What a hypocritical little opportunist

Published: June 12, 2008 at 10:05am

Here’s the sentence handed down by the court on 8 April 2002 in the case Daphne Caruana Galizia v. Joseph Muscat u l-Malta Labour Party sive Partit Laburista.

Daphne Caruana Galizia v. Joseph Muscat u l-Malta Labour Party sive Partit Laburista

And here is an excerpt, in which the judge notes that it is quite clear Joseph Muscat included me in a book about the Mafia and organised crime as a form of ‘tpattija’ for my criticism of the Labour Party.

Illi huwa fatt maghruf li l-fehmiet politici ta’ l-attrici huma in konflitt ma dawk tal-awtur tal-ktejjeb, il-konvenut Joseph Muscat u tal-partit politiku responsabbli ghall-pubblikazzjoni. Infatti l-attrici tikkontribwixxi regolarment artikoli f’gazzetti lokali fejn tesprimi opinjonijiet in kontrast ma’ principji laburisti. Dan ghandha kull dritt li taghmlu kif ghandhom kull dritt persuni mill-kamp politiku avvers li ma jaqblux maghha u sahansitra jikkritikawha. Din hija l-bazi ta’ demokrazija. Izda mhux korrett li tuza pubblikazzjoni politika fuq suggett skabruz u b’accenni ghal kriminalita’ organizzata biex tpoggi lil dak li jkun ta’ opinjoni politika kuntrarja f’dawl ikrah. Dan qed jinghad billi jidher li l-iskop ta’ l-awtur tal-ktejjeb in kwistjoni kien specifiku. Infatti fix-xhieda li ta’ Joseph Muscat fl-udjenza tat-12 ta’ Marzu 2001 qal hekk: “Issa, fil-fehma tieghi biex naghti forsi l-background, fil-fehma tieghi u ta’ hafna ohrajn ghaliex wasalt u fejn semmejt u f’liema kuntest semmejt lis-Sinjura Caruana Galizia, fil-fehma tieghi u ta’ hafna ohrajn, (ripetizzjoni b’enfazi tax-xhud), is-Sinjura Caruana Galizia hafna drabi serviet biex b’xi mod iccekken kontroversji li jistghu jew li jitfghu anzi dell ikrah fuq il-Partit Nazzjonalista u serviet ukoll biex tkabbar kontroversji illi b’xi mod jitfghu dell ikrah fuq il-Partit Laburista.”

Din id-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Joseph Muscat turi l-animu li mmotiva d-decizzjoni tieghu li jdahhal lill-attrici fil-ktejjeb in kwistjoni. Ma kienx motivat mid-dritt ta’ risposta jew tficcija tal-verita’ izda ghamel dan bi tpattija ghal dak li l-attrici, skond hu, hija kapaci taghmel. B’hekk semmija f’pubblikazzjoni li ma tistax hlief titfa dell ikrah fuq l-attrici.

Ghal dawn ir-ragunijiet il-Qorti ssib li bl-inserzjoni ta’ isem l-attrici fil-ktejjeb intitolat “Roberto Memmo l-Iskandlu ta’ Chambray” kif ukoll b’dak li gie allegat fil-konfront taghha, il-konvenut Joseph Muscat immalafama lill-attrici.

When you’re hoovering up all his fine words about codes of ethics and political journalists, and putting your natural-born capacity for intellectual analysis on hold because you’re so desperate to believe that at last there’s somebody normal at the Labour Party’s helm, remember that this court judgement was delivered just six years ago.

126 Comments Comment

  1. Peter Muscat says:

    @ Daphne would you please enlighten us more about the “Chambray Project” in question? Was there really any ‘Sicilian Connection’ with this project?

    Six years are quite a long time in a life span and are more then enough to change a person into a real shining star.Since then we joined the EU (thanks to me!) and we have witnessed a lot of changes that no one ever believed before.

    I regret to say that only your attitude of ‘preaching doom and gloom’ didn’t change. Get off your old bike and join me on my brand new Porche!

  2. Malcolm Buttigieg says:


    Now I understand where you’re coming from.
    Predictable again!

    I certainly prefer Natlie Portman in the movie V for Vendetta than the actress (attrici) referred to in the above contribution.

    I always imagined that you would be worth more than a mere thousand Maltese Liri. That is a pretty cheap fine to pay.

    Bear in mind that anything that is written, particularly printed matter is there to stay. I intend geting hold of the book in question and waste a few hours to read it very carefully.

  3. Meerkat :) says:

    What an upstart, arrogant pipsqueak he is

  4. Malcolm Buttigieg says:

    Interestingly, Daphne lest this bit out from the quote from the Court Sentence.

