The first miracle: an immaculate conception

Published: June 24, 2008 at 10:30pm

Joseph Muscat and Joe Debono Grech announce that they are expecting their first child, to the enthusiastic applause of Toni Abela and Anglu Farrugia.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Anthony says:

    Can someone explain to this troupe that it is meant to be an alternative government of this beloved country of ours.
    Consequently it has to behave accordingly and provide peace of mind for ALL Maltese citizens. What on earth does it think it is doing ? The mind boggles.

  2. amrio says:

    LOL!! It seems that not only our beloved leader is expectin’…. look and Anglu Bellu! Wonder who’s the other parent… and we name it? Lune?

  3. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Yes, I know – and Anglu Farrugia says on his website that chokking is one of his hobbies. But judging by his pregnant stomach, all he seems to be doing in his trek sweet is watching television.

  4. Silvan says:

    O Gesu’ – x’farsa!

  5. Kev says:

    Speaking of miracles, Herr Schulz has seen some light following the Irish No to his totalitarian project. The pro-EU campaign, he said, has lost its soul and its passion to “the other side”. He has yet to realise that passion and soul reside with the people, not with the globalist elite and their project.

    Watch Europe’s fiery Rottweiller and the rest of the saga here:

    (Herr Schulz ist at 02:53, 07:10 and 08:45)

    N.B. You might be “tal-pepé”, Daphne (which you seem to bundle together with ‘aristocratic’), yet you don’t form part of this European elite. But that’s the stuff of conspiracy theorists, so you’re happy anyway. LngLvLllpt

  6. P Shaw says:

    Good one! Looks like the inspector is a surrogate father as well

  7. Isa says:

    Thanks Daphne – saw your comment this morning- you really made my day!!

  8. Mario Debono says:

    reminds me of a Karl Lagerfeld perfume, The Moon, sun and stars….i mean, its the moon that neds to be born next aint it?
    Didnt know that JDG doubles up as a human ultrasound machine. But the Flatfoot (inspector) looks just a tiny bit jealous of JDG in my opinion.

    Imma veru missu jisthi JDG….anzjan, ilu jaqta snienu fl-MLP, u jmur jissottometti ruha ghal wiehed izghar minn bintu! Ara veru l-lejber tilef rasu. Kemm niccajtaw hawn, imma bdejt nemmen li veru qed jahsbu li dan xi tip ta Salvatur. Ahfirli Mulej!

  9. Corinne Vella says:

    Kev: Globalist elite – Schulz? Please!

  10. Roma says:

    Hey..I’m thinking if JM leaves his hair long (or gets help with it) we could actually have a Jesus of Nazareth re-enactement.

  11. AC says:

    I am thinking more on the lines of the movie Brother son…Sister moon. I bet we will soon see clips of him talking to birds in the middle of buskett..that is after we saw him talking to donkeys, mules and asses last Sunday !

  12. Kev says:

    @ Corinne, you misread me, Schulz is just a pawn, a do-gooder at a time when bad is good.

  13. Kev says:

    @ Roma, if JM leaves his hair long and adds a beard he might look like this: (with dyed hair and beard, ie.)

  14. Amanda Mallia says:


  15. Ganni Borg says:

    Yerp – just as I thought – Groupthink!

    “4. Stereotyping those who are opposed to the group as weak, evil, disfigured, impotent, or stupid.”

  16. Roma says:

    Ganni when people agree it’s not always group think. After all you can’t always have a hundred people with a hundred opinions.
    But anyway, what else can you really say about a photo like that? It’s far too showy. It’s a Tista Tkun Int kind of photo for me anyway (Me not the group)

  17. Corinne Vella says:

    Ganni Borg: Which group are you talking about? You see, it’s not possible to identify ‘those opposed to the group’ unless a group exists in the first place. Consult a social psychologist on the matter. It’s a whole lot more reliable than stumbling across unoriginal ideas in the latest blockbuster on your bedside table.

  18. Corinne Vella says:

    Kev: What are you on about? The sun is shining in Lilliput. Maybe you need to come over here and take a break from the grey weather at the centre of the universe.

  19. freethinker says:

    I will not go into the merits of this article or of the posts as I do not like to comment on party politics as such. As for the caption, it seems that it contains a wrong notion of what the Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception is. This dogma was proclaimed in 1854 by Pope Pius IX and it defines the doctrine that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was conceived without the stain of original sin so that Jesus would be born from a woman who was totally free from sin right from Her conception. This dogma is distinct from the doctrine of the Virgin Birth, that is, the conception of Jesus without the intervention of a man.

  20. Roma says:

    Yes freethinker I think she knows as probably does everyone but I think we all get the sense that it’s a play on words don’t you think? Don’t get so academic.

  21. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Roma and Freethinker: yes, I meant immaculate conception not virgin birth. There is clearly a man involved: Joe Debono Grech. And he looks delighted at the upcoming event. Unfortunately, Muscat qualifies as an elderly primagravida, and will have to give birth at Mater Dei rather than at a private clinic.

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