It is insanity that somebody like this would be allowed anywhere near the controls of a commercial airliner

Published: March 27, 2015 at 6:07pm

From an Associated Press report in The Malta Independent:

A German aviation official told the AP that Lubitz’s file at the country’s Federal Aviation Office contained an “SIC” note, meaning that he needed “specific regular medical examination.” Such a note could refer to either a physical or mental condition, but the official — who spoke only on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information, said the note does not specify which.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration had issued Lubitz a third-class medical certificate. In order to obtain such a certificate, a pilot must be cleared of psychological problems including psychosis, bipolar disorder and personality disorders. The certificate also means that he wasn’t found to be suffering from another mental health condition that “makes the person unable to safely perform the duties or exercise the privileges” of a pilot’s licence.


But experts say it’s possible that someone with mental health problems could have hidden them from employers or a doctor without specialist training.

“It’s a high-stakes situation for pilots because they know if they give the wrong answer, they could lose their license,” said Dr. Raj Persaud, fellow of Britain’s Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Doctors or psychiatrists in Germany are obliged to abide by medical secrecy unless their patient explicitly tells them he or she plans to commit an act of violence.

The president of the German pilots union Cockpit said medical checkups are done by certified doctors and take place once a year.

Are they so desperate for pilots that they will take the huge risk of employing one who needs regular medical examination, for whatever reason? Or is this equal opportunities employment law gone mad?