    Fil-verita’ din il-Qorti thoss li dak li inkiteb dwar l-attrici u sahansitra rritratt taghha bil-kliem li jinsab tahtu, ma huwiex libelluz, per se. In fatti l-awtur qed jirraporta ‘in parte’ dak li kitbet l-attrici fil-gazzetta
    imsemmija. Izda li, f’pubblikazzjoni li titratta dwar mafja u kriminalita organizzata, issemmi persuna u sahansitra poggi ritratt taghha u takkuzaha bi dnub ta’ “ommissjoni” billi tghid li din il-persuna mhux qed tghid kollox jew li ma tridx li tigi kritikata l-“persuna” mertu lpubblikazzjoni
    u l-oggetti tal-akkuzi serji li qed isiru kontra din ilpersuna, ma tistax hlief tnissel f’mohh il-qarrej l-ezistenza ta’ konnessjoni stretta bejn r-reati addebitati lil dik il-persuna u l-assocjazzjoni taghha ma’ assocjazzjoni allegatament kriminuza ma dik il-persuna li issemma filktieb. Wara kollox l-ktieb jittratta in parti dwar mafja u kullhadd jaf li wiehed mill-principji basici ta’ din l-assocjazzjoni hija l-“omerta'” u cioe is-silenzju fuq dak kollu li ghandu x’jaqsam mal-istess assocjazzjoni.
    Ghalhekk huwa facli li wiehed jassocja l-akkuza li qed issir kontra lattrici u cioe li ma qaltix kollox dwar “il-hmieg kollu misjub minn investigaturi barranin madwar Memmo u l-ghanqbuta li ntisget f’Malta biex taqdih mill-koxxa” ma affiljazzjoni ta’ l-attrici ma’ tali organizzazzjoni kriminuza jew simpatija taghha mal-istess.

    Illi huwa fatt maghruf li l-fehmiet politici ta’ l-attrici huma in konflitt ma dawk tal-awtur tal-ktejjeb, il-konvenut Joseph Muscat u tal-partit politiku…

  5. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Malcolm Buttigieg: read the whole thing, and remove your rose-coloured spectacles before you do so.

    The judge quotes Joseph Muscat’s own words back at him: that he stuck me in a book about organised crime because I am effective in my criticism of the Labour Party, and his motivation was revenge and damage to my credibility. You can say what you like about me, but you won’t find me inserting people in books about mafia connections just because I don’t like their politics. And you won’t find Lawrence Gonzi doing it either. But to odd Labour supporters like you, it’s all grist to the mill. No principles, no sense of correct behaviour, nothing. No wonder your fantastic political party will have won just three general elections in the 60-odd years between the 1950s and 2013 (and one of those resulted in just a 22-month term in office). But obviously, it’s the people who are wrong and blind, and not the party.

  6. M. Bormann says:

    @ Peter Muscat “Get off your old bike and join me on my brand new Porche!”

    Peter Muscat I don’t know who you are but with that dumb arsed comment you made me want to punch your face all the way to the next decade.

  7. Tim Ripard says:

    Well done Daphne. Keep the public aware of the TRUTH and you can’t go wrong! The references to frogs, poodles etc aren’t needed at all by serious readers of this blog.

  8. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Thank you, Tim.

    M. Bormann, I feel the same way. We’re all wondering who this Peter Muscat is (it’s a false name, by the way). He seems to be permanently drunk.

  9. david farrugia says:


    [Moderator – There’s no need to shout.]

  10. Ix-Xewka says:

    Are you sure MLP won only 3 elections that sound too few. you mean that in 60 years labour were in government for less than 20 years and PN for more than 40 years. I think you are mistaken.

  11. Amanda Mallia says:

    Prosit, Daph! People need to be reminded about how the little ginger boy lacks principles, and about what an opportunistic little upstart he is.

  12. Amanda Mallia says:

    Peter Muscat / Malcolm Buttigieg – To put it in the seemingly latest fad of “religion speak” (though not mine): people like you will never see the light.

  13. D Fenech says:

    @Peter Muscat
    You wrote “Get off your old bike and join me on my brand new Porche!”
    Hey Peter, if you want a married woman on your porche, why not take michelle, you have her own husband’s permission to ‘love her’!!!

  14. Corinne Vella says:

    Ix-Xewka: Which elections did the MLP win?

  15. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Ix-Xewka: not to put too fine a point on it, shouldn’t you have checked out the story of the Labour Party before deciding to become one of its die-hard supporters?

    Since the 1950s, Labour won the following elections:

    1996 (22-month government)

    Technically, it also won the 1981 election, but for the purposes of assessing electoral support, that can’t be considered a win, because in that election Labour got fewer votes than the PN, but the majority of seats.

    There will not be another election before 2013 – so yes, between the 1950s and 2013, Labour will have won just three elections.

  16. Chris Vella says:

    @ P Muscat It’s Porsche not Porche! In any case you must be doing very well financially under the Nationalist.

  17. Malcolm Buttigieg says:

    From what I read on here Daphne, you appear to be on a mission of personal revenge to damage JM’s credibility.

    Whether you succeed or not is a totally different matter.

    This contribution has exposed your agenda and the reasons behind your agenda. It appears that the compensation awarded by the court was insufficient to curb your anger. Duh!

  18. Malcolm Buttigieg says:


    What light are you talking about? Enlighten me please with one of your savvy writings!

  19. ħamruniż says:

    I see..so the latest adjective on JM is “little”..is that a reference to the fact that he is vertically challenged? Ok I get it now..how sophisticated.

  20. Malcolm Buttigieg says:


    I’m afraid your facts are incorrect.

    The results of the 1955 election are as follows:

    MLP 56.73% PN 40.21%

    Perhaps it is an election which you chose not to mention on purpose.

    Incidentally, Mintoff was 39 in 1955 when he became Prime Minister for the first time.

  21. Sybil says:

    Malcolm Buttigieg Thursday, 12 June 1552hrs

    “Incidentally, Mintoff was 39 in 1955 when he became Prime Minister for the first time.”

    Did you vote for Mintoff at the time?

  22. Uncle Fester says:

    @Daphne. Let’s put things in context. Labour has been in power 7 or 8 times since the 50s and not three times as you say.

