A miss is as good as a mile

Published: June 13, 2008 at 10:45am

The Labour Party could have had a leadership line-up of George Abela, Gavin Gulia and Chris Cardona. And instead, the delegates chose Joseph Muscat, Anglu Farrugia and Toni Abela.

What does that tell us? That was a rhetorical question.

Just as the leader was pre-selected, make no mistake that the deputy leaders were too. Muscat wants deputies with whom he can play around and not deputies who will challenge him, so that they are there for appearance’s sake only (and what an appearance).

In this, he is following the model laid down by Sant, who after an initial experiment with a credible deputy leader called George Abela, decided that he was better off without deputy leaders who challenged his plans, and opted for Michael Falzon and Charles Mangion instead. As Michael himself has told us, he was left out of the loop completely, even during the crucial period of the general election. And Charles Mangion is still accommodating the Sant/Muscat combo, isodd it-toqob as the acting leader and now, as the temporary leader of the opposition.

Muscat is following the Sant pattern, too, in appointing a regiment of spokesmen instead of a tight shadow cabinet, which is what he should do. A tight shadow cabinet exposes him to the risk of being challenged by colleagues who achieve powerful status. By spreading that power to the point of negligibility over as many people as possible, he remains in sole control and with no one to challenge him.

I really need to know why Labour seems to crave the leadership of power-hungry megalomaniacs attended by two stooges.

59 Comments Comment

  1. Albert says:

    I thought I noticed a missed handshake last night between George Abela and Jason Micallef when Joseph Muscat thought that by taking the former up on stage all rifts would be healed, Jason, being as smug as ever had the audacity to try and shake George Abela’s hand but George would have none of it….

    Check it out!

    [Moderator – I saw it too – it’s at exactly 1:03.]

  2. I am sure that this is firm proof that you and the NET newsroom do not see eye to eye on some points but (as my nauseating English teacher would say) compare and contrast this:

    Running Commentary: Just as the leader was pre-selected, make no mistake that the deputy leaders were too.

    Maltarightnow: Prova oħra ta’ kemm il-magna tal-Partit Laburista qed tappoġja lil Chris Cardona (http://www.maltarightnow.com/?module=news&t=a&aid=99803348&cid=19)

    Again. I’m all for scrutinising the capabilities of the new labour leadership. I too am highly sceptical, particularly with Anglu Farrugia on seat number 2 (or 3?). But who did the labour machine want? Chris Cardona? Anglu Farrugia?

    Or is it just that whoever gets to be elected has already got a description ready for him: that of servant of the machine and of JosephSaves?

    This has been J’accuse… gladly contributing to the spiralling number of hits.

  3. Peter Muscat says:

    This reminds me that Min. John Dalli never shook hands with the outgoing PN General Secretary, Joe Saliba.

    How is it that no one in this forum, and that includes the owner of this site, never mentioned the ‘chess game’ within the PN!

    Back is Min. John Dalli and out goes Joe Saliba. Was this a ‘conditional must’?! HA HA HA !

  4. Tri says:

    Funny that you’d be talking about Chris Cardona in such a positive light, given all you’ve said about JM. Last I checked, they were Super One Journalists, avid anti-EU membership supporters, and both singing Mintoff’s priases. In short, everything you’ve slated JM for.

    Quoting Chris Cardona, in a 2002 Maltatoday interview:

    On the EU: “Our idea is one of partnership, in which Malta obtains special arrangements for our specific needs”.

    On apologies with respect to violence: “I don’t have to make any apologies for violence and neither does Alfred Sant nor anyone who’s in the Labour Party.” [for fairness’ sake, he goes on to say that they’ve ‘distanced’ themselves enough from the violence. Aha].

    On Mintoff: “Mintoff, for me, was and still is by far the greatest politician our land has ever had”.

    I quite agree that you should slate JM for doing such a u-turn on a lot of issues. Having sait that, if you’ve decided to go into overkill with respect to a specific person’s political beliefs, I’d expect you to do the same when it comes to other people waving the same banner(s). Double standards do you no justice.

  5. Steve says:

    Daphne, while I agree with you that George Abela would have been a better leader than Joseph Muscat, on the other hand I don’t think that Gavin Gulia could have been a better deputy leader than Anglu Farrugia (AF).

    One cannot even regard AF as a ‘yes’ man. I think he has a strong character and won’t think it twice to challenge Joseph if in disagreement.

    Anyway we still need to see if AF will ultimately get that 50% +1 to be appointed as deputy.

