Future Maltese prime minister Joseph Muscat graciously allows Hello magazine a glimpse into his jet-setting life
Joseph Muscat tries to avoid using the chauffeur whenever possible, but sometimes you just have to keep up appearances
Whenever the occasion allows, Joseph Muscat likes to use environmentally sound forms of transport, and gets his chauffeur to ferry him around by pedal-power.
The environment is the number-one item on the electorate’s agenda, and the highly intelligent Joseph Muscat knows this. Here we see him taking a photo-call a Natura 2000 site which he saved from development by a prominent member of the Nationalist Party.
The present prime minister of Malta is known to be very popular with young people. Joseph Muscat, with his charm and vitality, knows that he can do much better than this. Here we see him targeting the youth vote in one of his many one-to-one meetings with the first-time voters of 2013.
Joseph Muscat increasing international fame is encapsulated in an ever-growing book of press cuttings kept by his devoted and lovely wife Michelle, former personal assistant to former prime minister Alfred Sant.
The youthful and glamorous future prime minister of Malta takes a much-needed vacation in Mustique as the guest of Mick Jagger, after having put the world’s problems to rights. Here he is pictured in a designer outfit which is just perfect for the hot weather in the Caribbean.
While surfing off Mustique, Joseph Muscat learned to his great delight that West Indian superstar Bon Ton Mickey had dedicated a best-selling hit to him.
Joseph Muscat is known for his great loyalty to former Maltese prime minister Alfred Sant. Here we see him following orders.
The future prime minister is a valiant foe in battle. Here we see him emerge victorious from an epic debate at the Labour Party’s general conference.
And here is the future prime minister of Malta’s lovely wife, Michelle.
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I heard that Joseph Muscat is taking private lessons from Tony Blair in ‘How to be the Best Poodle’.
These jokes/pictures on Joe Muscat are really cruel. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Ever heard the Italian saying ‘sparare sulla Croce Rossa’?
@ amrio – if anything, they’re cruel to poodles.
At least we haven’t heard about the labour candidate who was sending spam to people… there was one in fact..
Checked.. it was Charles Buhagiar who was sending spam from the email saying “VIZJONI GHALL-MALTA
Perit Charles Buhagiar fuq Vici Versa jispjega l-vizjoni politika tieghu.
Charles Buhagiar huwa ezempju car ta’ kif iben familja tal-haddiema kapaci jaghmel minn hajtu storja ta’ success, kemm bhala professjonist kif ukoll bhala ministru u rapprezentant tal-poplu.”
And how is that success achieved, I wonder, by hating academic study and by making so many gaffes as Mr dna himself did?
Keep it Daphne.
This is very amusing.
Your photos and running commentary will surely give a very big push to Dr Muscat’s election campaing for the MLP leadership.
eyesonly: Charles Buhagiar wasn’t the only spammer. I received no less than two ‘personalised’ letters signed by Dr Alfred Sant. Both offered me a string of benefits that I could get hold of by voting MLP. Nobody bothered to check first whether any of them were of any benefit to my household. They weren’t.
Daphne, whatever your opinion is, pictures such as these are in bad taste. Reasoned arguments are much better. This puerile form of denigrating Joe Muscat simply doesn’t appeal to serious and intelligent thought.
@Tim – there is a place for reasoned arguments, and there is a place for mockery.
Mockery is a form of commentary