L-Orizzont: a bunch of liars like their political masters (and mistresses)
L-Orizzont has run a story on Norman Vella’s arrest and detention, except that they didn’t call it that.
It includes the outrageous lie that I uploaded on this site a photograph which Norman Vella took, only to delete it ‘ftit wara’.
Total bollocks, like the rest of the newspaper and those who own it and run it – the General Workers Union and their lying Labour friends.
Skont informazzjoni li ta Vella nnifsu lil ċerti sezzjonijiet tal-midja, jidher li l-Pulizija qiegħda tinvestigah talli allegatament ħa ritratt ta’ Kurt Farrugia u Ramona Attard li ġie ppubblikat fuq il-blog ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia, imma li rriżultalna li tneħħa ftit wara. Vella qed jgħid ukoll li ġie sospiż mix-xogħol.
I never had any such photo, so I could not have uploaded it. But common sense and knowledge of my character and modus operandi would have told these clunking idiots that there is no way on earth I would have:
1. been too afraid of the police to upload the photo;
2. uploaded it and removed it because of fear of the police.
Fear of the police is for criminals, people who live in undemocratic states, and those who don’t know the law and their rights. All others have the law on their side and all they need is the tenacious personality to withstand constant harassment that is the fruit of corruption and abuse of power, because even going to the Police Board is now pointless.
If I had had any such photograph of that poisonous midget and his greasy, ignorant, ill-bred and sub-literate colleague going through passport control together then you can rest assured that it would be pinned to the top of this page for a week and brought out again at regular intervals.
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l-ahhar paragraph vera bis-sens
u int probabli ma tafx taqra
Prosit Daphne, thallijhomx b’xejn. Qed jippruvaw jaljenaw lill poplu b’din l-istorja biex ma nitkellmux fuq stejjer ohrajn li huma iktar gravi.
Kompli ikxef il-qerq, l-abbuzzi, il-gideb ta’ Muscat u l-bella kumpanija tieghu.
New movie showing in our cinemas:
Back to the 80s in 7 months:
Joseph Muscat
Manwel Mallia
PL Parliamentary group
Premiere tickets now on sale for € 650,000 – hurry offer closing soon.
May I ask where this would be photograph was published?
[Daphne – A would-be photograph, by definition, can’t be published because it doesn’t exist.]
Id-drittijiet mhumiex taghna lkoll. Dawk tiddecidiehom L-Orizzont.
Irrid nara Franco u Deborah x’jahsbu. Marlene tkellmet.
Nixtieq nifrah lid-deputata Laburista Marlene Farrugia li kella l-kuragg tikkundanna l-ghemil hazin li sofra Norman Vella. X’differenza minn Peppi Azzopardi, dak jiddefendi xi wiehed habsi u jinsa xi wiehed innocenti bhal Norman Vella. Ragel ukoll.
[Daphne – Some place we’ve ended up in, if MPs are now praised for their ‘courage’ in voicing an opinion about wrong-doing. It’s not as though she’s thrown herself in front of a Chinese armoured tank.]
L-Orizzont wants to impress its readers that at last Daphne is afraid of publishing what her international spies send her.
X’ sar minnu dak Frankie Tabone – waqa fil-muta issa!
Ara veru pulcinell…. kien, ghadu u jibqa.
Dak mhux xoghol Inspector Clouseau, detto John Pisani!
Greasy, ignorant, ill-bred and sub-literate… these are just the polite, descriptive words one can possibly use to describe this lot of pond scum representing us and administering our country…time to leave again. I can’t bear it any more.
Consider suing for libel, Daphne.
Knowing the law and one’s rights would also have to include finding a lawyer who was prepared to take action against an institution.
Not all (top) lawyers had these guts.
Ma kontx se nikteb fuq ir-review tal-gazzetti li jkun fid-disgha ta’ filghodu wara l-ahbarijiet fuq l-RTK.
Nhar it-tnejn li ghadda il-gurnalista li bhas-soltu tidher li ma tkunx qrat sew l-artikli ta’ fuq il-gazzetti nahseb ghafgitha wahda u tajba, forsi wkoll intenzjonalment; waqt ir-review tat-Times qalet li Norman Vella gibed ritratt bhala stat ta’ fatt.
Ma rridx nixliha b’affarijiet ohra ghax ma sibtx ir-recording ta’ dawk l-ghaxar minuti tal-gazzetti. Ha nieqaf hawn. Tidher li mhix maqtghuha ghax-xoghol ta’ gurnalista fejn b’kelma barra minn lokha tista’ tinfama lin-nies.
L-RTK kellu lil Maria il-Barokka u wara kellu lil-ispjuna issa tghabba b’ohra mid-dehra.