologised, to someone, maybe that’s your character.

    c) M’hemmx għalfejn tkun Laburist Malti, biex tuza l-internet halli tipprova taghmel sarima ma’ halq in-nies. Hawn tant nies li huma floating voters li jgħamlu l-istess ħaġa. Ħadd m’għandu jipponta sebgħu lejn ħaddieħor.għax taht sema’ waħda qiegħdin.

    d) Iggustażejk f’aħħar paragrafu: ‘Dawn l-istupidi min iz-zikk rabbihom? Tghid mhux xi mami u dedi Mintoffjani mgiddmin?’
    Possibli għadek temmen li l-istupidi huma l-laburisti biss? Illum il-ġurnata għandna nies stupidi aktar minn dawk, speċjalment meta jgħamlu xi att vandalu fuq proġett li jkun għadu kif tlesta mill-gvern. Ma nafx (għax statisika ma teżistix) kemm huma minhom Nazzjonalisti u/jew laburisti. Forsi xi darba, bħala ġurnalista toħroġha int….. minn jaf ?Tajjeb li inkunu nafu eh.

  75. Johannes says:

    Have you noticed the atrocious spelling of their own professions? One calls himself a tecnitian, and another works at St. Micheal’s College.

    To spell it out to them, literally, it’s ‘technician’ and ‘ Michael’.

    Says it all, really, if you can’t even spell your own job correctly. And one of them works in education. I give up.

  76. Marianne says:



  77. Rob79 says:

    It is indeed wrong to silence free speech but tell me, who should we blame for the ‘dak li tkisser sewwi’ incident and the young man fined and given a suspended sentence for ‘instigating’ an attack on the pope? il-labouristi?

    And what about the Joe Grima comment on the Catholic Herald article? are the ‘labouristi’ asking for an apology?

    Face it Daphne, this island is full of morons; they flaunt both coloured flags. Well, and the yellow/white one too.

  78. Jozef says:

    Maltatoday this morning,

    ‘Muscat said the theme of the Congress could not have come at a better time, particularly during the last couple of weeks.’

    Jigifieri, skond Joseph, il-mewt tal-perit ma’ setghatx tahbat ahjar.

    Roddu s-salib l-ahwa, anke min ma’ jemminx.

  79. Unknown says:

    Personally I agree with those groups because people who put up their opinion online are getting fined and arrested and yet you are here saying whatever you want against whoever you want.
    Miskina, Daphne, hemm Gonzi jghinha tibqa’ barra mill-habs!

    [Daphne – No, cretin. People are fined for slander and libel, not for ‘putting their opinion on line’. As for the rest of your so-called argument, you are clearly a stranger to the weird notion of free speech. Mur arak tghix l-Amerika, qalbi, kif taghtik rasek kieku. Ahjar toqghod safe u maghluq gol-gagga tar-rahal, mela.]

  80. adrian says:

    hmic int u min u phalek zibel

  81. Ozzy says:

    Although I find some of your articles highly insulting and unappropriate,I must admit that behind all the insults and unnecessary words, there is a fair share of truth written by an intelligent person.

    Of course I am not saying this to praise you but because it leads me to wonder why a sane person like yourself would put himself/herself in your position. Aren’t you worried that by gaining all this hatred against you, you are putting yourself and your family in harm’s way? I’ve read comments that you have security guarding your house out of our taxes, but then again so did Kennedy.

    I must admit I’m curious what goes on in your mind! I wouldn’t accept anything in the world to be in your position. Maybe I won’t fear for myself, but sure as hell I would fear for my family.

    Although you are clearly provoking many people, I don’t wish violence on anyone… so gluck!

  82. cd says:

    Daphne, I recognised one by the name of DORIS VELLA who took over the running of the primary school my children attended when the teachers were on strike in the eighties and when I commented, not directly to her, that I did not want to leave my children there because it was being run by a barmaid she came up from behind and slapped me hard in front of my young children.

