Frame this in the context of what we know about Daniel Zammit today

Published: June 26, 2015 at 9:08pm

report Feb 2014

Daniel Zammit

Daniel Zammit

This is from a report in The Malta Independent of 26 February last year. This is just how warped and corrupt Inspector Daniel Zammit is.

He actually told the court that he had decided not to prosecute the people who stole electricity after bribing Enemalta to ‘fix’ their meters – because the government had told him not to prosecute.

Here is a senior police officer, the son of one of the most senior police officers, who literally does not understand the separation of powers. He thinks that the police take orders from the government on who not to prosecute which must mean, conversely, that they also take orders from the government on who to prosecute.

No wonder he thought it perfectly normal to set up in business with the father-in-law of a murder suspect who he was at the time investigating and prosecuting, even to the point of leaving a paper trail of company shares and deposit slips.

No wonder, too, that he thought it quite acceptable to drive around in a Ferrari borrowed from a sleazy Sicilian operator.