Here is the latest development in the mysterious case of the xiri ta' voti
March 31, 2008 at 4:30pm
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Here’s where Anglu got his idea from….
Anglu, mhux ahjar tmur iz-Zimbabwe?
@ Stefano
Talent trumps qualifications and our Daphne oozes talent ej Daph?
The qualifications are just gilding the lily ;-)
Here’s one for your bookshelves Ang!
I’m off to check on Brian Hansford ;-)
Hi All
I would like to inform everyone that the lady with Mr Brian Hansford on Realta’ n’est pas moi! ;-)
Hehe he said he would do today’s ‘programme’ on Vella/Mangion tax evasion scandal + his spat with UHM after I had challenged that I would show up if he does…Well, he hasn’t. Shock! Shock! Horror!
Forgive me for taking you out at a tangent for a moment but Anglu Farrugia’s Colomboian (sic) antics have inspired me to conduct a couple of investigations myself… tonight I happened on an article on Maltastar about some retired Dutch couple wanting to open the first Maltese adult TV station. Well these hardened industry moguls have set up a website and my curiosity getting the best of me I thought I’d check out the registrant of their domain… no biggie… these searches are available on the net if you know what to look for… well I got my reply and in this reply was a Maltese name, address and telephone number. Taking it a step further, entering the local fixed line number in GO’s search facility provided me with a shocking pleasure I can;t seem to get over… “Malta Labour Party – Centru Nazzjonali Laburista” – in particular “Maltastar,…”!! Wonders never cease. Thought I’d share…. :)
Now I know we’re in deep ‘sheise’! Reading all you have to say about the contenders for ‘our’ future prime minister, (substantiated wonderfully in your inimitable style), it saddens me that we will not be having a decent opposition for a few years to come.
There are some decent guys in the Labour party. Can’t they get together and just split??? I bet you a hundred barrels of Joe Mizzi’s oil they must cringe and hide their face in shame everytime they read your blog……….and I assure you, they do.
And they think JPO is an embarrassment for us…..yeah right !!
Just for the sake of the argument, well more of a curiosity really, if someone had to pay me to vote one way, and I agree to do so, is it actually illegal? The vote IS mine after all?
Like I said, just a curiosity.
Also, do you remember the wigged one offering a two month tax holiday back in the 2003 elections? Isn’t that trying to buy votes?
hi again, just saw jm on bonziplus and guess what…jm’s has clearly followed the recommendations put forward a couple of days ago in this blog. gone was the watch and bracelet and the suit was a dark pin striped. judging from mf’s grey suit, my guess was that the interview was held in the morning, consequently jm’s chce to wear a dark suit in the morning was perhaps to convey a message; that he is a regular follower of this blog and that he can FOLLOW someone else’s advice. prosit to dcg on this one. despite george abela’s perhaps better suitability for leadership, in my opinion, mlp delegates will elect jm. more points to dcg’s analysis of jm’s wish to become pm at 39… obsession is a bad thing especially in the mlp field; we could easily end up with another embittered ad or another dom in the future.
Tony Pace – Marie-bil-kunjom-Franciz didn’t write again on Sunday. Could she still be reeling from shock? :)
@SB – I suspect the ‘porn website’ story with a contact registration telephone number that takes you back to the Labour Party might be an April Fool’s joke (one day early). Today I received a press release in a similar vein from Ryan Air, about its entry into the biggest growth area of the Internet – porn – with a site called RyanBare. The Labour Party doesn’t score high points in the imagination stakes. I suppose they were inspired by RyanBare.
@SB – I forgot to mention that RyanBare is also an April Fool’s joke.
@David Buttigieg – no, you can’t accept money for your vote, and you can’t pay money for somebody’s vote. Those are criminal acts.
@ Daphne we have to distinguish between the voting document, and who you actually vote for.
If I tell a friend of mine I’ll buy you dinner if you vote for Party Y, it is going to be very hard to proof any criminal wrong doing.
If I tell him I’ll give you a beer for your voting document, and he does, then that’s another story.
Anglu Pink Elephant Farrugia has apparently not been clear on what he’s talking about.
Marija L-Franciza tal Gallarija Ndipendenti baqghet barra fil gallarija ghall arja u l-frisk. It tobba jirrakkomandaw il frisk u l-arja kiesha lill min jiehu xokk. Il helu ta qalbha baqghalha l-art.
haha… wasn’t in April fool mode there yet… the brain didn’t make the connection.. :) damn – thought I was onto sthing there….
I have read the article about the supposedly new porn station in Malta. Maybe as you have saaid this is just a joke by the Labour party portal.
What I wonder is why are they gathering e-mail addressess from interested persons? What are they going to do with them? Will these addressess be used some day against any person??
Can this stance be considered as a breach of the Data Protection Act?
I think this is a very dangerous joke.
Hi Amanda mallia,
How true !
We have not heard from M.B, nor have we heardfrom Grace Borg, Maxine B Ganado etc etc., and that guru of all gurus, Jo Said. But then silence is golden and in our lot’s case, all’s well that ends well.
In fact Independent’s Gallerija was a pleasure to peruse this week :)
To Amanda again
Actually that was a fib. I really missed the MB contribution. No matter how pathetic her comments about AS are, I have a warped sense of humour so I find them funny.
Well, if something IS illegal then it’s illegal whether you can prove it or not.
The question is whether something is actually illegal of merely unethical.
Anyway like I said mine was merely a curiosity.
Anglu l-IljunFant tal-bidla
Tony Pace – Don’t flatter her! To the contrary, I consider her to be quite pathetic. I never normally read her trash, but was curious enough to do so around election time …
Dear Daphne,
you are doing a great service with your analysis of Maltese politics but I also very much miss your witty and (sometimes) sarcastic analysis of Maltese society. Here’s something that might bring the old Daphne back:
02nd April, 2008
Applications for Qualified Banana Weighers
The Comptroller of Customs invites applications from suitably qualified persons to act as Authorised Banana Weighers. Interested persons may collect the official application form and any other relevant information from the CAP Unit, Customs Division, Lascaris Wharf, Valletta, during normal office hours.
Telephone numbers: 2568 5211/2568 5247/2568 5164.
17th March, 2008 Govt. Gaz. No. 18,212