  83. Muammar Gaddafi says:

    Ifhem hawn min jahli hinu kollu iccassat mal-facebook

    Haddiehor jahli hinu kollu ma blog tieghu.

    Flok mizbla nghidu landfill biex tinxtamm tfuh.

  84. Riya says:

    ‘kieku int kont qed tattakka l argument u dissiskuti biss x’kien hemm hazin f’zmien mintoff hadd ma kien jipprova jsiktek izda int qed tkun hamalla,pastaza, oxxena bi kliem ta hdura lejn il persuni u dan huwa hazin ghax igib biss mibgheda.’

    Ghax Mintoff miskin qatt ma’ attakka nies personali!!

    Kien il-percimez biex jissawtu in-Nazzjopnalisti ghalxejn u anke sahhan l-irjus ta’ dawk il-povri nies injoranti u stupidi biex tissawwat il-familja Fenech Adami u titkissirlu id-dar.

    U le, Mintoff ma’ kienx kattiv. Min jghid hekk ikun giddieb.

    Ara vera dawn il-Mintoffjani nies tad-dahq u ma’ jaghmlu sens ta’ xejn.

    Alla jilliberana li fil-Partit Lasburista jitfacca iehor bhal Mintoff. Ghax ghamel hsara kbira lill-pajjiz barra minn Malta u gelled lill-Maltin bejniethom.

    Ghalhekk biss kien kapaci Mintoff il-b’qija ghal xejn aktar.

  85. PtrGrech says:

    Ix-xitan jinqala f’zejtu. This is what happens everytime they threaten and act in a violent manner. They pretend to be past their old ways and then they are exposed, then they have to work even harder to convince voters that they are a fresh partit.

    So if Mintoff improved education as they claim then how come there are so many nutters in his party till today, one might ask?

  86. Ex-cittadina says:

    I am slightly confused here. Daphne do you support nazzjonalisti or laburisti? Just because you are coming across with the exact traits you portray for labour supporters. Ah I think I got it all wrong then. You ARE a laburista, considering: “You should hear what I’m saying right now. It’s unprintable, but has lots of foxes”. The only difference is that yours is unprintable, for the rest is just the same dear, anzi slighlty more hamalla.

  87. melissam says:

    When will people learn the difference between the Maltese words: ‘min’ and ‘minn’? It’s really not that difficult.

  88. david calleja says:

    daphne: qed taghmel zball kbir ma taghmilx kwerela kontra min qed jheddek specjalment li joqtlok sabiex jittiehdu passi kriminali mill-pulizija kontra taghhom. dawn nies li mill-kummenti jaslu ghall-azzjoni ma jemmnux fit-tolleranza. l-istess bir-rispett kollu ma naqbilx li tippubblika kummenti vjolenti.

  89. mandango70 says:

    Kull meta jinqala xi zobb fil-partit nazzjonalista, you go in the hiding of a few days. Ma min tkun qeghda tikkonsulta what to do next?

    [Daphne – Actually, my dear village idiot, you will recall that this is only the second break I have taken, and the first was two years ago at Christmas. Christmas, August, quick…get that thinking hat out. God, dealing with thick people is so exhausting.]

  90. D says:

    Why all this HATE Daphne dear?

    Be honest with yourself, look straight in the mirror (insomma better not cuz you might not like what you see) and ask yourself why? We all know why ta!!
    You cant stand people you are above your level…..Yes they are all the Mintoffjani and Lejburisti you write about are all above you, it does not matter where you studied, it does not matter how much money you have in the bank, or what high class people you frequent (not in your case imma nsomma), its what you really are inside…..and believe me I knew women from the Kamrata, Balzunetta and the Mandragg who have more class then you.

    I think you have too much Anger inside you, uncontrollable anger that is eating you up slowy inside, that is where all the ahre is coming from.

    I suggest you start attending some Yoga classes maybe you can find your inner peace and concentrate your efforts to create something positive instead of spitting venom and promoting hate.

    If you think that someone will attack you to make a martyr of you Forget it – never going to happen….YOU ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT.