  6. Just saw the missed handshake….
    JM’s face leading the way to the “stage” says it all – montatura. Better luck next time Joseph

  7. Lucy Fair says:

    Daphne must have got blind for a second. George Abela shook hands with Jason Micallef. The you tube shown here is
    100 % edited. Lying is something new in Daphne discovered character. Who lies once is no more credible.
    “Min jigdeb imur l’infern”

    [Moderator – ‘Lucy Fair’ is one of Peter Muscat’s many identities.]

  8. Steve Grech says:

    We never mention the PN game because as good or as bad as you think it is. It still is a winning team unlike the MLP or MOP.

  9. kenneth Spiteri says:

    To all,

    I think MLP Delegates are all nationalist after all, they have elected or going to elect a Walt Disney scenario…

    Infect I would like to thank all those who voted, thanks FROM THE HEART…..


  10. Edward Clemmer says:

    “the delegates chose Joseph Muscat, Anglu Farrugia and Toni Abela. What does that tell us? That was a rhetorical question.”

    Rhetorical answer (1): The MLP have selected ideology (and emotion) over any appeal to a larger swath of voting public who are rational, analytical, and discerning with their ballot.

    Rhetorical answer (2): A government lead by the MLP presents an equal, if not greater future danger, than one potentially lead by the madcap AS. Instead of the “700-Club,” we have the MLP version of Taliban politics.

    Rhetorical answer (3): The golden opportunity for the MLP has disappeared like smoke. The power-clique will be there to cajole us in its vindictiveness and power-hungry glory. The wolves will no longer be wearing sheepskins, and the gloves are off.

    Professional opinion (1): As a social psychologist,I am always amazed by the power of belief-value systems to hold sway over rational argument and analysis. Why this is so entrenched in some personalties, for whom no argument has merit outside of their belief system, might be better explained by clinical psychologists. I am also pleased to see some persons stand up in opposition, like Joe Debono Grech and his daughter. As a case study, the MLP is a psychologist’s dream; but as a political reality, it is Malta’s nightmare. The PN cannot stay in power for ever; however, they may have just gotten a second five-year lease [but as elections go, you can never be sure of anything–afterall, a majority is always free to make a mistake]. Unfortunately, with the MLP, we can’t afford to have the electorate make that mistake.

  11. Edward Clemmer says:

    @[Moderator – ‘Lucy Fair’ is one of Peter Muscat’s many identities.]

    It seems that Peter’s identity is so threatened by certian critical political points of view that he cannot even publically confront himself by using his own name. No matter how many multiple identities he claims, the character is unmistakable by his non-thoughts (nonsense). I imagine he would be a typical loyal follower of the MLP trio: JM, AF, TA; and he is probably mesmerized by Super-One political talk shows featuring the same (or, considering their available budget, other cheap Super-One entertainments).

  12. MPG says:

    Yes Jason and George shook hands yesterday if you saw the news. That video is edited.

  13. Edward Clemmer says:

    Oh, I also should have mentioned. If “Lucy” or ‘Peter” needs help with his identity issues, I could recommend a fine psychiatrist, Peter Muscat.

  14. SB says:

    Am I the only one seeing a handshake @1.13?

  15. Sybil says:

    I suggest that the MLP delegates be given honorary life membership in the PN for services rendered, as soon as Toni and Anglu are elected offically tonight.

  16. Steve Grech says:

    Labour ignorants the video cannot be edited, it was put online by a very keen JM supported, i don’t see why he would want to edit the video.

  17. maryanne says:

    Daphne, you said that Anglu and Toni were chosen by the magna tal partit so that JM will have two yes man by his side. Can it be that the delegates who did not support JM for leader, want a little bit of revenge and are doing their utmost to make the leadership look bad by voting in the likes of Anglu and Toni?

    One piece of advice to the people at MLP. After tonight please resort to some serious business. Don’t know about others but i am fed up of this kssing and hugging. All this love going around is making me sick. Re JM and George Abela going on stage together – of course, now that JM is leader, he can afford to be as nice as he wants to. He should have acted this way during the leadership race and so would have given george a fair chance

  18. Mike says:

    The new triuvirate leading MLP means that the party can now have a new acronym: Anglu:Joseph Muscat:Abela = AJMA

  19. Amanda Mallia says:

    SB – Yes

  20. MikeC says:

    @Edward Clemmer, @Moderator

    Don’t forget Peter B., Omar Bezzina, Jennifer Attard.