    # 1 Labour was in power with a landslide majority between 1947 and June 1950.

    PN formed minority government in 1950 which lasted until 1951. This does not count as a victory but as an anomaly.

    # 2 In June 1951 the Malta Workers Party (Paul Boffa) was in a coalition government with the PN.

    # 3 In June 1953 the Malta Workers Party was in another coalition government with the PN.

    # 4 In February 1955 Dom Mintoff’s Malta Labour Party won the elections with 57% of the vote and remained in government until it resigned in 1958.

    Then Nationalists were elected twice in 1962 and 1966 with the help of the local church which ruled that anyone who voted Labour would commit a mortal sin. These two election victories do not count because they were achieved by corrupt practices.

    # 5 Labour was then elected to power in 1971.

    # 6 Labour was re-elected to power in 1976.

    # 7 Labour won the 1981 elections in a constitutional manner albeit with less of the popular vote than the PN. No proof of gerrymandering was ever established in any court of law although it was agreed that the results were “unfair” and that the rules had to be changed.

    Labour then lost the 1987 and 1992 elections.

    # 8 Labour won the 1996 elections.

    Labour then lost the 1998 and 2003 elections.

    The PN won the 2008 elections albeit with less than 50% of the popular vote.

    So the score since the 1950s is

    PN outright wins: 4. 1987-1992; 1992-1996; 1998-2003; 2003-2008.

    MLP outright wins: 5: 1947-1950; 1955-1958; 1971-1976; 1976-1981; 1996-1998.

    Tie: 2. 1951-1953; 1953-55.

    Do not count: 5. 1950 (minority PN govt.); 1962-1966 (corrupt practices); 1966-1971 (corrupt practices); 1981-1987 (unfair but constitutionally valid result); 2008-2013 (constitutional result whereby PN governs with less than 50% of the popular vote)

  23. chris says:

    I’ncidentally, Mintoff was 39 in 1955 when he became Prime Minister for the first time.’
    and he managed to last a bit longer then Alfred Sant! ( Oh and please don’t give me a history lesson on the whys and wherefores Mintoff stepped down. It was a cheap comment. I admit ! couldn’t resist! Handed to me on a silver plate :) )

  24. Tri says:

    “You won’t find me inserting people in books about mafia connections just because I don’t like their politics” (DCG).

    You’re right Daphne. I think blogging’s more your thing when it comes to insults:

    “Issa mur u tpaxxa bil-wicc frisk u l-mohh ta’ tigiega tal-leader gdid li ghandek, forsi ikaxxkrek minn mniehrek xi ftit iehor, kif jaghmel lil mara tieghu Lil Din.” (DCG)

    [@Moderator – I think it would be valid to say that Joseph was having as much fun writing that book as we all do writing on this blog, right?]

  25. trever says:

    The fact that JM’s ‘shadow cabinet’ will be composed of all present MP’s just goes to show how much he lacks leadership skills. He seemingly doesn’t have the guts to name a small group of MP’s to shadow the same amount of ministries in the present government. To me that just shows how weak he is and am pretty sure we will see more of the same in the coming months/years. A leader has to have the courage to choose and make firm decisions. Camparing the two party leaders, we have just seen Gonzi trimming the number of people holding ministerial jobs while his political adversary just couldn’t decide and has instead chosen to have them ‘all’ shadowing the ministers. I wonder if he’ll do the same if ever he becomes our PM. So far he has been harping on having an ‘inclusive’ team but wait till he starts being forced to make decisions, and then we’ll see how capable he is of leading. So far he has done all the talking but the real JM will be seen when the earthquake he keeps talking about comes to an end. What end it will be like I don’t know, but I wonder if he knows too?
    He declared to his faithful ‘and Gonzi, the honeymoon is over’ What honeymoon? The present government has surely not been on honeymoon in the last 3 months and it would be even more stupid if people are expected to give JM a honeymoon – why should we?

  26. Malcolm Buttigieg says:


    It is none of your business whom I voted for in 1955. That is my prerogative. But it is a fact that Mintoff won the election in 1955 at age 39. Daphne aptly chose to misinform her readers unless it was a genuine mistake.

    The following court decisions make interesting reading. In Maltese, there is a saying – biex tiskongra trid tkun pur.




    The above sentence was confirmed following the decision by the court of appeals given below:


    [Moderator – Malcolm, you dolt: Daphne is not trying to become prime minister.]

  27. Malcolm Buttigieg says:


    May I ask if you have ever been found guilty of libel?

    Sybil, whom I voted for in 1955 is none of your business. It is my prerogative.

    It is now a fact that Daphne chose to misinform her readers by ommitting the results of the 1955 election unless of course it is a genuine mistake. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt but Daphne does not belong to this category.

  28. Francis says:

    I think what all this does is raise this important question in our minds:

    Was his aggressive behaviour as a journalist in those times a reflection of his true self or was it all an immature act to please his master? Either way, it does not put him in very good light.

  29. Malcolm Buttigieg says:


    What happened in 1958 is irrelevant. You can enjoy the silver plate which, apparently, I handed over to you as much as you like.

    The only fact here is that Daphne got her facts wrong. And, when facts are incorrect, they are not called facts anymore. It shows however that Daphne cannot be taken seriously.

    How can DCG be taken seriously for lambasting JM for losing a libel case? I stand to be corrected but DCG has been sued and found guilty of libel at least 3 times since 2001.

