A sneak preview of the new prime minister in action
Come on Jeffrey, do what the useful idiots are telling you to do. Obey orders and bring down the government. We want this man and we want him now. Isn’t he brilliant? Look at that lovely pink tie! That arani-ma smirk! That sucking up to Charles – sorry, Perit Charles Buhagiar, as in www.peritcharlesbuhagiar.com. Lawrence Gonzi wilts in his shade. A snap election, that’s what we want! Joseph Muscat for prime minister! Ara how jealous of us they’re going to be in Jurip.
Arnold Cassola is very committed to Malta
The international man of politics with the President of the Greens in the European Parliament, Monica Frassoni – what a load of laughs
His website is in Italian. The header on www.arnoldcassola.com reads Arnold Cassola cassola_a@camera.it “Italiano all’estero, il valore aggiunto dell’Italia”.
His biography modestly keeps under wraps his deep involvement in the small party with big delusions, in another EU member state called Malta.
Ah, but Arnold Cassola respects his viewers’ sensitivity to such fractious loyalty. His photo album tactfully excludes any photographs of his activities in the small party with big ambitions in another EU member state called Malta. Instead we are treated to the more benign exhibition of Cassola hobnobbing with Big Names in American and European politics (except in that other EU member state called Malta). We are relieved to see that these photos exclude any suggestion of an international affair with an elephant, as Anglu Farrugia’s Internet photo album does.
Some hot dates with Charles – sorry, Perit Charles
Just in case you were wondering about the exciting life of an Opposition MP, take a look at this diary of forthcoming events pulled from the website of Charles – sorry, Perit Charles – Buhagiar at www.peritcharlesbuhagiar.com. (Kemm lahqilha l-mummy, eh? Sarilha perit.) Read this, and stop wondering why he’s so rabidly keen to become Minister of Works again – and it’s not to lay out another Bugibba promenade, either. And oh, gosh look, there’s one of those dinner-denses that Jason likes so much!
Il-Gimgha 22 ta’ Frar
Lejla Maltija – Ta’ Soldi Restaurant – Mgarr
Hin 8pm.
Prezz Kbar £10.50/ Tfal £7
Sibt 29ta’ Marzu
Dinner Dance ta’ Jum il-Helsien
SAS Radisson – Ghajn Tuffieha
Hin 8.30
April 2008
High Tea ghall-Anzjani fil-Bristow Potteries
Bristow Potteries – Ta’ Qali
Tlieta 6ta’ Mejju
Coffee Morning
Qawra Palace Hotel
Hin 9.30
Sibt 14 ta’ Gunju
Mellieha Holiday Complex Ghadira.
Sibt 12 ta’ Lulju
Harga ghal Kemmuna f’Eghluq snin il-Perit Buhagiar
Certifikat biex niffrejmjah
Thank you, Adrian Borg, for finding the judgement in the libel suit Daphne Caruana Galizia vs. Joseph Muscat u Malta Labour Party sive Partit Laburista. Here it is, for all those of you who want to have a look at the stuff our future prime minister is made of.
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Again unbelievable Joseph Muscat as MLP leader…how can they win an election these guys?
With a dillettant leader……they need professionalism mela clowns…..f’gieh kristu….Dan worse then Alfred Sant…
@ Kenneth Spiteri
You mean this one?
The Poodle Clown?
Actually what irked me is that JM told Charlie Buhagiar the “he would have 5 years of hard work ahead of him as a minister” (loosely translated from the vernacular).
I think that was presumptious. I am sure that cabinet posts are the prerogative of the PM of the day, so tellin CB that he would be minister is a no-no. The only way to excuse this faux pas (hope I spelled that right) is by knowing beforehand what Alfred Sant’s wishes were. And even then, you presume re-election of the MP in question.
Ahhh…politics, politics, the things you make us do :)
Joseph Muscat is a household name for many Maltese and Gozitans. For the past eleven years, Joseph has hosted and produced a number of television and radio shows and has established himself as a regular political analyst on both Maltese and English language newspapers. He is one of the few people in the media who has a sound knowledge of economics, being primarily an economist and a manager. Joseph Muscat also holds a Masters Degree in European Studies and has completed his Ph.D in economics. He studied at St Aloysius’ College and was part of a core team that set up the Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprises, which was established in agreement with the European Union and was granted EU funds for the restructuring of industry. In fact, Joseph was part of the team that secured these EU funds.
At the age of 29, Joseph was also the youngest person to hold the post of chairman of Labour’s general conference during the sessions which forged the party’s new EU policy. He was also a member of the working group that forged this policy. During the past years he helped secure EU funds for a number of Maltese and Gozitan organisations. Joseph Muscat was the first Member of the European Parliament to be elected from the Labour list in the European Parliament elections in 2004.
All JM haters – please note his work with IPSE and securing of funds. Not so anti-EU after all
[Moderator – “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” – ICE T]
@ Gerald Fenech
So you’re JM’s Max Clifford?
@Gerald Fenech…
Dear Gerald I work in the ICT and Electronics Industry, you know how many in my entire career I met Engineers with Masters etc…They were null, idiots, to many to list them here….
If someone posses a PhD a masters etc… Is for his personal knowledge only, doesn’t make u a new Einstein.
Now we are talking about politics about the new MLP Leader, I saw his speech @ MLP General Conference I fell asleep, not to say that in the beginning I even cried… is this the new blood @ MLP, is the what MLP are proposing for us…No thanks ….we want someone who can guide us for success, not guide us for the Moira Orfei circus…
So get a life Gerald…
Who is Joseph Muscat?
@ Meerkat
Yikes! That was really below the belt. Take care – Gerald is promising brimstone, fire and lawsuits if we continue with our licentious ways.