    Lucy Fair=Lucifer=demon. ‘My name is legion, for we are many’


    The man’s possessed :)

  21. ramon muscat says:

    prosit lil dawk li sostnew kampanja shiha fuq il magna tal partit .

    lewwel haga tistghu tghiduli min huma in nies tal magna tal partit pls ? ghax dejjem taghjtu fuq dil magna u hadt ma jaf min huma ?

    u number two jidirli li lbierah filghodu il magna tal partit qed jimbuttaw lil chris cardona u l joe mifsud . nahseb din ma kienitx listess magna jew kient xi ford jew honda

    jista jkun id delegati ivvutaw bil kuxjenza taghhom u hadt ma ndahlilhom . ghandkom tirrispetaw lideja ta haddiehor u nemmen li hadd ma jixtieq gid lil partit daqs kemm jixtiequ id delegati . nemmen li joseph kien lahjar ghazla u jkun min ikun id deputy tieghu flinteress taghhom li jigbdu listess habel u jekk ghandu jinbiedel is segretarju generali lebda magna mhu hac twaqqaf li jigri hekk

  22. SB says:

    @Amanda Mallia

    Thanks for answering but please do enlighten me what GA is doing @1.13

  23. Xewka says:

    @Edward Clemmer Are you implying that you are a social psychologist,or are you using the word Social like when we use it to say a “social smoker.” If you are an example of Maltese Social Psychologists; no wonder Maltese society has problems. I don’t believe in psychologists who jump to conclusions. Well not exactly conclusions because as you rightly said they are Rhetorical answers ( oxford dictionary: rhetoric: • noun 1 the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. 2 language with a persuasive or impressive effect, but often lacking sincerity or meaningful content). Usually Rhetorical questions are used to impress so is you are a psychologist. By the way should I have addressed you as Dr or just Mr.

    [Moderator – How sweet. Xewka didn’t know the meaning of the word so she’s looked it up to share with us.]

  24. Meerkat :) says:

    Dear Defni,

    I am the iljunfant of anglu of the hadtu hawda er dawra fame.

    Please, Miss, Can i ASk a QuEStion?

    So if My anglu is a delegat, i am ONE too?

    What tibdila Shall I Dress for the Occazjoni? Please can Someone tell Anglu not to EAt lots of Pastizzi cos he is Heavy already uxxxx ehhhh He does’nt Jog.

    Tenkju Miss tal-programm Li ghandek Fuq l-Internett

    L-Iljunfant of ANglu


  25. D Fenech says:

    checked it and presto Dr Abela IS shaking hands with Jason. Bertu hija, mur qerr qabel titqarben dal-weekend siehbi. Pastaz!! Or else check your eyesight!

  26. Kev says:

    Just to let you all know – the Irish people have just saved us from a totalitarian treaty. The EU constitution has again been averted – no thanks to Gonzi and Sant.

    From now on, try to be informed about your future constitution – it’s the least you can do.

  27. D Fenech says:

    [Moderator – I saw it too – it’s at exactly 1:03.]
    You should check yours too!
    1 He IS shaking his hand, and 2 the time reads exactly 1:13
    Go on, check it again

  28. my name is Leonard but my son calls me Joey says:

    one step forward two steps back

  29. SB says:


    You must be overjoyed!

  30. Edward Clemmer says:


    Yes, I am a real “Social Psychologist.” By “rhetorical answer” I intended (1) reference to DCG’s “rhetorical” question, which solicits persons to respond to her question; and (2) my “rhetorical” answers (three of them)was intended, also, to solicit any intelligent response from anyone offering an opinion. Yours is also welcome.

    Yes, I am a “Dr,” but I am not offended by “Mr.” I enjoyed my 20 years of full-time university teaching and research. But, my areas of specialized interested include language, communication, mass media, political psychology, and the psychology of religion, which courses in the area of social psychology I have taught at university over the years. And I am published in major research journals.

  31. Amanda Mallia says:

    SB – Apologies; you’re right.

  32. Albert Farrugia says:

    why are you fed up of hugging and kissing? Anzi you have seen nothing yet. You are going to have to see a lot of it. In any case, no-one is being forced to watch. Just change channel, or dont look at Youtube. You can always look at NET.

  33. SB says:

    @Amanda Mallia

    It’s ok. For a moment I was really worried because I thought that I was imagining things, as there were also some who claimed that the video clip is edited. At least I can sleep with peace of mind tonight! :-)

  34. Amanda Mallia says:

    SB – Actually, I’ve seen it again a couple of times, and it looks like he did NOT shake hands with JM, but simply bypassed him, so I eat my words.