    As stated earlier, DCG’s crusade against JM appears to be irrational and smells very much of a personal vendetta.

  30. Chris S. says:

    @Uncle Fester – the calculation was for 60 years till 2013 i.e. 1953

    MLP = 1955, 1971, 1976 and 1996 (total years = 15 years)

    In 1981 – PN had the absolute majority (remember – I do – 51%!! with no other party trying to get the PN votes)! so the less written on 1981-1987 by MLP supporters the better.

    PN = 1962, 1966, 1987, 1992, 1998, 2003, 2008 (total years = 33 years)

    So even though we can say 4 instead of 3 times it is still a miserable showing.

  31. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Uncle Fester and Malcolm Buttigieg: you clearly do not know the meaning of the word ‘since’. I wrote SINCE the 1950s, and not DURING the 1950s or INCLUDING the 1950s. So let me be more specific: SINCE THE END OF THE 1950S, LABOUR HAS WON JUST THREE ELECTIONS, AND ONE OF THOSE VICTORIES RESULTED IN NO MORE THAN A 22-MONTH TERM IN OFFICE. The upper case is to make myself even clearer still. If all these victories you’re boasting about were in the 1950s (50 years ago) you are just emphasising the extent of the Labour Party’s problem. It hasn’t evolved since the days when victory was guaranteed by mass poverty and deprivation.

  32. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Malcolm Buttigieg: you have no idea what I’m like if you think I would waste my time on Joseph Muscat because he libelled me. I use the libel case to illustrate what sort of a**hole he is, because it is a concrete example and more so, one in which I was involved and so have every fact to hand. If there are others out there with similar cases, please send them in. You are so blinded by Love! Love! Love Lil Din! that you can’t see there are a hundred reasons why this man is objectionable.

    @Hamruniz: as I had occasion to explain in court recently, to a magistrate (poor, poor man) having his patience tried by a man who sued me for calling him ‘little’, the word, when used as a term of abuse by those who speak English as a first language, is not a reference to size but to character. Therefore a small man, or a nasty little man, is not (necessarily) 5′ tall.

  33. Colin Vassallo says:

    @ Uncle Fester

    The Church intervention in the 60’s cannot be described as corrupt practices.

    Threatening someone with mortal sin is not like threatening someone to throw him in jail or burn him at the stake. Mortal sin has to do with faith and fear of God. That a good chunk of Labourites in the 60’s preferred saving their soul than sticking to their principles against all odds and voting Mintoff in Government shows what a bunch of pussies you all were.

    The Nationalist party, although profiting from the situation (like they did with the EU membership saga), cannot be accused of any wrongdoings unless you want us to believe that the Nationalist party had the power to absolve all Labourites from the mortal sin imposed by the Church and refused to do so.

  34. AC says:

    Your grasp of mathematics impresses me Uncle Fester. It brings in mind Alfred Sant calcuations of the 2003 referendum…. Partnership rebah ! X’rebah rebah !

    YES 143,094

    NO 123,628

    difference 19,466

    AS had the guts to call on his lejboristi to celebrate! incredible…

  35. Peter Muscat says:

    @Daffy, Mandy and all club members.

    Money is to be spent and I love spending it. Actually I NEVER got drunk even if I always enjoy a bottle of good white Italian/French wine with my meals. Hate alcohol.
    Love smoking sigs or cigars. Love ‘figures’ too.Love casinos and I travelled to places of the world you can’t even dream of. Been to every capital city in Europe and I am seriously considering of buying a nice property in Madrid.Never eaten any chicken or rabbit. I love tandoori.Rarely drink any water. I NEVER asked for any FAVOUR from any politician or Political Party. I am the off spring of a V. BLUE FAMILY!I respect all politicians and i know they respect me too. Anything else you need to know? So please do not jump to silly conclusions .

    By the way dear Daphne I contacted you personally some 4/5 months ago and I never deleted your response.So please go back and check my identity, and if you are big enough, accept you made a mistake in your last post about me. .

    By the way I gave the Porsche ( Chris Vella pls note!) to my daughter on her 21st b.d.today at noon at Ta Cenc Hotel.

    By the way I do not mind treating you ALL one day at a Restuarant of my choice. Of course you have to cross over to the place I love most… WONDERFUL GOZO.

    I bear no one any malice nor I wish anybody any harm. I respect you all, even though I have different views from yours.

  36. Tri says:

    I agree with trever on this one. Too many official spokesmen sounds like we’re in for yet another five years of an opposition that is typically all over the place – and nowhwere in particular.

    I beg to differ with trever (agħzel nick aħjar sieħbi, ħu minni, per eżempju) on two counts, however. Firstly, the only reason Gonzi ‘trimmed down’ his cabinet was because of the utter inability of some to run their portfolios on the one hand, and a lack of promising cabinet members on the other (cry babies make good minstrels, not ministers).

    Secondly, of course “the present government has surely not been on honeymoon in the last 3 months”! It’s been busy doing all sorts of things not mentioned in its manifesto.

  37. Caphenni says:


    Wasn’t it Gonzi’s greatuncle who was responsible for the Church’s actions in the 60s? I’m just asking as a point of clarification, not to make a point. I’m 20 so I was far from being around back then. But people don’t really speak about that part of history anymore and I’m not well informed about it at all.

    [Moderator – Yes, it was him. If I’m not mistaken, he helped set up the Labour Party too.]

  38. Albert Farrugia says:

    @Colin Vassallo
    I would rather call pussies those who used all the means at their disposal to interfere in the MLP leadership election but failed miserably.

