Squeak! Maria l-Maws speaks after 20 years of sucking up to Sant

Published: April 7, 2008 at 11:15pm

Evarist Bartolo

Hark at that Evarist Bartolo in Malta Today, yesterday.

Electing the next leader of the Labour party is obviously not just an internal party matter. The way we behave in the process will have a great impact not just on party delegates and members but also on the electorate at large. A party that aspires to govern the country must show that it can govern itself.

We must make an effort to behave in a dignified manner and not allow the election of the next leadership and administration of the Labour party to degenerate into fratricide.

We must stop tearing each other apart. I have already said during the last 10 years that what worries me about the Labour Party is that there is too much infighting, too much biting at each other’s tails and it has to stop. I know it happens in every political party especially after an electoral defeat and when it is caught up in choosing the next leadership. We need a cultural change inside the party that allows for more diversity and disagreement, but also compromise.

This from the man who stuck by Sant through his every whim and madness – who never challenged him, never opposed him, never told him where to stuff it, and who bowed his head meekly and withdrew from the leadership race when Sant decided he wasn’t resigning after all in 2003.

Maria l-Maws should know that political infighting is sometimes a good thing, and that if the party had had more political infighting over the last 16 years, Labour wouldn’t have ended up with Alfred the Albatross around its neck after his third consecutive defeat – two general elections and one referendum – in 2003.

Now, after sucking up to Sant for all these years, Maria l-Maws expects us to vest him with even one iota of credibility as the new leader of the Labour Party. Ahjar imur jinheba go xi tobqa fil-hajt.

4 Comments Comment

  1. Leonard Ellul Bonici says:

    Wish Super One TV will show again that Staged farce set by Dr Joseph Muscat, our Member of European parliament elected to represent us Maltese citizens, some three years ago at the Parliament arena.

    On his first days in his role Dr Muscat makes a fool of himself by staging an “Arani Hi!” scene at a European parliamentary committee meeting yelling at the Chairman for not having an Interpreter to translate his speech which himself wrote in Maltese. As if Dr Muscat did not know that there were no interpreters employed by the Commission. There were no interpreters for the simple reason that we did not have any Maltese Professional simultaneous translators at that time, and not because the Commission failed to employ one. By coincidence or by chance, or god send, could also be destiny, or the providence (kif jigri hux) Super One News reporters happen to be filming this sham in Brussels. Evidently this was meant for tal-Labour, they did not know that Dr Muscat’s role in Parliament, drafting legislations etc, may have an impact in their daily lives.

    On the other side Dr Muscat thought that with his arrogance he can change how the Parliament organises its work. He believed his mentor (Dr Alfred Sant) that Switzerland in the Mediterranean saga was Malta’s best option. I wonder what his fellow Members impression was – this newly Maltese Member of Parliament behaving like a ciwawa dog, thinking he can change the world.

    In his interview with Lou Bondi, Dr Muscat repeated the famous Dr Sant’ s saying of the pudding, which goes “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” Ajjut ! Thanks Dr Muscat we already tasted that, no bonehead will ever fall for it again.

  2. Insite Malta says:

    Insite University Newspaper interviews:


    Jacques René Zammit

    Daphne Caruana Galizia

    Sandro Vella

  3. Romegas says:

    I reiterate that Varist’s defining moment as a politician came when he famously told Sant to call Mintoff’s bluff. And Sant came crashing down. It shows how much this man can correctly read a potential political explosion.

  4. europarl says:

    hmmm, Len, I think it wasn’t SuperOne filming, and it could hardly be the Commission… if I’m not mistaken, Doktor Joves Muscart was in the European Parliament.

    How’s your friend doing anyway? Or is David Casanobis no longer a friend :)

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