    Maybe somebody’s got a shot from a different angle.

  35. El Karkariz says:

    ANGELO FARRUGIA miserere nobis!
    TONI ABELA miserere nobis!
    MLP Requiem aeternam!
    JOSEPHUS MUSCATINO your very shortlived honeyman has never really started.

    Dearest MLP leader (sic!), stop playing the fool on the media and do understand (and please starting telling us the truth…all of it, even what happens behind closed doors in Hamrun) that you have people who do not want you there.

    Dear Josefino, can you imagine yourself chiding, cautioning or verbally advising that huge giant of incredible craze-fits for capturing those ‘cuplrits’ (in-Nazzjonalisti) who bought votes during the last election? Can you imagine the tiny Tonino Abela-once-graduated-lawyer advising you on internal and public party matters.

    From all MLP financial crises…libera nos domine
    From all narrow-minded MLP delegates who elected two Deputy Leaders who do not match with Josefino….libera nos domine
    From having this funny, incompetent, immature, entertaining trio at the helm of our country’s power…libera nos domine, issa u ghal dejjem ta’ dejjem, f’gieh il-Malta Misprint Party…AMEN.

  36. Adrian Borg says:

    Toni and Anglu have made it. Hooray!

  37. matthew leonard says:

    Daphne, is there a link to an email address on this site somewhere I haven`t noticed?

    [Moderator – There isn’t. What email address are you looking for?]

  38. Made in Brussels says:

    A lot of people believed him (Except for DCG – and she was right) Anyway, we all thought new labour was born! He was so bloody convincing! He also convinced us that he was s super Maltese Representative in the European Parliament. Someone must really inspect his four years in Brussels and tell us the whole truth about this new leader. He also managed to make us believe that he is preparing a very important and sensitive report for the European Parliament. Important? Sensitive? He he he. A few months ago DR Muscat made us believe he was rapporteur or in anyway responsible for the ‘new mobile roaming charges’. That was a lie. The real rapporteur responsible was an EPP member from Austria. Can any responsible journalist confront Joseph with this? Now he says he has another responsibility. MEP Eurlings from Holland was responsible for the entry of Turkey in the European Union. Now is this important or sensitive? Of course. This was and still is considered one of the main topics on the EU’s agenda including Parliament. When MEP Eurlings was appointed Minister for Transport In Holland a few months ago he immediately resigned from the EP even though he was responsible for one of the most important reports. Joseph, not a simple minister but the leader of a political party, says he cannot resign now because of a report. He he he very funny. Can Joseph tell us anything about the ‘weekly ticket reimbursement’ he gets from Parliament? How much will he get till September – when he says he will complete this four-page report about VAT? Please please Please love us Joseph and tell us the whole truth! Admit it Dr Joseph how can we love you back if you’re not telling us the truth. Can someone in Brussels tell us who this Joseph really is? Someone there must really have the opportunity to follow his past actions!!! Wake up!

  39. Alternattiva says:

    I remember the new labour deputy leader. Is this the same Dr Toni Abela sitting on the Alternattiva Demokratika’s executive committee a few years ago? Is this not the same guy who used to entertain us with his weekly anti-EU programme on super one tv ‘Robin Hood’? Is this not the same guy who appeared so many times on ‘Xarabank’ convincing us to vote labour – the same labour of Alfred Sant? Is this not the same guy who accused labour of corruption and violence? Is this not that so-called politician who resigned from the labour party, joined Alternattiva and then returned again to Labour because they made him a TV and radio presenter? Is this not the same so-called politician who contested only god knows how many general elections but never made it? Is this not the same so-called politician who joined CNI and tried to convince Malta that the EU was so bad for our lovely Malta? Is this not the same CNI member who used to advocate to us that the italians will conquer us? That we will die of hunger should we be part of the EU? Good Joseph. Excellent Dr Joseph. This is what you meant by the new moderate labour party??

  40. I have always had an aversion to people sporting moustaches – seems they need something to cover their true intentions and thoughts. With the two moustachioed deputies elected by the MLP, it gives me more reason to avoid SuperOne

  41. Peter Muscat says:

    @ Moderator Who ever this “lucy” is taking you ‘twit’ for a ride! There is no way this “Lucy” is using my system!
    NO WAY!!!

    Bit busy this morning. But maybe I visit you later and keep my appointment here: DAPHNEMANNIA!!!!!!!!!!