  39. Malcolm Buttigieg says:

    Duffy, the objectionable one here is yourself. Period.

    Why don’t you publish the court sentences in which you were found guilty of libel? Anyhow, they are available on the web for everyone to read.

    Keep your crusade going because it continues revealing your contrived nature.

    I will buy you a coffee if this comment gets published because I bet it will be censored.

  40. Ganni Borg says:

    I was struck by the following in the sentence:

    Illi huwa fatt maghruf li l-fehmiet politici ta’ l-attrici huma in konflitt ma dawk tal-awtur tal-ktejjeb, il-konvenut Joseph Muscat u tal-partit politiku responsabbli ghall-pubblikazzjoni. Infatti l-attrici tikkontribwixxi regolarment artikoli f’gazzetti lokali fejn tesprimi opinjonijiet in kontrast ma’ principji laburisti.

    As far as I know, DCG has no paricular political opinions, other than the Orwellian “PN Good, MLP Bad”. And her writings never deal with “principji” – they are invariabley personal attacks on laboutr personalities.

  41. @Uncle Fester

    For the record, the Church lifted interdiction in 1964 and therefore one would not have been committing mortal sin in voting for Labour in 1966.

  42. Malcolm Buttigieg says:


    Please don’t shout. Using Capitals is considered shouting and rude. (Moderator where are you?)

    Stating “since the end of the 1950’s” is very different than stating “since the 1950’s”.

    As you very well know and demonstrated by your correction, since the 1950’s includes the 1950’s by definition.

    Isn’t it obvious that you presented incorrect facts just in case anybody would draw some parallels between the success achieved by the 39 year old Mintoff in 1995 and the fact that JM will be 39 in 5 years’ time – potential election time.

    You are wise and sly, but not that wise. There will always be somebody wiser.

    Kif jghidu bil-Malti, kullhadd xi darba isib kappell jigih.

    Maybe you may have just found the right sized hat for you.


  43. andrew borg-cardona says:

    Is it only me, or does anyone else find the self-satisfied smugness of Labour’s little elves nauseating? They’re sounding more and more like shop-stewards of the particularly irritating variety.

    Oh, and Muscat, you ride in a Porsche and not on it, and spell it that way, too. Clearly, you have penis envy (in the sense that sports cars are penis substitutes in men of a certain age)

  44. Jason Spiteri says:

    How about setting some sort of prize for whoever guesses Peter Muscat’s real identity?

    Based on the last few of ‘his’ posts and a long-standing devotion to a cult opinion column, my twopence would be to ask the moderator to check whether there exists any ‘Peter Muscat’ post that precedes Lady Lorna’s discovery of this blog…

    Can I give you a P.O. box to deliver my prize if I’m right?

  45. Kev says:

    Hi all,

    just to remind you that today is “Id-Dodici Giugno” – the day the Irish electorate decide on the future constitution of the Maltese Bebbuxerija.

    We don’t know whether the Maltese really rose on “Is-Sette Giugno”, but we do know that on Id-Dodici they are fast asleep.


  46. Ganni Borg says:

    Fausto, you are wrong. The Church, without being asked, lifted the “interdett” from Sant (Lorry) and others in 1964, but remained actively against the MLP during the 1966 election.

    The first elction fought without effective religious interferance was 1971.

  47. Ganni Borg says:

    As far as I know, Gonzi (Michael) was Gonzi (lawrence) uncle not great uncle.

  48. Sybil says:

    [Moderator – Yes, it was him. If I’m not mistaken, he helped set up the Labour Party too.]

    He did although I cant find any reference to it in thsi entry;

    “Sir Michael Gonzi, (Maltese Mikiel Gonzi) KBE, DD (16 November 1885 – 22 January 1984) was the 15th and Last Bishop of Malta and the first Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Malta.”

  49. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Malcolm Buttigieg, you are becoming tedious. I have already spelt out what I meant, and I couldn’t possibly be more specific. Nothing you say will ever change the fact that the Labour Party has won just three elections in almost six decades, or four elections in six decades, if you’re so desperate to squeeze another one in. What a pathetic showing – go on, ask yourself why.

    And please, my name is pronounced with a flat A that so many Maltese people of your background find impossible to pronounce. It is not DEphne, nor DIphne, not DUphne, but DAphne, as in hAndbAg or cAt.

  50. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    And Malcolm Buttigieg, please register the difference between me and what I do for a living and a politician who aims to become prime minister and run the country. I can do whatever the hell I like and be found guilty of it, and it won’t make a blind bit of difference, because I am not answerable to the public, paid by the public, or trying to run the public’s lives.

  51. Bendu says:

    Is it true that Jos “P” Muscat received his education at St Aloysius College? Is it in his cv?

  52. Kev says:

    @ Daphne – not counting the MLP election victory of 1981 is like saying Al Gore won in 2000. You know the constitutional details. This deceptive revisionist history does no one any good.

  53. Blanco says:

    DCG, no comment about the MLP extraordinary general conference and what happened during the same conference? And by the way, thank you for not publishing my comment yesterday…

    [Moderator – What comment?]

  54. Scerri S says:

    I wonder – ‘tficcija’ – is this correct Maltese grammar? Shouldn’t it be ‘tfitxija’ since the verb form is ‘Tfittex’.

