Dr Anthony J Licari, the Methuselah

Published: March 29, 2008 at 6:37pm

One of my collaborators has just emailed me to say that Dr Anthony J Licari, who teaches psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and geolinguistics at the department of French of the University of Malta and backs Joseph Muscat, celebrates his birthday on Monday (Jum il-Helsien – great for a Labour supporter).

And guess what? He turns 59. This is the man who described George Abela, without mentioning his name, as a Methuselah. It turns out he is even older than Abela.

I suppose he backs Muscat because he sees more opportunity for influence there. Joseph Muscat is 25 years younger than he is, probably sees him as a father figure, and Muscat is also a follower rather than a leader. With George Abela, somebody like Tony Licari (who teaches etc etc) can hope to get nowhere. Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek, and Licari and Muscat are two of a kind – and completely different to Abela.

My collaborator also tells me that Licari (who teaches etc etc) has married only recently a Russian bride some 30 years his junior. Let’s hope she doesn’t run off with Joseph Muscat. Ouch.

55 Comments Comment

  1. bingo! says:

    Looks like the reds are out to use you to market Muscat, Daphne. Have a look at labourinlabour.wordpress.com

  2. Jason Spiteri says:

    It’s refreshing to see, all these little gems hidden away lecturing at UoM who pop up periodically to share their wisdom! But surely, for the sake of par condicio, now that Michael Falzon’s thrown his bit in officially (and LOYALLY, I seemed to understand from the Times – now who could that have been aimed at?) we’re bound to see a few blistering posts about him here too – before June 6, hopefully.

  3. So…. Dr Licari has designs and aspirations has he? I wonder how it will sit with the delegates if they knew that he is trying his hand at a little puppeteering. Hmmmm curiouser and curiouser….

  4. Francis V says:

    Why don’t MLP put Karl Chircop as leader, he does have a passing resemblence to Tony Blair after all. Have a look


  5. Tony Pace says:

    Dr. Licari is a pseudo-intellectual, and funnily enough marrying a woman 30 years his junior, (probably with linguistic limitations) really is in keeping with his profile.

  6. David Buttigieg says:

    With Licari I suspect it’s a case of him being jealous that at his age he’s a nobody and George Abela (about his age) is and will be so much more then he could ever dream of.

    My opinion ofcourse.

  7. Meerkat :) says:

    Dr Licari likes to say it with words…I love to say it with pictures…

    THis is what best describes The Learned Doctorrrrrrrr’s oeuvres

    And we all know that expression that has to do with barnyards…;-)


  8. Brian*14 says:

    @David Buttigieg: “My opinion of course”

    ….and another hundred thousand, maybe two.

  9. Bootroom says:

    Licari is an ex-PN supporter who switched to MLP after his career did not progress as he wished it would……

    His writings in The Times would make a 10yr old essay writer proud. He talks of politics as if there is some major chasm between left and right in Malta, socialists vs capitalists. He is stuck in the 1950s and probably refers to texts from that era before putting pen to paper.

  10. @Bootroom
    You are so right. He is another one who suffers from the ‘Arani, Ma’ syndrome. He is an attention seeker who sought the limelight he craves for so much within the PN. Unfortunately for him the PN got the full measure of him early onand clipped his wings.

  11. my name is Leonard but my son calls me Joey says:

    anthony licari reminds me of this gentleman


  12. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @But why is the Maltese political scene chockful of strange men?

  13. Meerkat :) says:

    @ my name is Leonard but my son calls me Joey

    You’re right. The Learned Doctorrrrrr and Emmy are bosom buddies… the mental picture gives me the creeps.

  14. Mario Debono says:

    why is it that with a few exceptions, the MLP is peopled with social deviants and persons with rather strange proclivities? I mean, cradlesnatching a russian girl has got to take the cake hasnt it? And has no one noticed the Joseph Muscat Media Blitz and then the muzzlig of anyone who dared follow him into the arena. We are in for the stage managed election of that red goatee from Burmarrad, mark my words. he will smile and smirk hs way into the lijderxipp. Then we have many more problems, because he is as mad as his mentor…….

  15. Eve says:

    I can’t understand how the MLP acts as a magnet for these little nobodys….Licari, Said, Woods….Dawk li jippruvaw jaghmlu naqra hoss, kull tant zmien, but fail MISERABLY!!!!!