    Joseph, Anglu and Tony ( so HOLY names!!!) are a “most balanced and tactical team”.Lets hear what the ‘prats’ have to say about this formidable team.

    Finally, it just came to my notice that “Daphne’s greatest friend” is being lined up as number ONE in succeeding ‘a most tired Gonzi”!

    [Moderator – Peter, I am not a twit. Your posts are coming from the same computer.]

  42. Mario Debono says:

    @ Xewka No one doubts Dr Clemmer’s expertise…..he is much respected and the quaility of his posts reflects this, unlike many offerings here, mine included.

    It seems that the ehadless chicks have really done it this time. Electing two people like that to the triumvirate in the MLP sends a very strong message. I disagree with Daphne saying that they predestined because JM wanted to control them. They are both loose cannon, one more than the other. Anglu’s past does not bode well for the party’s new squeaky clean image. He is as much a link to that as he is a throwback to the past of might is right, of who shouts most, of ramming your point down the throat. He plods . He fantasises about secret PN agents descending into the sleazy underworld and buying votes from Drug Addicts. Toni Abela is an even bigger enigma…..mercurial, opinionated, bumbling, opportunistic….call him what you like. He makes people laugh because he appeals to the baser instincts, the caveman in all of us. he tries to cut down to size all those he percieves to be better by dint of birth or hard wor, it doesnt matter. Above all, he is a buffu, as we say in Maltese. Admittedly he is good to have around ex-politics, he makes people laugh, but thats not what the MLP needs, is it? I give up. I thought the MLP had a chance of reinventing itself drasticly. This is not going to happen. In the meantime, we will have to face this opera buffa.

  43. Sexy Lips says:

    I wonder what Dr Know-it-All/Sexy Lips Joe Mifsud will say this evening on Bla Agenda regarding his failure to clinch the post of deputy leader.

  44. Albert Farrugia says:

    Seems like this site has been abandoned. Are the Pieta buys busy on the drawing board thinking over their new strategy? After yesterday’s Xarabank they bloody well ought to!

  45. Jason Spiteri says:

    @Moderator – A second test to prove my theory that Peter Muscat = Malta’s own Lara Croft is this:

    is there any other person posting on Maltese blogs nowadays who emphasises every other adjective by placing it within apostrophes or inverted commas (depending on mood)?

  46. Michael Coppini says:

    @Albert Farrugia

    Re: Xarabank last night. Why? Did anyone learn anything new? Apart from his wife resembling his late grandma and the like. All politically related points / slogans have already been repeated ad nauseum in the past few days since Muscat’ election night. Frankly I think the “boys in Pieta” were actually having a bloody good laugh with the ongoings on ONE TV. Its more likely they threw their drawing board out of the window!

  47. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Edgar Rossignaud: il-Partit tal-Mustaccuni

  48. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Albert Farrugia: this site hasn’t been abandoned. I was out at a party last night, teasing Labour MPs about the elephant-handler and Otello. At least they had the good grace to agree. And so I didn’t watch Xarabank. Did he refer to his wife as Lil Din again, when comparing her to his grandmother?

  49. Sybil says:

    Well , we did learn that he plans to set up a board of ethics for MLP journalists and he has invited WE’s Peppi Azzopardi to be part of that board.

  50. Edward Clemmer says:

    Now that the trio have been ensconced in their leadership positions, my first “emotive” reaction was: The MLP (Malta LABOUR Party)is truly the party of Sisyphus. That was the emotional response, now for my rational considerations.

    I don’t know how many party members and followers will abandon Joseph and Company’s uphill climb with their rock for general election victory. But, the two deputies, in my view, have always been on the “fringe,” beyond my basic rational litmus test for tolerance or credibility. In contrast to his deputies, Joseph seems more intellectually astute, although his credibility is blunted if one focuses on his previous crusades in favour of Alfred Sant’s imaginative political policies.

    Like Alfred Sant, at the moment Joseph is ready to sieze upon individual issues that score “plus” points among specialized interest groups. Sant in his issues may have advocated “animal rights” or “VAT removal” or “NO to EU.” Joseph speaks to “free parliamentary vote” on the introduction of divorce, greater protections of individual rights (for example, for freedom to marry a person so indicated as “gender compatible” on his/her birth certificate–irrespective of genetic determination; civil partnerships for couples, gay or otherwise; etc.)

