Eur4.2 million deal with bankrupt business: Prime Minister says “mistakes” were made and blames The Others

Published: March 2, 2015 at 10:59am


This “mistakes” thing has just got to go. The English word is completely wrong in contexts like this, because it is a literal translation from the Maltese ‘zbalja’.

In English a mistake is just that: a mistake. It is not deliberate wrong-doing, planned, negotiated and executed over months or weeks.

The concept of ‘zbalja’, which classifies wrong-doing as ‘mistakes’ is entirely cultural, which in turn is reflected in the language, Maltese.

The cultural concept of wrong-doing, corruption or crime as ‘zbalja’ does not exist in the culture which produced English, and so it does not translate into English either.

If I type ‘where’ instead of ‘were’ – that’s a mistake. If a negotiate a deal of Eur4.2 million with 5% commission to the broker who also happens to be a 50% shareholder on the deal, and do so over weeks, with meetings and discussions and emails, that is not a mistake.

That is wrong-doing.