  16. andrew borg-cardona says:

    Unfortunately, Licari’s jib is cut in the manner of the Albert Fenechs, Philip Borgs and Charles Buttigiegs of this world: there is a brain there but they’re fascinated with their own intellect but can’t see that they’re missing the wood for the trees of the conspiracy theories they’ve planted for themselves. Pity, really, they’d be good writers otherwise. Now let’s wait for their reaction to my arrogance!!!

  17. Pinkerton says:

    andrew borg-cardona on Mar 30, 2008

    Unfortunately, Licari’s jib is cut in the manner of the Albert Fenechs, Philip Borgs and Charles Buttigiegs of this world: there is a brain there but they’re fascinated with their own intellect but can’t see that they’re missing the wood for the trees of the conspiracy theories they’ve planted for themselves. Pity, really, they’d be good writers otherwise. Now let’s wait for their reaction to my arrogance!!!

    The same can be said of your own good self, sir.

  18. @ Pinkerton
    You’re wrong there, my friend.
    I enjoy reading ABC. He is not a narcissistic pedant, no intellectual snob, no doom and gloom harbinger. His humour is refreshing and his observations acute and insightful.
    Licari’ bilious contributions are downright boring – and that is throwing roses at them.

  19. Pinkerton says:

    Phaedra Giuliani on Mar 30, 2008

    @ Pinkerton
    You’re wrong there, my friend.
    I enjoy reading ABC. He is not a narcissistic pedant, no intellectual snob, no doom and gloom harbinger. His humour is refreshing and his observations acute and insightful.
    Licari’ bilious contributions are downright boring – and that is throwing roses at them.

    Just because your opinion and taste do not co-incide with mine does not mean that I , or your own good self, is wrong.

  20. Edward Clemmer says:

    Pinkerton on March 30, 2008

    Whoever you may be: there is no proper comparison between Licari and Andrew B-C in your conclusion. The former is arrogant; the other is a humble observer and respector of truth, and an entertainer. The former is not the latter.

  21. @ Pinkerton
    You’re wrong there, my friend.
    I enjoy reading ABC. He is not a narcissistic pedant, no intellectual snob, no doom and gloom harbinger. His humour is refreshing and his observations acute and insightful.
    Licari’ bilious contributions are downright boring – and that is throwing roses at them.

    Just because your opinion and taste do not co-incide with mine does not mean that I , or your own good self, is wrong.

    That is exactly what I mean.

  22. Pinkerton says:

    Edward Clemmer on Mar 30, 2008

    Pinkerton on March 30, 2008

    Whoever you may be: there is no proper comparison between Licari and Andrew B-C in your conclusion. The former is arrogant; the other is a humble observer and respector of truth, and an entertainer. The former is not the latter.

    with all due respect,I beg to differ. Now, what shall it be, the firing squad or the water torture for having the audacity to do so.

    [Moderator – Why is it that Labour Party supporters like yourself have such a siege mentality? The world is not out to get you. And another thing: there is a difference between being audacious and being deliberately obtuse.]

  23. Pinkerton says:

    [Moderator – Why is it that Labour Party supporters like yourself have such a siege mentality? The world is not out to get you. And another thing: there is a difference between being audacious and being deliberately obtuse.]

    I was about to say the same thing about yourself after seeing how you start drawing up the bridges and going simultaneously on the defensive and attack, at the slightest whiff of a dissenting opinion.

    But I did not, for one good reason though. I am not a Labour suppoirter any more then you are. Now, wether you agree with me or not makes not the slightest difference., to me anyway.

    [Moderator – Bozo the clown had dissenting opinions. People rubbish your opinions because they are just that, and not because they have any weight simply because they are in disagreement.]

  24. Pinkerton says:

    How happier and easier life would be for the resident moderators, if we all agreed to agree without question with the official agenda of this blog.
    But real life is not quite like that now, is it?

  25. Edward Clemmer says:


    “if we all agreed to agree without question with the official agenda of this blog.”

    Agenda???? What is TRUTH?

  26. Pinkerton says:

    Edward Clemmer on Mar 30, 2008


    “if we all agreed to agree without question with the official agenda of this blog.”

    Agenda???? What is TRUTH?


    Kind Regards.

    [Moderator – Indeed, Wikipedia, that great hadith of epistemological discussion.]

