Oh dear, what a pity we missed this

Published: April 2, 2008 at 10:30am

Silvio Parnis

The one at Frangul Hall sounds like it was a lot of fun: kollu spettaklu, kant, briju (and probably also brija, given that amount of hair gel), ikel u xorb. Mistiednin specjali Mary Spiteri u Renato. Having struggled to go to sleep every summer night as a child to the sound of Renato crooning ‘If things shouldn’t go right’ (Eurovision Song Contest circa 1970) and ‘Ave Maria’ at the Preluna Skyroom (my bedroom was just below), I can’t stand the sound of the man’s voice. At least he’s ditched the white bell-bottomed cat-suit with the fringed sleeves.

You have to hand it to Silvio Parnis, Labour’s kelliem ghall-anzjani – he really knows how to create a scintillating party atmosphere: “Gibu maghkom imkatar tal-partit”.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Vanni says:

    “Dejjem kien ghas-servizz tieghek il-Hames snin shah bla hlas”

    I think that we should set up a fund for the fellow. He needs more hair gel.

    BTW, I wonder why Hames is so important as to require a capital “H”? Or is this a subtle hint that others were goofing off at some time or the other during the Hames snin?

  2. Holland says:


    that song by Renato was called ‘Singing this song’, Eurovision 1975


  3. amrio says:


    Better than Hey Hey Vodka Hey Hey Huh Huh if you ask me….

  4. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Thank you, Holland. The refrain ‘If things shouldn’t go right’ is stuck in my head.

    1975? That means his white-fringed cat-suit and platforms were already out of date when he wore them.

  5. Holland says:

    Renato, and many other Maltese singers, were still wearing such outdated costumes right up to the 80s or 90s and, dare I say, 00s. My childhood memories are full of miserably dressed singers on shows such as ‘Blanzuni’.

  6. AlphaBeta says:


    You missed the most important message though i.e. the 6 to 9 party…”6″ and “9” put together is a sexual innuendo.

  7. Kenneth says:

    Ħa nagħmel bħalkom u nfettaq ftit. Fl-ewwel poster ħa żball… traNsport flok trasport. U oħra rigward: “Mad-dħul tista’ tirbaħ vjaġġ għal tnejn barra minn Malta” – erm… mhux ovvja li għal barra minn Malta?

  8. Jack says:


    The “barra minn Malta” was a disclaimer for “tripping” at the party.

  9. László Bercsényi says:

    Tsk tsk! Spelling! “Together”, not “Togheter”.

  10. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Kenneth, siehbi, sehibna tal-gel kellu izjed zbalji milli semmejt inti, hallina minnek! U li tikkoregi mhux tfettiq!
    Raba’ distrett mhux Raba distrett. U b’Malti tajjeb tghid: Deputat Laburista ghar-raba’ distrett mhux kif kitibha hu! Daqs Anglu Bellu gwapp dan! Dan sehibna tal-gel ghandu hila jbazwar fil-Malti daqskemm Anglu ghandu hila jfarrak bl-Ingliz. Ghandna biex niftahru bil-politici taghna, eh! U xi tghidluli ghal dak is-segretarju generali bit-tbissima tal-Pepsodent li iktar jinqala’ biex isaqqi l-pjanti u jizbor ix-xtieli milli biex jikteb tajjeb bil-Malti u bl-Ingliz! Qabda illiterati jaspiraw li jmexxu lil pajjizna! O Gesu’ jkollok hniena minni! Kif ma tisthux tidhru quddiem in-nies, Madonna! Lilek qed nghid Jason, ta u lilek Ang u lilek mahbub ta’ l-anzjani!

  11. paul says:

    And Gorg Vella called the uni students HAMALLI !
    He should have gone to Silvio Hair Gel Night to see how normal people should be.

  12. paul says:

    They should have made this as their electoral slogan ‘Ghal Tbazwir Ahjar-Ivvota Labour’.In fact Alfred Sant came with the idea on Xarabank some time ago.

  13. paul says:

    Thats ‘6 to go’ not 69.Look again Alphabeta

  14. Amanda Mallia says:

    Daphne – “At least he’s ditched the white bell-bottomed cat-suit with the fringed sleeves” – He’s now exchanged them for a toupee. (What is these (mostly MLP) men’s obsession with their hair or lack of it?)

  15. Amanda Mallia says:

    Daphne – What about “I’m leaving on a jet plane …” every single evening? (I remember thinking “if only he would” every time he sang it.

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