Oh dear, what a pity we missed this
The one at Frangul Hall sounds like it was a lot of fun: kollu spettaklu, kant, briju (and probably also brija, given that amount of hair gel), ikel u xorb. Mistiednin specjali Mary Spiteri u Renato. Having struggled to go to sleep every summer night as a child to the sound of Renato crooning ‘If things shouldn’t go right’ (Eurovision Song Contest circa 1970) and ‘Ave Maria’ at the Preluna Skyroom (my bedroom was just below), I can’t stand the sound of the man’s voice. At least he’s ditched the white bell-bottomed cat-suit with the fringed sleeves.
You have to hand it to Silvio Parnis, Labour’s kelliem ghall-anzjani – he really knows how to create a scintillating party atmosphere: “Gibu maghkom imkatar tal-partit”.
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“Dejjem kien ghas-servizz tieghek il-Hames snin shah bla hlas”
I think that we should set up a fund for the fellow. He needs more hair gel.
BTW, I wonder why Hames is so important as to require a capital “H”? Or is this a subtle hint that others were goofing off at some time or the other during the Hames snin?
that song by Renato was called ‘Singing this song’, Eurovision 1975
Better than Hey Hey Vodka Hey Hey Huh Huh if you ask me….
Thank you, Holland. The refrain ‘If things shouldn’t go right’ is stuck in my head.
1975? That means his white-fringed cat-suit and platforms were already out of date when he wore them.
Renato, and many other Maltese singers, were still wearing such outdated costumes right up to the 80s or 90s and, dare I say, 00s. My childhood memories are full of miserably dressed singers on shows such as ‘Blanzuni’.
You missed the most important message though i.e. the 6 to 9 party…”6″ and “9” put together is a sexual innuendo.
Ħa nagħmel bħalkom u nfettaq ftit. Fl-ewwel poster ħa żball… traNsport flok trasport. U oħra rigward: “Mad-dħul tista’ tirbaħ vjaġġ għal tnejn barra minn Malta” – erm… mhux ovvja li għal barra minn Malta?
The “barra minn Malta” was a disclaimer for “tripping” at the party.
Tsk tsk! Spelling! “Together”, not “Togheter”.
Kenneth, siehbi, sehibna tal-gel kellu izjed zbalji milli semmejt inti, hallina minnek! U li tikkoregi mhux tfettiq!
Raba’ distrett mhux Raba distrett. U b’Malti tajjeb tghid: Deputat Laburista ghar-raba’ distrett mhux kif kitibha hu! Daqs Anglu Bellu gwapp dan! Dan sehibna tal-gel ghandu hila jbazwar fil-Malti daqskemm Anglu ghandu hila jfarrak bl-Ingliz. Ghandna biex niftahru bil-politici taghna, eh! U xi tghidluli ghal dak is-segretarju generali bit-tbissima tal-Pepsodent li iktar jinqala’ biex isaqqi l-pjanti u jizbor ix-xtieli milli biex jikteb tajjeb bil-Malti u bl-Ingliz! Qabda illiterati jaspiraw li jmexxu lil pajjizna! O Gesu’ jkollok hniena minni! Kif ma tisthux tidhru quddiem in-nies, Madonna! Lilek qed nghid Jason, ta u lilek Ang u lilek mahbub ta’ l-anzjani!
And Gorg Vella called the uni students HAMALLI !
He should have gone to Silvio Hair Gel Night to see how normal people should be.
They should have made this as their electoral slogan ‘Ghal Tbazwir Ahjar-Ivvota Labour’.In fact Alfred Sant came with the idea on Xarabank some time ago.
Thats ‘6 to go’ not 69.Look again Alphabeta
Daphne – “At least he’s ditched the white bell-bottomed cat-suit with the fringed sleeves” – He’s now exchanged them for a toupee. (What is these (mostly MLP) men’s obsession with their hair or lack of it?)
Daphne – What about “I’m leaving on a jet plane …” every single evening? (I remember thinking “if only he would” every time he sang it.