  55. Anthony says:

    If there are still babies (sour grapes for an oldie like me)out there who are still under the impression (brainwashed) that Mikiel Gonzi was anti MLP a priori, they had better go and consult decent Maltese history books and other relevant documents. MG retaliated with a fury and a determination, never witnessed in this little country before, when Dom unleashed an uncalled for broadside on the Church in Malta (bread and circuses). What corrupt practices ? When Gonzi (the great uncle) went to the Fosos the crowd made the great nephew’s meetings there seem like a xalata ghal-qamar kwinta. Gonzi’s courage was equivalent to his physical size to the power of 10…. And he won the day. KMB tried to resurrect the anticlerical element but he was a pathetic non starter and poohpooed by the population at large who had other more important issues to think about. This is some of the rotten baggage that the MLP still trundles along with to the present day. We post WWII baby boomers are not all dead YET nor have we all lost our memory.

  56. david s says:

    If you think Joseph Muscat is pretentious and vojt, just wait for Joe Mifsud…Joe Mifsud is BRILLIANT at going off at a tangent (perhaps its his lateral thinking) Now Joe and Joe or J squared would be a formidable leadership…. Oh yes guess who was Joe Mifsud’s witness at his wedding . (clue someone li zgur MA KIELX il kirsha mieghu)

  57. Francis says:

    @Malcolm Buttigieg

    Some advice – drawing a parallel between JM and Dom may not be such a good idea. Light Blue PN voters and floaters are hardly likely to appreciate this. Also just because Mintoff was successful at winning an election when he was 39 does not mean that JM will automatically do the same. Admittedly he may have a very good chance of doing it, and like Sant before him he only stands the risk of not winning it.

    Also, cut the self-prasie, let others judge you. I suppose this is what happens if you over-expose yourself to watching your great leader too much! You can ask Jason what over-confidence leads to, he knows very well.

  58. Uncle Fester says:

    @Fausto Majistral. I don’t know what history books you are reading Fausto. Mine say that the sanctions (interdett) were still in place in 1966 although the church did not make a point of publicly warning voters the way it did in 1962. Sanctions were only lifted in April, 1969. So both elections were effected by the interdett. I think you would have had to live through it and be on the receiving end of it to know just how effective these sanctions were in the ultra-conservative “more Roman Catholic than the Pope” Malta of the 1960s.

  59. MikeC says:

    @Uncle Fester

    I hate to have to keep repeating this, but here goes.

    1. Archbishop Gonzi was one of the founders of the Labour Party, elected to the senate in representation of the labour party, and therefore A LABOURITE. The party was subsequently split by Mintoff, the principle issue being a disagreement with Boffa over whether to opt for confrontation or negotiation as a political strategy. (no prizes for guessing Mintoff’s preference)

    2. Archbishop Gonzi, the LABOURITE, perceived the Malta Labour Party and Mintoff’s actions and the MLP’s international affiliations to be leading down the path of communist dictatorship, generally declared enemies of the catholic church.

    3. Archbishop Gonzi, the LABOURITE, considered Mintoff and the MLP’s attacks on the church to be the symptoms of (2) above and decided to take defensive action.

    4. Archbishop Gonzi, the LABOURITE, told the members of his organisation (Catholics) that they had to choose between support of his main organisation (the catholic church) and support of his other organisation (the MLP), just as he himself had been constrained to do by Mintoff.

    5. Some of those Catholics, who considered themselves to be Catholics first and labourites second, took heed of Archbishop Gonzi’s (THE LABOURITE) instructions, some didn’t, and some others thought he was probably right about (2) and actually switched allegiances for the following 35 years.

    6. Partially as a result of (5) but also because they behaved normally and did not advocate confrontation, violent protest, and generally scare off most people, the PN won both the 1962 and 1966 elections, notwithstanding that they also had a minor split.

    So the moral of the story is that partly but not exclusively because of a DISPUTE BETWEEN TWO LABOURITES the nationalists won two elections without much effort. Now let me see, does this sound familiar? 1998? One old LABOURITE ex-leader screwing a LABOURITE successor?

    There were no corrupt practices involved. You cannot call a perfectly legitimate act of self defense by one LABOURITE UNDER ATTACK FROM ANOTHER LABOURITE a corrupt practice. Stop blaming others for your own party’s shortcomings. The first step along the way to solving ones problems (ask AA) is recognising you have a problem.

  60. Colin Vassallo says:

    @Fausto Majistral

    No, the agreement between the Church and the MLP re the mortal sin was concluded just before the 1971 general elections. It was still considered a mortal sin (for the Church and not for the Nationalist Party) to vote Labour in 1966


    Yes it was him. He was the Archbishop of Malta at the time and not the leader of the Nationalist Party. The latter was Giorgio Borg Olivier.

    @Albert Farrugia

    If you think that the Natioanlists preferred George Abela at the helm of the MLP because we, since as you may have guessed I’m a nazzjonalist, are somewhat more afraid of Joseph Muscat electionwise; you deserve to be a Labourite.

  61. Steve Grech says:

  62. D Fenech says:

    Just watched the One News. Dr Abela is a true and rare gentleman.
    After all the things Jason Micallef said and done against him, he shook hands with him in front of all at the CNL. Incredible but true.

  63. chris says:

    @Malcolm Buttigieg. As Daphne would no doubt point out, if she could be bothered, there is NO difference between “since the end of the 1950’s” and “since the 1950’s”. They both mean the same thing.

