Scrivo questa lettera con mano tremante e dolore nel cuore.
Forse hai gia sentito parlare della tragedia che mi toccò.
Pensarci, io – un Onorevole impeccabile – avrei dovuto dimettersi dopo che il tribunale mi è stato dichiarato non colpevole!
Non so cosa farò, caro mio Albano.
Ho anche pensato di sorgere un colpo di stato, ma quel farabutto vigliacco di Muscat collude con la Schifosa Strega del Bidneia come se lei non fosse l’autore della sporca propaganda del Partito Nazzjonalista!
Scriverò più in lungo dopo aver cospirato con il grande principe Leiborista, Emanuele del Cuschiaro, ma questa è già un’altra storia e Codruta mi ha preparato un brodo di pollo e sta raffreddando.
Saluti a te da Paolo il Mitragliatrone e Gio-eee l’Olandese.
‘Maggur: il-Maggur l-HR Good afternoon. Għandi envelope għalik mingħand il-Kumissarju, aqbeż qabża għalih jekk jogħġbok.
Sheehan: Il-Ministru qalli biex noqod id-dar.
Maggur: Issa jekk il-Ministru qallek tiċċaqlaqx mid-dar, ħeq il-Ministru jirbaħ naħseb jiena.’
Wasn’t it always said the the Police Force is autonomous?
‘il-Ministru jirbaħ’?
That is not acceptable. That is abuse of Ministerial powers.
It is not tolerable for a Minister to over-ride orders given by the Commissioner of Police or any other Member of the Force for that matter.
The dismantlement of hierarchy is the first step towards dictatorship.
The role of a Minister is to ensure that the policies of the Party in Government are adhered to and to ensure that the Forces are kept in check and no abuse takes place. (This was Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s failure)
The Minister has no right to dabble in day to day matters which are the sole responsibility of the chain of command within a force.
If this is allowed to take place and it is now obvious that it has, what is there to stop a Minister or the Prime Minister to decide who is or isn’t arraigned in Court as is being suggested in the Dalli case for example.
How elephantastic.
Well at least the elephant bothered to turn up, rather than just the MLP cabinet and assorted key-chains.
Where’s Anglu Farrugia?
Dumbo there sat on him. He’s been Candy-crushed.
That cannot clap hands but will surely make some noise.
That elephant can ventilate the room quite efficiently. Ai termini, in fact.
Sorry ta. What do you expect? We lost one who blew his own trumpet and replaced him with an improved model.
When is this elephant going to tell us exactly what happened?
No wonder he was flailing in Parliament yesterday.
How slimy.
And elephants have long memories.
Only one was missing Joe Grima who is getting fatter by the hour .
Dak ghax ghandu ‘condition’, miskin, skond Lynn Zahra.
Carissimo Albano,
Scrivo questa lettera con mano tremante e dolore nel cuore.
Forse hai gia sentito parlare della tragedia che mi toccò.
Pensarci, io – un Onorevole impeccabile – avrei dovuto dimettersi dopo che il tribunale mi è stato dichiarato non colpevole!
Non so cosa farò, caro mio Albano.
Ho anche pensato di sorgere un colpo di stato, ma quel farabutto vigliacco di Muscat collude con la Schifosa Strega del Bidneia come se lei non fosse l’autore della sporca propaganda del Partito Nazzjonalista!
Scriverò più in lungo dopo aver cospirato con il grande principe Leiborista, Emanuele del Cuschiaro, ma questa è già un’altra storia e Codruta mi ha preparato un brodo di pollo e sta raffreddando.
Saluti a te da Paolo il Mitragliatrone e Gio-eee l’Olandese.
Tanti bacini,
Dan nahseb dak li jghin lil certu Albert Gauci Cunningham meta jkollhu bzonn bowzer hara.
P.S. Caro Albano, dopo aver rifiutato di dimettersi, quell farabutto mi licenziato come se fossi una cameriera!
P.S.S. Pensarci, Caro Albano – non son stato mai dichiarato colpevole. MAI! Sono innocente!
Taken from telefonata numru ħdax.
‘Maggur: il-Maggur l-HR Good afternoon. Għandi envelope għalik mingħand il-Kumissarju, aqbeż qabża għalih jekk jogħġbok.
Sheehan: Il-Ministru qalli biex noqod id-dar.
Maggur: Issa jekk il-Ministru qallek tiċċaqlaqx mid-dar, ħeq il-Ministru jirbaħ naħseb jiena.’
Wasn’t it always said the the Police Force is autonomous?
‘il-Ministru jirbaħ’?
That is not acceptable. That is abuse of Ministerial powers.
It is not tolerable for a Minister to over-ride orders given by the Commissioner of Police or any other Member of the Force for that matter.
The dismantlement of hierarchy is the first step towards dictatorship.
The role of a Minister is to ensure that the policies of the Party in Government are adhered to and to ensure that the Forces are kept in check and no abuse takes place. (This was Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s failure)
The Minister has no right to dabble in day to day matters which are the sole responsibility of the chain of command within a force.
If this is allowed to take place and it is now obvious that it has, what is there to stop a Minister or the Prime Minister to decide who is or isn’t arraigned in Court as is being suggested in the Dalli case for example.
Is that Manuel Mallia?