    I honestly pity you and really wish that you will find your inner peace so you can overcome your anger and finally rest in peace.

    [Daphne – Yes, right. Laughter yoga ma’ Krista Sullivan il-Laburista. I’ll leave that to the people who should be on Prozac and probably are, thank you very much. Peace, man – I’m making that cute sign with my right hand as I type. Save your pity for those who seek the meaning of life in the lotus position, sweetheart, for they’re not going to find it there, I can tell you.]

  91. stefan says:

    The only initiatives related with the memory of Dominic Mintoff recognized by the PL and Mintoff family are those to be launched next week by a dedicated committee under the leadership of Dr Toni Abela.

    In a separate statement, “Fundazzjoni Duminku Mintoff ” said that the foundation is set up by true Mintoff supporters( not P.L.) who never abandoned him and were not amongst those who called him a traitor.
    “Min Mhux ma-Yana Kontra Taghna”

    • The other hatter says:

      And so the partythathasnoname will once again be cleaved in two. Now who will the Sant sympathizers vote for, if they vote at all? Joseph, you pathetic puppet. You surrounded yourself with dinosaurs and has-beens with massive chips on their shoulders.

      What on earth did you expect?

  92. stefan says:

    The only initiatives related with the memory of Dominic Mintoff recognized by the PL and Mintoff family are those to be launched next week by a dedicated committee under the leadership of Dr Toni Abela.

    In a separate statement, “Fundazzjoni Duminku Mintoff ” said that the foundation is set up by true Mintoff supporters( not P.L.) who never abandoned him and were not amongst those who called him a traitor.
    “Min Mhux ma-Yana Kontra Taghna”
    Bla sungwitch ha tibqaw, Viva S-salvatur

  93. Jozef says:


    To the one who posted a comment attempting to explain whose Maltese is atrocious, just give up, it’s useless.

  94. Grezz says:

    First a “tomatina”, now a water-fight with 3,000 (water-filled) balloons.

  95. The Engineer says:

    U anke din illi il-unions jitolbu affarijiet impossibli li jitwettqu. kif jista jkun li dawn jitolbu affarijiet bhal li jipprotegu il-haddiema kollha ta fuq ix-xoghol jew li il-uniosn tal-piloti titlob 35 % zieda jew li ma jhallsux income tax fuq certu thul. lanqas jitwemmnu certu affarijiet dawn kemm huma arditi dawn in-nies. Tal-misthija.

  96. Robert Attard says:

    I went into that facebook group to see for myself. If I am not mistaken the group wants you to apologise for the offense you may have caused. I don’t think that their request is even close to trying to shut you up.

    All you ever do is attack people who do not agree with you by calling them stupid or retarded. Your Blog is purely exploitative. People seem to love hate sessions and you are keen to provide this form of entertainment.

    As a serious journalist I thought you would be more concerned with pressing matters such as the new controversial cohabitation law but I guess what is important for you is to press in peoples mind that all labour supporters are imbeciles or sub human.

    [Daphne – If you weren’t such a bleeding fraud, my dear, and were a regular reader instead, you would know that I have written about the cohabitation bill several times. Now b**ger off. I’ve had it up to here with thick bores from what passes for the sticks in Malta. And while you’re about it, take some lessons in the use of apostrophes. You might find that kind of thing useful when trying to haul yourself up by your bootstraps from that gutter you sit in. L-aqwa l-‘best regards’. Marelli, x’pajjiz ta’ nies rashom vojta.]

    Whats the difference between this and other hate speeches directed towards a group of people.
    People take your offenses personally because you attack them just because they support the labour party. They might not agree with everything that their party says, they might even agree with you on other issues but this does not matter to you, If they are “laburisti” they should be stripped of their vote and humiliated in the streets.
    You are fond of reminding people on what happened way back in the 80s but paradoxically you still want to propagate the old mentality that our nation is split in two: red and blue.

    Best Regards
    Robert Attard

    • Min Jaf says:

      “…what is important for you is to press in people’s minds that all labour supporters are imbeciles and subhuman.”