  27. Meerkat :) says:

    ‘What is truth?’

    Pontius Pilate

    ‘You can’t handle the truth!’

    (Jn 18,38)

    Hey I’m having some fun, the answer from Jesus is actually Jessup in A Few Good Men 1992.

  28. Pinkerton says:

    [Moderator – Indeed, Wikipedia, that great hadith of epistemological discussion.]

    Well, try this in your honest quest for the truth;

    Or this;

  29. andrew borg-cardona says:

    I love this – Plato invoked in response to something I started. I am humbled … almost.

  30. Pinkerton says:

    You are flattering yourself, most humble one.

  31. Meerkat :) says:

    who are you kidding ABC? ;-)

  32. Edward Clemmer says:

    It’s good to return to Plato, namely, the distinction between the IDEAL and the REAL [The Republic]: the problem is the “ideal” in somebody’s head is not the same as the “real” in the world. Pinkerton’s “ideal” is not real. This has been a problem for others in the MLP, especially, A. Sant.

  33. Ivan M says:

    ABC to think of that I mentioned you by name just a few short days ago on this same blog :)

  34. Corinne Vella says:

    Edward Clemmer: Maybe Pinkerton is A. Sant.

  35. Pinkerton says:

    Edward Clemmer on Mar 30, 2008

    It’s good to return to Plato, namely, the distinction between the IDEAL and the REAL [The Republic]: the problem is the “ideal” in somebody’s head is not the same as the “real” in the world. Pinkerton’s “ideal” is not real. This has been a problem for others in the MLP, especially, A. Sant.

    By YOUR VERY OWN argumentation and assumption, we then seem to share the same ideal. But what may seem the same, may not, after all, be so. And what is the ideal for one may not be so for others. This has been a problem for the whole ruling class in Malta of late.

  36. 'Pinkerton says:

    Edward Clemmer on Mar 30, 2008

    It’s good to return to Plato, namely, the distinction between the IDEAL and the REAL [The Republic]: the problem is the “ideal” in somebody’s head is not the same as the “real” in the world. Pinkerton’s “ideal” is not real. This has been a problem for others in the MLP, especially, A. Sant.

    We are the presence of a mind reader no less, who is knowledgable of what is in someone elses head.

  37. stefano says:


    From what I gather you seem to be allergic to highly qualified well known’s. Many a time I have come across writings whereby you try to drive your point home by ridiculing very high academic qualifications a particular person would have painstakingly attained.

    Is it the classical sour grape effect?

  38. Antoine Vella says:

    Like others in the MLP, Dr Licari insists on showing off his academic background and finishes every article by reminding us that he is a lecturer in linguistics, even though this is irrelevant as the opinion pieces themselves do not deal with linguistics.

    In fact, he is a part-timer, responsible for 6 ECTS – i.e. about 40 lectures – throughout the year. This works out at less than 2 hours a week.

  39. Mario Debono says:

    The truth is that Labour is in a mess and about to elect a messily put together lijder with somewhat canine features. Aided and abetted by the Licaris’ borg’s and Fenechs of the blogs and opinion pieces. Its a done deal. Lets thank the good lord for small mercies. Its entertaining to think that whoever the MLP elects, with the exception of G Abela, we will have the opportunity to pillory him to high heavens. And we will have Sant by PRoxy as Lijder of the MLP. As the chinese great once augured….May we live in interesting times.

  40. Edward Clemmer says:


    The point in the distinction between the “ideal” and the “real” is the critical difference, and astonishing one, that defines the past and present failure of the MLP. It also is the difference between rationalism and empiricism. The truth, missing from the MLP, is found in the reality of the grassroots, not in the imposition from the head above. It is like forcing desserta, rather than allowing real chocolate; it is shoving us Partnership, while trying to deny the EU to everyone in Malta; and it is the recent political campaign of the MLP, devoid of an empirical grounding in the surrounding truth of what voters think and want. And now, the MLP want to select a leader. Will it be based upon sound analysis and market research? DCG is exactly correct when she answered my question about Bartolo’s Sunday interview: and, if Bartolo is MLP’s media expert, how could they have been so detached from the reality? The perpetual reply from Sant, while he clung to his “ideal” (without regrets) was always that “they were just opinions.” It is in the national interest that the MLP get REAL, and denial of the true political REALITY of wishes, needs, and aspirations across the Maltese political spectrum will only lead to disaster.