Also, I think we’d better explain to all who Max Clifford is:
@ amrio
Max Clifford is more famous than his clients and makes oodles of dough… No insults anywhere :-D
Gerald Fenech: Slow down. No one’s said they hate Joseph Muscat.
Come on, Gerald – we know somebody who got a DBA from Harvard and then spent the next 30 years trying to get his act together and failing miserably. Lawrence Gonzi, on the other hand, has exactly the same law degree that Anglu-I–can’t-spell-or-write-Farrugia has, but look…..
Ok, maybe you don’t hate JM so I’ll take that back. That was just JM’s profile off his Facebook page so its public for all to see.
And no, I am not JM’s Max Clifford (I happen to know who he is, thanks).
@Kenneth Spiteri. Since all the engineers you met were so dull, how come you’re not as dull as them being in the ICT industry? Or is it just a smattering of envy at others who have achieved something?
I posted Joe’s profile just for the reference to the EU funding issue. It has nothing to do with his degrees et al although these are a welcome plus. So it seems that you all missed the point in your zeal to ridicule him and his message.
Who is Joseph Muscat?
Huwa kien involut hafna ukoll fil-protezzjoni ta’ l-ambjent, f’ kazijiet bhal dak ta’ l-incineratur ta’ l-Isptar San Luqa, il-Power Stations tal-Marsa u Delimara, u l-Impjant tar-Riciklagg ta’ Sant’ Antnin.
The above is from his website ‘Who I am’. The title says it all!
St. Luke’s incinerator – What was the value of his input? The hospital was to be de-commissioned anyway, did anyone expect the incinerator to continue operating when everything else was to be transferred to Mater Dei?
Marsa Power Station – an aging plant which is due to close down in five years time – in the meantime other projects are at hand in order to ensure enough power for an ever increasing demand. Joseph Muscat can only talk about it since this is a government decision not his.
The Sant’ Antnin Recyling Plant – What exactly did Joseph Muscat contribute other than negativity? One must admit that the plant is operating in spite of Josdeph Muscat and others!
With regards to his several degrees and diplomas in Commerce, he is still below par since his ex-leader has a degree from Harvard. But then degree in economics or not, Dr. Sant still could not get anything connected with the economy right!
Good to remember three decades ago when Dom declared that degrees and diplomas are only pieces of paper one would wrap anchovies in!
Such is the Labour vision!
And who is Evarist Bartolo?
[Moderator – Was Varist active in Catholic Action/Azzjoni Kattolika/Legion of Mary during the interdict?]
When The Poodle heard that Varist is running for the Liderxipp he kicked up an almighty fuss…
[Moderator – Mystery solved: TheLost Monster is Joseph Muscat in a foul mood.]
@ Daphne
George Clooney…
It sorta reminded me of an ad
No Poodle
No Party
Gerald Fenech: Since we all all missed the point, could you point it out?
[Moderator – Was Varist active in Catholic Action/Azzjoni Kattolika/Legion of Mary during the interdict?]
I would think so as he is saying ‘in my teens’. I think even KMB was in the same ‘league’ during that time, am I correct?
If it were so, and as he said in the bio, he is coming from a PN family, taking the step to be MLP during those years must have been a very courageous thing to do, so 1 point to Varist.
[Moderator – I think that that character assessment goes wayward when he begins comparing himself to Ghandi and Martin Luther King. In any case, people who tend to have Road to Damascus moments are too strongly associated with Born Again Christians in my mind. Did anyone else think that his website was hacked after reading the first sentence? I’ve only just realised it’s actually his writing style.]
Corinne: I posted Joe’s profile just for the reference to the EU funding issue
I wouldn’t make light of Varist’s Catholic upbringing, but it seems some of that jellyfish must have migrated to his brain!
@ Gerald…
Sorry I thought u have mine level of intelligence… to understand what I mean…
That doesn’t mean all of the Eng… I meant…
I want to make it clear that achieving a Degree doesn’t prove u is good at it. Believe me…
And to answer your pathetic question I achieved on both disciplines…and still there are a lot better then me out there…
Every single day you learn something new Mr. Gerald….as for me today for example about you but …………
Gerald Fenech: I got that bit. But what’s your point?
The Poodle driving in his cheap car (“ghax iz-zghir ma jaffardjax ikollu xi haga safe fit-toroq taghna” – from video clip) on Perit Chalie’s Bugibba roads
@Gerald Fenech: I happen to know who Joseph Muscat’s Max Clifford is, too – Godfrey Grima, the man who loves to leave everyone guessing as to which side of the political fence he sits. Perhaps he’s one of those who prefers to sit on the fence and risk getting a post up his wotsit.
Does anyone recall who was the person that used the nome de plume Maria il-maws; who wrote nothing but venom against the NP?
@AM.SA – Maria l-Maws wrote a column in KullHadd, right? I always thought that was Evarist Bartolo. And there was another one, too – Minn Wara l-Kwinti or Minn Wara l-Persjani or something like that – a single column on the far right of the right-hand page. Does anyone remember?
Maria l-Maws being Evarist Bartolo is as much of a secret as I.M. Beck being Andrew Borg Cardona.
Thanks Daphne and Ivan. I just wanted to confirm what I already knew. My point is that with Evarist as MLP leader we will have a wolf in sheep skin.
Gerald Fenech – Do I take it that – especially after claiming that from 2003 on you never attended any political meetings not to seem biased, in view of your job – you are now canvassing for the ginger man? (Or maybe you it’s just his aura that disarms you and makes you want to blow his trumpet continually )
Ouch – That ping-pong ball almost got me!
Gerald Fenech – Apologies, because I just realised that you took that off the ginger man’s Facebook thingy, not dug it all out yourself.
Just out of curiosity, though – Why must you keep on blowing the guy’s trumpet? It just comes across as if you are canvassing for him.