Women who are very stupid but very vocal do a lot of damage to women as a whole

Published: February 27, 2015 at 1:28pm

lara boffa falzon

Maltese women already have enough to deal with as it is in a country where misogyny is rampant and where the belief is embedded that women should be seen and not heard because when they are heard they never know what they are talking about.

Women in Malta must strive against a massive wall of prejudice – that we are stupid, that we are uninformed, that we are incapable of getting our ducks in a row, and that our main purpose is to look decorative while listening, preferably with parted lips, while men talk.

Then some women go out and give the ‘women should be seen but not heard’ brigade more ammunition for their cause.

Here’s Lara Boffa on Facebook, using her work-time while on taxpayers’ money at the Malta Council for Science and Technology to show us that she is unable to distinguish between the completely different cases of Michael Falzon and Austin Gatt. Is she being willfully misleading? No. A woman who is already labouring under the widespread perception that she is quite dim will not set out to prove it. To be willfully misleading, you need to have already proven your intelligence (like some politicians).

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has been married to two highly intelligent women who weren’t even remotely in awe of him. I think he really learned his lesson there, because now he’s picked a thoroughly dumb one who is. It looks like the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology is seeing his personal assistant for roughly the same reason that other Maltese men with issues of misogyny and far-right sentiments import south-east Asian brides.