  41. Pinkerton says:

    Corinne Vella on Mar 30, 2008

    Edward Clemmer: Maybe Pinkerton is A. Sant.

    Sorry I took time to answer you but I was busy adjusting my toupee with more super glue. The wind of change you know, is blowing a wee bit strongly of late.

  42. Corinne Vella says:

    Antoine Vella: What does he do for the other 38 hours each week?

  43. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Corinne Vella

    AJL teaches French at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary

  44. @ Edward Clemmer: Maybe Pinkerton is A. Sant.
    Pinkerton is a ‘Madama Butterfly’ afficionado or perhaps an admirer of ‘Vanity Fair’!!
    The book, naturally.

  45. @ Stefano
    Licari’s darts are mostly aimed at the Nat. bigshots. Notice how he is always denigratting all they stand for but very rarely goes and praises the MLP side outright.
    He started out as a very fervent Nat. He felt ‘jilted’ and changed sides. Whenever I read any of his contributions, I could not help but notice that ‘min imaqdar tant irid jixtri’.
    He reminds me of a cast off lover who dresses and primps for her ex and parades herself in front of him in a Look-what- you’re missing attitude.

    ‘Nor hell a fury as….”

  46. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Stefano – not at all. I don’t ‘ridicule people who have very high qualifications’. I ridicule people who use these qualifications as a certificate of validity, by parading them around. It’s a village mentality.

  47. Guzeppi Grech says:

    Daphne needs envy no-one in the qualifications stakes. She has a B.A. (Hons) in Archaeology and a Masters in Diplomatic studies, as far as I know. And probably she’s added to those since :)

    There you go, a little trivia for the Daphne fans here :)

  48. P Portelli says:

    @Mario Debono

    May be Mangion was right. There is something different in Labour’s DNA. If they had two penny interest in getting elected next time round they would be on their knees begging George Abela to take the leadership rather than obstruct him. What leadership skills have the other contestants showed when they were so submissive whilst Sant was driving Labour into a concrete wall?

    The only other person who merits consideration is Alfred Mifsud who also showed mettle when he did not sumbit to Sant’s madness. But Mifsud is not contesting so if Labour have any idea of what its takes to get elected they should tell poodle and Maria l-Maws to go and hone their leadership skills in some animal farm, tell Falzon to follow the same route as Mangion and ask George Abela to save them from thenselves

  49. @P Portelli
    ‘…The only other person who merits consideration is Alfred Mifsud …’

    Ah.. Alfred Mifsud! Now that’s another horse I wouldn’t mind backing for the MLP Leadership.
    Too bad they are so hell-bent on the youthful look… and the snazzy image. He would wipe the floor with their pretensions, kieku.

  50. Albert Farrugia says:

    “Its entertaining to think that whoever the MLP elects, with the exception of G Abela, we will have the opportunity to PILLORY him to high heavens.” – Mario Debono, Mar. 31.

    “The only other person who merits consideration is Alfred Mifsud who also showed mettle when he did not sumbit to Sant’s MADNESS.- P. Portelli, Mar. 31

    Really now. Violence in politics? Oh the horrors of the 70s and 80s.

  51. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Phaedra Giuliani

    I have a thing for Alfred Mifsud…Now, that’s a lion! He has a mane and all!

    Where’s amrio to chastise me for passing such girly comments?

    Seriously though, I am disappointed that he has not thrown the hat with the lot of them… That would have been some comeback from the wilderness of the Bord ta’ Vigilanza…to leader of the Party! He would have carried some whip to lick them all into shape… especially Jaysin

  52. @ Meerkat
    ‘I have a thing for Alfred Mifsud…Now, that’s a lion! He has a mane and all!’
    Yes his mien can dazzle. He also has style, and grace, and poise and oooooooodles of charisma. All other aspirants take note.
    Now there’s a personage who talks softly and carries a big stick.

  53. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Phaedra Giuliani

    You said ‘Now there’s a personage who talks softly and carries a big stick.’

    Don’t mind either one ;-)

  54. Ivan M says:

    in amrio’s absence….

    Meerkat!!! stop passing these silly girl comments :D

  55. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Ivan M

    As iiffffffffffff ;-)

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