Isn’t that lovely?

Published: May 4, 2008 at 5:30pm

Last Sunday I wrote about the immense difference that the spring hunting laws have made to the number of birds in our garden, and that for the past weeks their twittering has been so loud that it’s like sitting in an aviary. For the past few days I’ve been hearing one call that stood out from the rest, then finally I saw the source in flashes of bright yellow and greenish-yellow between one tree and another – a golden oriole, the first I have ever seen in almost two decades living here. Here’s a picture (a stock image, not ‘our’ bird) so that you can what it looks like.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Peter Muscat says:

    Yes it is a wonderful picture.

    However,I am sorry to say that the “spring hunting laws’ refered to above, never reached our Wonderful Island of Gozo.So much so that hunters practice their so called ‘sport’ everyday, everywhere and at any time in Gozo.A serious hunting accident that took place at Nadur some time ago is ample proof.

    I can’t understand how and why the above mentioned hunting accident was covered up by the authorities and the media, when a person had to be cured from pellet wounds at the General Hospital in Gozo.

  2. Guzeppi Grech says:


    Sorry to go off topic!!

    Daphne, I am totally amazed!!

    You actually outed Dr Joseph Grech-Attard in Joe Borg’s Blog.

    Incredible….I really didn’t think you’d do it. But I have to admit the provocation was very strong.

    But I, myself, would not have had the heart to do it. But someone had to, at least for the sake of showing up hypocrisy for what it is.

    With you its really “no holds barred” isn’t it? I have to admit I am in awe and full of grudging admiration.

    I just hope I never get hit with the Daphne “death ray”. I might even become catholic if that would protect me :)Smiley :)

  3. David Buttigieg says:

    I have to agree with you, may we start seeing even more of our feathered friends and may the police enforce the ban.

    But they have to get tougher, as I do continue to hear shots in Rabat. And Pierre Muscat said that it’s rampant in Gozo!


    On another note, hooting at someone to hurry up whilst this someone is himself blocked by a jackass crawling along the right side of the road is extremely irritating!

  4. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Guzeppi Grech – yes, the provocation from this typical example of a Catholic a la carte was very, very strong. So I gave in to the temptation to point out that somebody who had been having homosexual relationships for years – as is his right if that’s what he wants to do – should be the last person to take to the media to defend the righteousness of Catholicism and to speak about ‘we Catholics’ – even if he has since taken a vow of chastity.

  5. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @David – sorry if I hooted, but it was probably last Saturday on the Mriehel bypass, and I just can’t understand these people who crawl along in the right-hand lane when there’s another car crawling alongside them in the left. What are they? Oblivious to everyone but themselves?

  6. Philip Grima says:

    The Sunday before last i was in the vicinity of Wied il- Milah in Gozo enjoying the incredible surroundings. Just as I was thinking that this was it and the experience couldn’t be bettered two hawks (seqer) glided nonchalantly overhead. One of them hovered not more than 30 meters above for what seemed to be an eternity. We were so engrossed admiring the scene that my wife, who always has her camera at the ready, missed the ‘shot’ of a lifetime. More was to come. A flock of seagulls , a rarity in itself , floating on the deep blue sea below the impressive cliffs, suddenly took to the air. They flew towards this very large bird of prey with a huge wing span.(perhaps some enthusiast could shed some light here) As soon as they had escorted it to some distance away from the cliffs they turned back and settled down at the exact spot they had taken off from. The whole experience was so up lifting that i wondered if the birdlife chap who said that Malta had the potential to attract bird watchers from overseas was that much off the mark.What a turn around that would be!

    Incidentally there was not a hunter in sight and not all is lost for ‘OUR BEAUTIFUL ISLAND OF GOZO’

  7. wen says:

    I totally agree with David Buttigieg, it feels nice to go to the country side without fearing that I will be shot. It happened to me once two years ago: Spring, flowers and me all naive believing that the country side belonged to everyone who wanted to enjoy it. All of a sudden two guys come running and tell me to get out of there because I might get shot as others were hunting.

  8. wen says:

    I think the correct word is “anyone” instead of “everyone”. Oh, sorry, I am very tired today.

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