      Robert, it is not Daphne who is doing that. They are doing an excellent job of that themselves by the level of their comments on this blog.

  97. T.Muscat says:

    While in my opinion the article published on the day of Mintoff’s death was beyond disrespectful, celebrating a persons death, regardless of whether you agreed with his politics or not shows a lack of good judgement if nothing else (don’t see what you were “celebrating” anyway, it’s not like he was still active in politics.) , these groups are just plain moronic, particularly the one calling for your arrest. Do the words “free speech” mean anything to these people? Meta jaqblilhom biss ux. “

  98. Anonimu says:

    In – nies juzaw il – facebook biex jghidu tahom u int xejn ahjar minnom ax tinheba wara blog. Il – kliem li tajd juri id – dwejjaq landek u tipprova titfa l – attenzjoni fuqek ax hadd ma jati kasek u minti tajba al hadd u xejn ax mara imdejqa b’ hajtek :)

  99. A Friend says:

    Dear Daphne

    I apologise for not using my real name.

    I just wanted to draw your attention to the fact that yesterday The Times of Malta online published a story about the money owed by Antonella Vassallo to PBS. Coincidentally, just a few hours after the article was published, the page could no longer be found.

    Please google ‘Antonella Vassallo Times’ or else refer to the link:

    Why shouldn’t such frauds be rendered public so that people are aware of whom they cannot trust?

    Why is this fraud still appearing on television?

    Best regards

    A Friend

  100. JC says:

    Why it has been 3 days since last post?

  101. elephant says:

    In my letterbox, this morning (Sunday) I found a card from a certain Dr CLIFTON Grima who is contesting on the 9th and 10th districts in the coming elections for the Labour Party . Can anybody tell me where St.Clifton is celebrated and where I can see his statue? –

  102. elephant says:

    Interesting – very interesting that bit about the Mintoff Foundation. There seems to be a very wide crack in the Labour movement. This Foundation thing will, in all probability reveal quite a lot of things. Perhaps Professor Grech can throw some light on all this. Apparently the Mintoff family was not consulted about this (apart from Yana perhaps)

  103. Alecs says:

    Sub- literate morons use foxes, daphne. It’s your final countdown, so breathe while you can.

    [Daphne – I find this ‘end of the road for Daphne’ business entirely fascinating. What do you imagine, exactly? Life will go on exactly the same for me PERSONALLY under Labour as it does now. I will wake up every morning, write my blog, write my newspaper column, work on my magazines, and amuse myself in much the same way I do now. So what do you imagine, exactly?]

  104. The Engineer says:

    They are not reasoning well. They are mad with envy. They are dangerously unreasonable. Even this website makes them very irritated. You cannot argue with them. They will surely lose the argument and get irritated. One has to tell them they are right even though it is evident that they are at fault. There are some Labourites who have opened their eyes to the grotesque stances and arguments put forward by Labour.

  105. The Engineer says:

    I am sorry to say it but the Mintoffjani had to be at the margin of the Malta Labour Party not at the centre of the MLP. it looks likely that they have control over vital organs of the party.

    They have control over who gets elected as leader and deputy leader. They have elected another incompetent person.

    He is barely presentable in front of his voters let alone in front of the whole country and especially the floating voters.

    Our future is not a joke.

    The whole country will be influenced by his decisions taken in government. No one’s future is secured with Labour in government. The moderates should be at the centre of Labour and not these incompetent extremists. Verament arditi dawn in-nies.

  106. mR dECenT says:

    FREE SPEECH shouldn`t be ABUSED

    [Daphne – Says Chairman Mao.]

  107. mR dECenT says:

    Dear Daphne can you decide which language to write in please

    [Daphne – Why? If you’re bilingual, you might as well flaunt it.]

  108. dudu says:

    A hilarious editorial by

    ‘Youths in Malta must thank their lucky stars not to have been born in Spain, where youth unemployment has now reached a staggering 52.9 percent.’

  109. Anthony C says:

    Daphne where are you? Missing you lots.

