The headless chickens have done it again

Published: June 13, 2008 at 10:30am

Labour delegates voted to fill the positions of deputy leader/parliamentary affairs and deputy leader/party affairs (they need two deputies because one can’t cope) and guess who got the most votes? Anglu ‘I went to India and I all got was a lousy elephant’ Farrugia for the one post, and Toni ‘Otello’ Abela for the other. Neither one got 50+ of the vote, so there are going to be a couple of run-offs today: between Anglu Farrugia and Chris Cardona on the one hand, and between Toni Abela and Gavin Gulia on the other.

Just to give you a morbid idea of who is most likely to win, these were the results in the first round:

Deputy leader/parliamentary affairs: Anglu Farrugia 409 votes and Chris Cardona 245 votes

Deputy leader/party affairs: Toni Abela 390 votes and Gavin Gulia 295 votes

It looks like the new Labour leadership line-up is going to be Joseph Muscat, Anglu Farrugia and Toni Abela. And no, Labour elves, I swear that the Nationalist Party had nothing to do with it (as far as I know).

The fresh, young and new Labour leadership line-up: L-Ispettur Farrugia, Joseph tas-Super One and Otello (minus the lady friend)

Anglu Farrugia in a mosque

Smug prat of the year

16 Comments Comment

  1. P says:

    While Anglu Farrugia stands a good chance indeed, forget it that there’ll be Toni Abela as deputy. I know delegates myself and their phone hasn’t stopped ringing from the Labour HQ. It will be Gavin Gulia.

  2. mel says:

    Yes, they are bad…. they voted for MLP n the last election so they must be really stupid. As far as I’m concerned only people who have voted for PN in all elections have enough brains to guide a political party. So now lets just condemn both deputy leaders to death… actually lets condemn all MLP voters to death since the PN government can do whatever it feels fit for the country.

    [Moderator – We’d rather make fun of Toni and Anglu than kill them.]

  3. MPG says:

    I’m just clinging on the hope that It will be Gavin Gulia and Chris Cardona or at least Gavin…they need to be compatible with Joseph’s ideas.

  4. Caphenni says:

    Lol. I give up. I really didn’t expect them to vote for Anglu and Toni. I guess it’s PN for another 100 years. Dumbasses.

  5. Malcolm Buttigieg says:

    Hello Daphne

    We agree on this one perfectly. I know that you couldn’t care less but anyhow on what I think, but unlike many others I have no qualms in agreeing with you.

    Yesterday’s arguments were centred around two issues:

    1. Finding a person guilty of libel does not constitute sufficient evidence to prove that the person cannot be taken seriously.

    2. Ths “since 1950’s” saga which went a little bit over the top.

    Toni Abela and Anglu Farrugia represent the worst choice among the contenders. The result is yet to be seen but I suppose the writing is on the wall.

    Poor JM. I can’t imagine him between these two stalwarts of Labour’s past. At least they are all three fairly little men, so none of them will stand out. Unless of course, they decide to take a ride on an elephant’s back.

    Double Duh

  6. Mario Debono says:

    Ara m’hemmx kema ohra. Kummidjanti kollha kemm huma. Ghadni ma waqaftx nidhak minn dal-lejl. Imbghad nara dak ir-ritratt ta Toni “look what the cat’s dragged in” li jrida ta Otello u Ta Anglu li qisu xi Xejk Gharbi li ghadu kemm bela balla haxixa u ghadda xi Fatwa komplieni. Grazzi Defni. Fottejtli gurnata xoghol. Mhux ghax kelli bzonn hafna . Imma komplejtni. Din hi s-serjeta tal-Lejber? Ghadni ma nistax nemmen. Haga nghid, lil Gonzi ser ikollom johorguh b’kaxxa minn Kastilja ghax dan it-trijumvirat gdid mhux ser jaqlibielu. Tajjeb ghax nafdaw fih. Imma hazin ghax ma rridx li xi hadd tikbirlu rasu,

  7. Sybil says:

    Did not Toni-“Otello” also present a weekly Super One Tv production called “Min Hu Ganni Borg”?

    [Moderator – Maybe that’s where Ganni Borg, one of the Labour elves who inhabits this blog, got his identity.]

  8. Xaghra says:

    I sense a cunning plan to fend off the conniving Nats. This results from many months of meticulous planning and research into the minds of disgruntled PN & MLP voters, floaters and first time voters.

    MLP delegates had a very difficult choice to make and whilst looks may be deceiving we all know that beneath the farcical facade is a plan.

    There is isn’t there?

  9. my name is Leonard but my son calls me Joey says:

    Don’t think party delegates or voters in general give much importance to deputy leadership posts. Tonio Borg wouldn’t get away with it otherwise.

  10. Galea says:

    I agree Caphenni. I’m almost wishing for a miracle… maybe the holy ghost descends on the delegates and they vote this afternoon with “ilsna tan-nar” on their heads… lol, duh.

  11. Galea says:

    And another thing – we might be missing out the possible positive aspect. I don’t know any of the potential deputies personally but my impression is that they not similar to JM in character, and dissimilarity breeds richness of ideas…

    Also, the MLP doesn’t have 3 leaders. It still only has one leader.

    [Moderator – Yes, one leader – with two bookends called Toni ‘tello and Anglu l-iljunfant.]

  12. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @My name’s Leonard: the deputy leader of the Nationalist Party not much more than a figurehead, who is largely invisible (thank heavens, in Borg’s case).

    But as we have seen in the last 13-odd years, the leadership of the Labour Party is made up of three people joined at the hip in public and kniving each other in private. In this last election campaign, you’d have been forgiven for thinking that the MLP had a three-headed hydra for a leader.

  13. Corinne Vella says:

    ESSO: Here’s a comment heard today “Joseph Muscat’s only achievement is to make Alfred Sant look good.” Any reactions?

  14. my name is Leonard but my son calls me Joey says:

    in which case it really is one step forward, two steps back (apologies Mr. Lenin). It will be interesting to see how the role of deputy leader for party affairs will develop. The report analyzing the mlp’s defeat comments on the negative effect due to the absence of a clear demarcation between the roles of deputy leader for party affairs and the secretary general & that “Hafna urew ix-xewqa li ssir diskussjoni dwar il-futir tal-kariga ta’ Deputat Mexxej (Affarijiet tal-Partit)”. (p.5 of report).

  15. tony borg says:

    @ Daphne. Although ‘kniving’ has become acceptable ; the correct term is ‘knifing’, coming from the verb to knife and not to knive.

  16. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Tony, you’re right.

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