Anglu Farrugia knows a corruption scandal when he sees one

Published: April 9, 2008 at 11:30am

Lino Cauchi murered - why? By whom?When Anglu tal-iljunfant talks about corruption and government intrigue, we should listen. After all, he knows what he’s talking about. Check out one of the most notorious investigations in all of Maltese political history. When Lino Cauchi disappeared (and his body found years later in a well), what did Inspector Farrugia do? He sent for the distraught Mrs Cauchi at night, had her flung into one of those hideous cells at the depot lock-up, kept her for hours and interrogated her, shouting: “Where’s Lino! You must know where he is!” Meanwhile, Mrs Cauchi’s father was outside the depot gate, screaming that they weren’t going to do to his daughter what they did to Nardu Debono. That’s a fine way to deal with a woman whose husband has just gone missing – unless you know who the husband’s clients were, and what sort of business he carried out on their behalf. Well, a man in that situation can always say he was just following orders.

13 Comments Comment

  1. kenneth Spiteri says:

    yepp by whom? ask Lorry Sant….

  2. Meerkat :) says:

    Anglu Bellu ta’ l-Iljunfant should keep this adage in mind: People who live in Glass Houses (one in particular) should not throw stones…

  3. David Buttigieg says:

    When you think that these things happened in Malta so recently – Forgive Labour? Dream on!

  4. AM.SA says:

    And they want us to forget cause it all passed

  5. amrio says:

    Here is another ‘scandal’:

    Seems we will have more of the old Labour tactics these next 5 years. Or will JM put a stop to all this once he’s elected??

  6. john says:

    Missing people
    Missing people is still happening in malta or to be accurate people die just hours or days before they could embarass the PN

    Do you remember the one accused of killing raymond caruana? if i remember well his nickname was ic-Caqwles, When his trial was going to start he died from an over dose of drugs. Its a pity that when the day was coming to clean his name about the raymond caruana murder he conviently died and that avoided another big embarresment for the PN because the trial would have acquitted him.

    Is-sewwa jirbha zgur ……….and we r still waiting for the murderers or raymond caruana to be brought to justice

    [Moderator – John, I think you’ll find yourself alone in claiming that the PN murdered ic-caqwes.]

  7. Amanda Mallia says:

    Forget? Never! Forgive? Probably even less …

  8. john says:

    Hi amrio

    so before the elections it was the Pn policy to turn green areas into building areas

    after the elections we r turning building areas into green areas

    shall we propose the minister giovanna debono as the green poltician of the year???

    do u agree Mr Orlando???
    shall we call that KONSISTENZA? OR skond id daqqa iz-zifna

  9. john says:

    There were four deaths in malta that if we use the sherlock holmes question

    who benifeted from his/her death???

    1)lino cauchi was one of them. since he was an accountant his death means his secrets about money of ex socialist ministers went into the grave with him

    2)The caqwes trial with the new information that recently got out would have means the police case would have ended same like the trial of the richard cachia caruana with the aqcuittal of il caqwes. Could the Pn afford such a thing????

    3)The third guy was that was shot at ta qali, He was ex socialist supporter who turn pn supporter in the 80s
    The last thing he said AT THE pN HEADQUARTERS before he was shot was he was going to the police to inform them about those famous bombs in the 80s, And death people cannot talk. they take the secrets with them in the grave

    Few years ago the weapon used in his murder was found by the police. And x kunbinazzjoni they found it in a farmhouse own by the one and only THE BAREFOOTED.iT WOULD be fun if some new proklama be give to him (ma l ohrajn li diga akwista) to know how the weapon used in the killing ended at his residence

    The fourth mysterious dissapearance which was of a women who was the star witness of the police in a murder trial.When this trial started she vanished which maked the prosecution work more difficult and the accuse lawyer work more easy. With her disappearnce as the police main witness the accused was liberated. I cannot rember the names and dates and year. But if my memory is ok the accused lawyer was Dr Demarco. At that time he was the best lawyer in malta and most of the people in trials always used his services

    So these four cases of people dying or vanising out of site at the right time, i am sure it make some people sleep well at night

  10. Mazokista says:

    APOLOGIES!!!! Hei John, am I wrong or did I very recently hear MF & JM (MLP leadership aspirants) both declare that an apology from the MLP was in place for what the Labour Party had concucted in the 70s and the 80s. Do you know what YOU are writing or are they saying CUCATI?????

  11. kenneth Spiteri says:

    I am really going crazy…how can they exsit

  12. john says:

    FOUR PEOPLE. I AM not referiing to the directors of the soap opera Gizelle shown on super one.

    My dear Kenneth i am referring to four real people
    Who did died. And they died at a very convienet time for some people.

    1) lino cauchi who as an accountant of ex socialist ministers would have some real hot information.
    2) wilfred cardona who before he was shot did tell people around him he was going to the police to inform them about those famous bombs in the 80s
    So for kenneth the finding of the arm used in the shooting and killing by at police at the home of the one and only THE BAREFOOT. Does that not ring any bells for u? Every one knows that the BAREFOOT have kwalitijiet tajjbin u inqas tajbin…………
    3)IC-CAQWES who died of overdose few days before the start of his trial about the murder of raymond caruana. It was an open secret in legal circles tha the police had a very weak case of winning it

    4) the vanishing of that lady which my memory cannot recall her name. But she was the star witness of the police in a murder trial. She vanished and the defence lawyer had a walk over since the police had no witness. The defence lawyer was one of the ex prisidents of malta.

    So dear kenneth and dear mazokista the saga of lino cauchi is just the tip of the iceberg

    u need only common sense to realize it

  13. giov DeMartino says:

    Labour’s atrocious, very atrocious past will haunt them for ever. Iridu jqerru qrara generali u jsumu hobz u ilma sa elezzjoni ohra. U m’hemm ebda garanzija li l-poplu jtihom l-assoluzzjoni. Haqruh wisq lill-poplu.

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