    We can always find agreement on some issues; but finding agreement on a general programme may prove more difficult for many of us, especially if the party is lead by a trio of preening ideologues. But, if Joseph et al. are seriously listening to people, and if his leadership can lead convincingly to SELL and ACCOMPLISH an agenda tied to real hopes and aspirations, he may attract a large collective on the basis of many single issues.

    Promising that those issue may be considered is one thing; but it is an entirely different matter to achieve the necessary legislation by actively supporting it with convincing arguments and political manoveuring. He might even push a sitting government to take up the issues, just as he is trying to take on for himself the central issues now promoted by the Nationalists: Environment, Education, and the Economy.

    Two of the clearest thinkers in the PN camp, Simon Busuttil and Georg Sapiano, have clearly pointed to Joseph Muscat’s capabilities as well as the necessary way forward for PN success. Likewise, Peter Serracino Inglott, although with his leftist inclinations he has been a PN supporter, has clearly pointed the territory to be seized by either of the political parties to achieve success.

    So far, only the PN have provided the right vision; so far, only they have been capable of taking us to where we needed to go. In theory, either political party could take us there. But in practice, the MLP have so much to achieve before we can rationally yield them our (my) vote.
    For me, the trio does not instill much confidence for future success. By not selecting persons to their core who can inspire confidence about their leadership and good judgment, the MLP have now lost a large audience–many of us–who were willing-and-interested to consider the possibility that the MLP could reform itself.

    My two questions are: Will the sizeable minority in the MLP, who supported people who have exercised good judgment and courage in leadership, persons like GA, be able to steer the leadership towards a constructive politic, a social construction that a rational majority of Maltese across parties can support? Or, will we be exposed simply to imaginative MLP glitz and PR stunts, with an effort to ram a narrow view down the majority throats?

    The possibility of an initial indication for a positive answer to the first question depends upon what Joseph does about Jason Micallef. I think that Alfred Mifsud has also suggested we have to see Joseph’s actions (not words) in the next days and few weeks. The rest will become clearer over time. And five years is quite a lengthy political sample to make refined judgments; but a few months will provide enough of a sample for sufficient judgments. So far, we still have the PN as the only fallback position.

  51. Corinne Vella says:

    Xewka: There’s really no need to be rude about Edward Clemmer’s rhetorical answers. When rifling through your dictionary, you could have looked up “humour” and “wit”. You could also rifle through a learner’s dictionary and look up “tongue in cheek”. Incidentally, social psychologists do not constitue society – they observe it. Social psychologists’ observations are usually well informed because – surprise surprise – they’d be out of a job if they weren’t.

  52. Gerald says:

    I have to admit that the election of Toni Abela and Anglu Farrugia is not exactly a dream ticket for the Labour Party. However one has to wait and see what the tandem will bring.

  53. Amanda Mallia says:

    Uncle Fester’s been awfully quiet here today. Could it be because he’s too busy on ABC’s Times blog?

  54. Tim Ripard says:

    @ Edward Clemmer

    A very accurate assessment. I particularly agree with your last sentence – ‘So far we still have the PN as the only fallback position.’

    Without a serious opposition we’ll just have to put up with – for example – a government that allows a mega-development right next to Malta’s most congested road.

    Lord help us!

  55. trever says:

    When I read Georg’s title to his article this morning I jumped out of my seat. I had just read the finest words that precisely explain the present situation and fits exactly to what I understood but couldn’t really put to words. The play continues, and the more JM hugs, kisses, smiles and promises, the more convinced I’m getting that it’s all smoke that is hiding the real situation.
    Since his election, the only tangible thing we’ve seen is the resignation of Debono Grech and now of his daughter from party politics.
    One awaits with some anxiety as to how the Jason situation will develop – my guess is that he’ll be parked for a while while all eyes are on him. Then, he will resurface until we become immune to his pepsodent smile again. Isn’t that what happened to Manuel Cushieri after the 2003 result? And if one believes the rumours that it will be Josef Cuschieri who would probably give up his seat to accommodate JM one cannot but be even more convinced that Georg’s title this morning is so apt.

  56. MB says:

    Highly entertaining stuff.

    I feel that the PN have managed to choose the three MLP leaders they wanted. Imagine a combination of GA, CC and GG at the helm of the MLP. That would be tough for the PN. The PN`s tactics are very easy, they slate the people they want at the MLP helm and praise those they are afraid of. The delegates always fall in such a trap, it seems. It has been going on for some time now, and the MLP has not realized this, it seems.

    Perhaps it is only my opinion.

  57. Albert Farrugia says:

    Yes, yes, MB…that is exactly what happened. Rest assured ta hi!

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