Now we know for sure who's the chosen one

Published: March 27, 2008 at 10:00am


Maltova Zarb and the General Workers Union are behaving as though George Abela is not interested in the leadership of the Labour Party. You’d imagine that after he put the GWU (but definitely not Zarb, which might explain things) second in his order of priorities after his wife and before the Labour Party (bad idea), they would be out in the streets waving his flag.

Ah, but no. Zarb likes the pet poodle. The pet poodle is a regular feature of the L-orizzont pages, writing columns and inane articles about how he had a dream.


So the GWU are backing the fluffy one, and using Josef Stalin’s method of pretending that Somebody Else doesn’t exist. Get the information here.

4 Comments Comment

  1. Edward Clemmer says:

    The obvious paraphrase of “I have a dream”, of course, is taken from one of the most famous speeches in American political history, from Martin Luther King’s speech in Washington, DC, on the famous march, not much before his later assassination in Memphis. That Joseph Muscat should so blatantly borrow from it is the height of self-agrandizement–and a sacrilege to the memory of one of America’s truly greats.

  2. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Edward, Joseph Muscat thought nothing of quoting lines from My Way in answer to an interviewer’s question. He’s just plain shallow.

  3. vanni says:

    I wonder if he will change his tune if he doesn’t make leader.
    I have a dream


    I had a dream
    Crazy dream.
    Anything I wanted to know
    Any place I needed to go
    Hear my song
    Yeah…people dont you listen now?

    With all due respect to Led Zep
    PS even the song’s name is a message
    The Song remains the Same

  4. Tony Pace says:

    Hello Poodle, Goodbye Labour

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