Sorry, but I have some important business to attend to first

Published: June 10, 2008 at 9:30am

Joseph! Joseph! may impress the party delegates by saying that he has an important report to finish for the European Commission before he can turn his attention to the party he now leads, but I think he’s utterly absurd for doing it. Here he is, in Malta Today last Sunday.

Asked about when he will resign his post in the European Parliament, Muscat said: “I need to conclude a report about VAT and financial services for which I have a deadline from the European Commission. When I conclude this job, I will resign from the European parliament and take my place in the Maltese parliament. I do not see it happening later than next September.

Why has every single reporter who picked up on this failed to challenge him about it? It seems to have been accepted as normal that the leader of Malta’s opposition party should put his party responsibilities and his duty to his own country on hold while he finishes a report about financial services for the European Commission, when he could very well hand over the job to somebody else, given the exceptional circumstances.

The inexperienced fool is effectively saying that Malta and the Labour Party can wait while he finishes a job for somebody and something more important.

11 Comments Comment

  1. me says:

    Has the date chosen anything
    to do with the MEP pension?

  2. SB says:


    I don’t think so. One has to spend a whole term in the EP to be entitled for a pension.

  3. Daniel Bonello says:

    “I do not see it happening later than next September.”

    I trust that in English that means September 2009, while in Maltese-English that would be September 2008!!! [Ma narrahiex issir aktar tard minn Settembru li jmiss.]

    With Joseph! Joseph! as potential Prime Minister at age 39, we could see Maltese-English replace English as one of Malta’s official languages!!!!

    What fun!!! [Xi pjacir!!!] … I may as well start practicing!!!

  4. Louis says:

    Sure looks like Labour now have a very big headed leader.

  5. xewka says:

    @Daniel Bonello. Thanks for your english lesson. In Maltese we say Settembru li gej. So as you can see people make these silly mistakes even in their mother language.

  6. SB says:

    @Daniel Bonnello & Xewka

    Was JM talking in Maltese when he said that phrase? If yes, the Maltese version has to be taken into account.

  7. xewka says:

    @SB What I said was meant for Daniel. You see he was correcting JM’s English and got his Maltese wrong. I mean don’t we all make these silly mistakes sometimes.

  8. tony borg says:

    If it is about the pension I am sure Cachia Caruana has done the necessary research. Probably the Nats know what it is and are keeping mum because it is in their interest to have Jospeh as labour leader. If not, they will surely use the info to start throwing missiles after the honeymoon week is over.

  9. John Schembri says:

    It’s all about that steady flow of money which we call a pension for a 34 year old MEP. Who can blame him? I envy him.

  10. Alexander the not-so-great says:

    @ Xewka

    Donnok serv umli tal-mexxej il-gdid int!! ;)

    Keep it up…. You actually need it!

  11. Daniel Bonello says:

    @ Xewka

    Napprezza li fakkartni fil-qawl Malti li biex tiskongra trid tkun pur, ghax veru kulhadd jizbalja.

    Ippermettili nigbidlek l-attenzjoni li bl-ingliz nghidu aktar “mother tongue” milli “mother language” … skuzani jekk kont ftit xewka!!!

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