    And Moderator, yep you are right Gonzi helped create the Labour Party. in fact i always considered the Church saga as a feud between two members of the same political party. but hey, that’s the Labour Party for you, even when they ahve aninternal squabble, Malta is dragged into the equation!

  64. Xewka says:

    @ Daphne I am not a die hard MLP. In my long life I voted MLP, PN,and AD. If nyou don’t be3lieve me I don’t give a dam. I come out as MLP on this blogg cause I usually go against the majority. Well actually I wanted PN to lose this time round. Look at the way they have destroyed Sliema, and I always thought that MLP were against Sliema. Look at what JPO was trying top do to Mistra Behind our backs. Look at the standard of living it’s going down the drain. Maybe you are too rich to bother about the latter. But actually Labour did win more than three times. If you don’t count the 1981 elections than to be fair don’t count the 1962 and 1966 elections since it was Gonzi who won it for them. (Gonzi l-isqof I mean). And you can also not count this election since over a thousand people who came from abroad and have been living there for more than a year and others who are not even Maltese but got Maltese citizenship by corrupt practices voted. Let’s not forget that a number of people have also said they sold their votes for one reason or another.

    [Moderator – Xewka, the standard of living is going up.]

  65. David Buttigieg says:

    Malcolm Buttigieg,

    Your command of English leaves much to be desired! Had Daphne said since the beginning on the 1950s you would have a point. Since the 1950s means 1960 onwards! Duh!!!

  66. trever says:

    Let’s leave nicknames aside – they’re not to be taken seriously anyway, but on the other issues it’s fine if we don’t agree.
    Joining PfP was a very good thing because we just couldn’t continue to be humiliated by Turkey each time security matters were discussed within EU-NATO fora. I guess you do know that Malta’s reps had to walk out of the conference room (together with Cyrpus)each time security was on the agenda.
    As for the size of cabinet, I’m pretty sure there were others who could have proved themselves well, one of them being the PM’s brother himself. I could be wrong, of course, but sticking to the subject, it’s much more courageous trimming down numbers than sharing all the tasks amongst all 30 deputies or so. You know, if our ‘Inhobbkom Joseph’ was a football team coach he would try to field all 18 players in the squad instead of just 11. Pathetic.

  67. trever says:

    Just finished watching SuperOne featuring live the election of the two deputies. It seems like we could well have Joseph very ably aided by Tony Abela and Anglu Farrugia. Aren’t we all blessed. I mean, what else can we ask for? Of course, things could change in the final run-off but we’ll just have to wait and see. Electing Tony Abela just shows the miserable comprehension of things by the party delegates. It confirms, if ever there was need for it, why Abela lost and ‘Inhobbkom Joseph’ ran away with the election. It seems most of the delegates are the same people who do all the phone-ins on SuperOne Radio and write all the sms’s on One’s TV programmes.

  68. Steve Grech says:

    Indeed Friday the 13th June will be a sad sad day. Welcome Anglu and Toni!!

  69. john says:

    Chambray saga

    when daphne talk about chambray the only interesting thing she is interested is that her face pic was included in the book

    Is it normal that 100 tommna art be given to an italian for 10 000 maltese lira?

    one of the best gozo prime sites with sea views

    is it true that th Pn goverment gave mr memmo 2 million maltese lire to take it back???

    is it true that 100 flats were built and the developers all pn supporters took a 6 million liri loan from bank of valletta. Since no interest was paid the total sum increased to 10 maltese million liri

    does one need 6 million maltese lira to built 100 flats gebel and saqaf?

    Is this a normal way how to do business in malta?.

    What is the personal viev of daphne on this subject??

    any corruption in this deal??

    or just putting her face pic in that book is more important than the vanishing from the bank of valletta, of the sum of ten maltese million?

    I prefare to call this chambray project the gozitan dawoee

  70. andrew borg-cardona says:

    Daphne – you might want to have some fun with this: http://www.maltastar.com/pages/msrv/msfullart.asp?an=21837 I just don’t have the energy.

  71. Malcolm Buttigieg says:


    I don’t give a hoot about JM and his party but it is truly a great great pleasure to read your reactions. You are always so predictable.

    Somehow, I know that my comments will invariably irk you and your comrades. You may not like it, but this process is very amusing.

    @David Buttigieg

    Are you some kind of lawyer, waving your pen like that?

    If I state that I have been sick since Tuesday, does that include Tuesday or not?

    The defitinion of since is from a time in the past until a later time in the past or until now.

    Before partonising others about the English language, I suggest you go back to your primary class dude.

  72. Francis says:

    Dream team for Labour United:

    Mexxej Joseph Muscat
    Dep Mexxej Anglu Farrugia
    Dep Mexxej Toni Abela
    Seg Gen Jason Micallef

    Aren’t the PN spin doctors going to have a field day! They must already be salivating. Cheers MLP, you really are judging the people’s mood perfectly as always!

  73. Albert Farrugia says:

    @Colin Vassallo
    Well if you believe all the spin that comes out of Pieta you deserve to be a Nat. Wouldn´t that have been comfortable for the Nats. I am not going to explain the reasons why I believe that the Nats really wanted George Abela. He is now thankfully on board and will no doubt contribute to give sleepless nights to the PN. Thanks George!

  74. Mario Debono says:

    Dear All This morning. Verily, we are truly blessed. We have two comedians in pole position for deputy leader. I couldnt stop laughing all night. May they be elected by landslides this evening. To cap it all we have Marlon Brando Galizia as a Blogmaster according to JM. I’ll be very careful next time I meet her. Dont want to end up as part of some concrete foundation in SmartCity!.

