Ivan Grech Mintoff to contest EP elections on the ‘Alleanza Bidla’ ticket

Ivan Grech Mintoff, second from left – and yes, that’s Transport Minister Joe Mizzi there, but he’s not in the Alleanza Bidla
Ivan Grech Mintoff, whose mother was Dom Mintoff’s sister, has announced that he will be standing for election to the European Parliament on the Alleanza Bidla ticket.
So far, there is only one other person mentioned as being part of this alliance. He is Anthony Calleja, 57, of whom I know nothing so far.
Grech Mintoff espouses his (hopefully already decomposed) uncle’s political ideals. I quote the report in Malta Today:
“We intend to tear the Lisbon Treaty to pieces and negotiate a new pact. We would then turn back to our electorate for them to decide whether to remain in the EU with these new conditions… or opt for an EU exit. This is all democratic,” Grech Mintoff insisted.
He said the renegotiation of the treaty was possible since everything was pointing towards a substantial increase in Eurosceptic seats in the EP after next May.
Other proposals put forward by the Alliance in its ten-point manifesto includes commitment to cease direct competition between local workers and foreigners, while immigrants “will be sent and allowed to continue on their way to other countries according to their wish.”
They would also strengthen Malta’s neutrality by insisting on a policy of disarmament within the Mediterranean region.
Grech Mintoff’s scepticism stems from the fact that “Malta is no longer sovereign” and that larger countries always influence final decisions.
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That should perk up Kevin Ellul Bonici.
That makes Grech Mintoff a fluffer. He should get in touch with Stephen Ciantar pronto.
Can’t see the treaties for the wood.
Thanks. You’ve just spoiled my appetite.
““We intend to tear the Lisbon Treaty to pieces and negotiate a new pact…This is all democratic,” Grech Mintoff insisted.”
Democracy a la Mintoffjana.
Idiots. First they claim that they are Eurosceptic and then they look forward to be elected so that they will receive a handsome pay with all the frills added to it. And they hide behind clichés such as “neutrality”, “sovereignty”, “disarmament”, “Mediterranean region” and other catch words. Their true catch is the money. I am surprised that Eddy Privitera has not yet enlisted.
Privitera’s an undercover official at the moment. Not kidding.
Jara ftit kbir dan. As if tearing up the Lisbon Treaty is something you do by waving a magician’s wand. Who on earth is going to vote for him in spite of his august — or notorious — name?
“X’nitnejjek mil-Lisbon Treaty.
Dak mhux bicca karta tal-incova?”
I guess the term global interdependence has yet to sink in for this poor fellow.
It beats me that some people don’t realise that in or out of the EU countries today are growing increasingly reliant on each other and even large countries in the EU are become increasingly concerned that if they do not unite further economically they could be wiped out by large fast developing countries.
“Hopefully already decomposed” – good one. I think he had already starting decomposing before he even kicked the bucket.
When was it that he had last had a shower?
Sometimes I think that the PL is full of psychopaths who feel that Malta being part of the EU is an affront to their ego.
They have it in their heads that Malta should be all on its own, doing whatever it likes, or rather having a government that does what it likes to whomsoever it pleases, just so that they can turn into the colonial powers they once hated.
It’s as if their whole motivation is to be the thing that they claim oppressed them. Its a bit like the American slaves that were sent to Liberia, only to become the oppressive force there.
Perhaps in their heads they think that there can only be an oppressor and oppressee, and it’s a matter of survival, and they have to do what it takes to be the oppressor themselves.
They just cannot fathom the idea that we can and should live in a world where we all get along, build social capital, which in turn gives us lots of human capital, and a happier life in general.
These people don’t realize that Malta still governs its own people, that it makes its own laws, and that the EU cannot unilaterally impose laws on its members. What a dumb-ass. He sounds worse than Nigel Farage, if that is even possible.
Oh, and I love the disclaimer ” This is all democratic”.
The truth is much simpler: they’re a bunch of ignorant peabrains.
The problem is that they’re cunning ignorant peabrains.
Include banning women drivers and you can count me in.
Times of Malta online has reported this item of news with the heading: “Euro sceptic party contesting MEP election”. Silly me… there I was thinking we already had one in Labour!
If he’s trying to be another Nigel Farage he’s got a long way to go.
Is that Josef Grech, the famous fraudster, in the picture (far right)?
Who’s Josef Grech?
Anthony Calleja is Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Sammy Meilaq’s side kick on their weekly anti-EU rant on Smash TV
Sickos. The lot of them. This guy needs help.NOW.
Sparred with this fellow in the past.
Not particularly smart.
‘…In their first media engagement – the submission of their nomination to the electoral commission – both candidates seemed totally unprepared.
They failed to present their photo, necessary for displaying in polling booths and on the commission’s website, and one was told that he could not submit his nomination as he did not have enough money to pay the nomination fee….’
Not a good start.
‘…Supported by the Front Maltin Inqum, Alleanza ghall-Bidla is claiming it enjoys the support of both PN and PL supporters but is not willing to divulge the identity of its officials for now….’
Oh pretty please. One’s dead, the other’s in hospital and Jo can’t let go of Sharon.
What a load of rubbish, and how exactly does he intend to ‘tear the Lisbon Treaty to pieces’? Excuse me while I vomit
They were last seen with KMB. Ivan Grech Mintoff and Anthony Calleja are CNI under another name.
I think that Anthony Calleja is a co-presenter of an anti-EU program on Smash TV. If that’s him, he appears with KMB or Sammy Meilaq on the show.
Funny how Mintoff got all the help he could for his education from the British and then proceeded to make sure that most other Maltese and their children could not afford to do the same.
Is this Ivan Grech Mintoff the same one who boasts of Ellesmere College and University of Teesside on Linkedin and who is now a Director of ClarioNET out of Fleur-de-Lys?
Oh, and the same one who was made chairperson of the Adoption Board by the Taghna Lkoll lot?
Anyone who joins an organisation with the deliberate intention of “tearing it to pieces” would only be a greedy saboteur.
This man’s attitude reminds of the dictator Gaddafi’s arrogance during his speech at the United Nations in New York on the 23rd September 2009.
The real news here, and the only point of interest in an otherwise bland and boring MEP campaign, is that Arlette “Letty” Baldacchino has finally taken the field with Imperium Europa.
Right, now can we interview her instead of sniggering at Norman Lowell?
Your piece here should be resurrected in view of the very real worry stirring as per:
And I find that the following is a great example of their logic:
‘The Libyan Charge d’Affaires in Malta, Mr Musrati, had also warned that visas issued by the Libyan Embassy in Ta’ Xbiex will not be recognised by the Libyan authorities. Alleanza Bidla said this showed who the real Libyan government is, contrary to the claims of the Maltese government.’ TMI
I have yet to discover how this Alleanza Bidla can speak in the name of the Maltese.