  110. The Engineer says:

    Batti un colpo kif jghidu bit-taljan. Hawn min diga qieghed jtik bhala mejta.

  111. elephant says:

    Franco at it again – now he wants the Health Minister to go – How long it is going to take to kick this person out of the party?

  112. Martin says:

    Please come back – you are our most valued asset.

    [Daphne – Oh, wouldn’t that be your nice Joe Grima, Martin? The real reason you want me back is that you don’t think the people for whom you vote are your intellectual equals or even as remotely as entertaining. You’re more comfortable here. BUT YOU WON’T ADMIT IT EVEN TO YOURSELF. I would never miss a pro-Labour blog.]

  113. Say it straight says:

    Can anyone please inform me whether Daphne’s site here is down? Seems like it has not been working for the last 6 days or so.

    I miss her writings and contributions !

    [Daphne – If it were down, it wouldn’t load at all. If your comment is uploaded, then that means I’ve seen it first, which means that ‘hey everyone…what about Daphne’ comments are pointless. But thank you for missing me, anyway.]

  114. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Often I feel that the Maltese don’t know themselves enough to be able to have a successful democratic country.

    We can never meet politicians in person for long enough to get to know them personally, so we rely on the press to give us an insight into who these distant and important looking people are and what they stand for not just in word but in action as well.

    One politician may wave a slogan for a greener agenda, but if we find out that they have, in the past, been found guilty of dumping toxic refuse in the sea we people will very easily view their agenda in a different light.

    And so they should. It is never enough just to use words. Human beings can be so deceitful that all we have to go by are people’s actions, for, as we all know, actions speak louder than words.

    So, a journalist speaks out against a political party, does what all other journalists in other countries do and brings up the past actions of some of our politicians which is what people need to judge the individuals who are asking for their vote.

    But they don’t follow the mass hysteria, because that’s what the reaction to Mintoff’s death was, simply mass hysteria.

    The result? Hate comments, threats, Facebook groups asking for that journalist to be publicly humiliated, arrested, hanged or silenced, or all of those and not necessarily in that order.

    Those who understand freedom of speech and freedom of the press would never dream of starting up those sort of hate campaigns because they know that everyone has the right to speak out and voice their opinions and the press must have politicians by the short and curlies to keep them in line- one false move and the press will come down on them like a ton of bricks.

    So why is it that the creators of all those anti-Daphne groups and blogs don’t make that connection?

    Apart from the amount of attention they will obviously get from their peers, they also do it because they think that just because they have support from the group then they must be right.

    Like Mr Grima said, “Many people agreed with me”.

    We Maltese can be quite prone to mass hysteria and we just don’t know it.

    This undemocratic behaviour, ganging up against a journalist for not joining in with the group or for disagreeing with people, can be very dangerous. As we could see in the 70s and 80s, it resulted in crowds going wild and carrying out violent attacks on Nationalists and others who opposed Labour.

    Those who say Daphne spits hatred and anger are often themselves part of anti-Daphne causes and groups on Facebook. The double standards don’t even dawn on them because they think that they are the righteous: putting a stop to Daphne.

    Turn to the Labour Party and tell them “Your supporters are attacking freedom of speech. They are blackmailing journalists and asking the PM to silence one or two” and what will their answer be?

    Nothing, giving their followers the licence to carry on.

    Or better still, they will act like Daphne should be silenced first because she attacks politicians all the time, and in doing so they display a complete lack of knowledge of the importance of a free press in a democracy.

    Or they will say that Daphne shouldn’t object because it is all a natural reaction to her words.

    Or some other cowardly statement where they go along with the crowd hysteria that is serving them very well.

    In other words, same old Labour.

    A politician has no right to silence the press, and has every duty to guarantee that the press is not silenced.

    The PN and the PL must be publicly seen to agree on this. Only then will these groups stop.

  115. Fran says:

    Dear Daphne,
    I have not been able to get any of your daily blogs. The last one is from a week ago. I do so look forward to your writing. I think you are gutsy and able to tell the true facts as they are.
    I’m living in Sydney and always anxious for news from Malta.

