There’s a Taghna Lkoll celebratory supper at a Fort Cambridge flat tonight

Published: May 8, 2015 at 9:34pm

alfred mifsud deputy governor

The Central Bank of Malta released a statement today saying that Alfred Mifsud has been made its deputy governor for five years, and that he will “focus primarily on monetary policy”.

Alfred Mifsud is a former chairman of the Labour Party’s broadcast media. He is Joseph Muscat’s only private sector employer, having given him a job at his investment services company, Crystal Finance Investments Ltd.

Mifsud is also in business with John Dalli, the former European Commissioner disgraced for corruption. Together, they own Crystal Finance Investments Ltd. Dalli’s daughter, Claire Gauci Borda, is a director of the board.

Mifsud’s insurance brokerage company, Allcare Insurance Brokers, is in serious financial difficulties, as its most recent published accounts show.

Tonight, Alfred Mifsud and his longtime companion Anna Zelbst, with whom he has two children, are celebrating with supper at their Fort Cambridge flat in Sliema.

The guests of honour are his former office minion, the prime minister, and the lovely Michelle Muscat.

It is at time like this that I wish I could let rip with the satire and the accents. But I shan’t.