    Looking forward to your daily blogs.

    Thank you.

    Frances Soler

  116. Royal Mountie says:

    OK–Where did you go?? What did you do now??? LOL Daphne its been a week now and I am having withdrawls of no commentaries on your Blog. Are you on holidays? Come back soon, I miss reading you! :-(

  117. carmel says:

    Dear Daphne, kemm se ddum sejra b’dan il-‘hate campaign,’ ma tafx li issa qbist il-limit bil-kbir, meta se trabbi l-ghaqal?

  118. The Engineer says:

    Dawk huma kriminali mela x’huma jilghabuha tal-hrief u ma huma xejn hlief kriminali.

  119. lola says:

    Dear Daphne are you on holiday? I am missing your blog.I feel lost without your information.Thanks.

  120. joseph mifsud says:

    hi Daphne im writing to you im an ex labour at that time i worked as printer in Sliema the day came Immnarja my boss RIP closed that day as the PN orderd the labour looked who closed that day to give them a punishment we used to print bank work they took everything from my boss there was no work to do so i had to work 3 day or 4 day week when i investigated that they opened an office ROSE ADVERTISING in Republic street V alletta where i lived i saw general workers union work there when i went home i told my wife what we where voting for to give them power from that day we never looked back we voted PN we where not soory when PN in power good things happened PN forever valletta

  121. *1981* says:

    Where are u Daphne? Im worrying now..

    [Daphne – I’m actually having a very nice time among normal people in a normal society. No need to worry.]

  122. Stephen says:

    no more posts for my entertainment? did someone put a zip on your mouth or rather used duct tape to tie your hands so you won’t type anymore crap? come on…where art thou your highness? :D

    [Daphne – My, my, wouldn’t you LOVE to know. Sadly, bix-xewqa se tibqa.]

  123. vincent busuttil says:

    Missing my daily reading. Can you please resume.

  124. Joey says:

    Freedom of opinion is one thing, but when stating your opinion there are some lines you must not cross. But of course, you do what you want. And you say that the ‘Lejburisti’ are brought up by stupids :/

    • Another John says:

      And which are these lines ‘which cannot be crossed’? Who will determine which are these ‘lines’? And who will be the guardian if they have been crossed or not? Maybe you have missed that this is Europe 2012?

  125. Lomax says:

    Why this prolonged silence? I hope everything’s OK.

  126. Carlos Bonavia says:

    I’m having withdrawal symptoms – please come back Daphne

  127. Richard Borg says:

    oh my god you’re back.

    [Daphne – Yes. You must have been so very bored in the hiatus, Mr Borg, given the standard of what passes for comment in your political neck of the woods. I’m not at all surprised you prefer to keep company with the enemy.]

  128. *1981* says:

    phew i was worrying !! Enjoy it xxx

  129. Aunt Hetty says:

    Hurrah. Your blog is up and about again.
    Hope you enjoyed your break.

  130. Joseph Cauchi Senior says:

    It’s good you are back. We missed your contributions.


  131. Grezz says:

    Welcome back!

  132. Martin II says:

    please post something if only to silence their ridiculous writings on fb and the bets they’re taking that someone has asked you to keep silent until elections.

    [Daphne – Oh, let them rattle the bars of their cages. Who cares.]

  133. Jo says:

    Welcome back Daphne. I wasn’t worried by your absence – by now I’ve become used to your exigensies. Hope your holiday was great, you deserve it.

    Thanks for everything.

  134. ciccio says:

    From the above comments, it is clear that the Maltese public is missing Daphne more than they are missing Dom Mintoff.

    • Lomax says:

      I indeed was. I never missed Mintoff, mind you. However, this is the only Maltese website (with the exception of Mulej, Hudni) which is worthy of my time. I even eschew lately. It is crawling with people who believe that, unless you’re a Laburist, you deserve to die a horrible and painful death.

  135. GB says:

    Welcome back Daphne.

  136. Grosvenor says:

    WB Daphne.

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