    [Moderator – There’s another one who raids the drinks cabinet.]

  75. Zizzu says:

    “Illi huwa fatt maghruf li l-fehmiet politici ta’ l-attrici huma in konflitt ma dawk…”
    “Responsabbli ghall-pubblikazzjoni. Infatti l-attrici tikkontribwixxi regolarment…”

    Attrici means actress (or woman actor, to be politically correct; “female” is not good). Awtrici is authoress (or woman author). Had they called her Kittieba (writer)they would have been a) gramatically correct b) more accurate.

    [Moderator – Actor has a meaning outside the stage, you know. I think people stopped using the word authoress in the late fifties.]

  76. Sybil says:

    Full speed ahead – to the past.

  77. IM9 says:

    Bring on the MLP Supermarket. Thanks for existing Toni (Dhalt f’kull bar f’ Malta) Abela.

    Lidl beware!!

  78. MAROON says:

    Toni Abela & Anglu Farrugia as Deputy Leaders!!! Can it honestly get better that this?????

  79. Reader says:

    Muscat as leader? Anglu Frrugia and Toni Abela leading at the moment as D/leaders???

    The MLP has just lost the next general election..
    How sad for Malta.

  80. MAROON says:

    Can you imagine a ‘Leaders’ meeting between JM AF & TA??? JM won’t get a word in edgeways lol !!!

  81. MikeC says:

    I have just read the results of yesterday’s elections. Now that I am back up in my chair again, having ROTFL’d for a few minutes, I am convinced that there must be at least 300 nationalists masquerading as Labour delegates. It would explain alot. In fact, it has to be the only explanation for the last 12 years or so…..

  82. MikeC says:


    Attrici is the maltese legal term for plaintiff. But you knew that, right? :)

  83. chris says:

    Oh Dear, and now Running Commentary becomes an English lesson :
    Definition of Since

    during the period of time after: one of their worst winters since 1945

    1. continuously from the time given: they’ve been standing in line ever since she arrived
    2. for the reason that; because

    from that time: I have often been asked since

  84. Tim Ripard says:

    @ David Farrugia

    I’ll read a blog for my own purposes, thank you very much. I don’t need you to tell me why I should read a blog.

    This blog supplies me with information and critical comment that are (usually brilliant and) simply not available anywhere else. I think everyone should read it to learn the stark truth behind all the bull…t.

    It’s very serious stuff. If you think DCG blogs just for one’s amusement you’re sadly mistaken. In fact I dislike her occasional descent into cheap humour, and I tell her so. She’s free to ignore me, of course – it is her blog after all – but in the long run she’ll lose me. I doubt that will happen, though. I like this blog too much to give it up.

    If by your reference to Manwel Cuschieri you think that I’m a laburist you’re so incredibly wrong it’s sad. Perhaps you ought to read the Beano for amusement, if it’s still around. Seems it’s more up to your powers of deduction and comprehension.

  85. Peter Muscat says:

    I have been advising ‘all biased posters’ in this forum not to jump to any silly conclusions. Yesterday, the MLP DELEGATES proved without any reasonably doubt, that they are reasonable, intelligent and most logical.

    The ‘hog wash’ of the PN media and its clones got it wrong from day one. The bla bla bla re’ ‘magna tal-partit etc’ was silly and pathetic. Back to Maltese: “Il-qahba milli jkollha ttik!” How true!

    Anyway, it is evident that delegates’ strategy is most intelligent. I will clarify better this strategy after the final ballot.


    [Moderator – I’m sure they’re swooning over your endorsement.]

  86. me says:

    Please pass the bottle around.

  87. Zizzu says:

    @ Mike C
    no i didn’t actually. *glowing bright red*

  88. Corinne Vella says:

    Peter Muscat: “I will clarify better this strategy after the final ballot.” Did you hear that? That’s the sound of everyone clearing their diary and pencilling in your revelation of the strategy.

    Please don’t ever give up posting comments on this blog. Your incoherence is amusing.

  89. Caphenni says:

    Maybe Peter Muscat is Toni Abela.

    [Moderator – No, Toni Abela is busy posting here.]

  90. chris says:

    Peter Muscat: “I will clarify better this strategy after the final ballot.”

    So finally we know: the Whizz Kid is the Labour Party’s political strategist. Move over Phil Noble!

    As Desmond Zammit Marmara so aptly put it ‘Defeating (the Nationalists) is only possible if we make use of our brains to the utmost.’

    And with the Labour Party employing brains like these, the PN should soon be breaking into a sweat!

  91. Sybil says:

    Peter Muscat Friday, 13 June 1119hrs

    “Yesterday, the MLP DELEGATES proved without any reasonably doubt, that they are reasonable, intelligent and most logical”.

    When you consult a mind reader, do you go for half price?

  92. Uncle Fester says:

    @MikeC. And since when does the Church in any part of the world respond to a perceived political attack on it by organizing mass meetings and acting like a political party? Including having nuns and priests spit and scream obscenities at Labour Party activists.

    Remember Gonzi imposed the interdett on the Labour Party forcing its members to be married in the sacristy and buried in the “mizbla” at a time when Pope John XXIII had declared that it was not a sin to vote for the Italian Communist party. Talk about the Maltese church being a law unto themselves.

    Prince Archbishop Sir Michael “busni idejja ghax jien ir-rapprezentant ta’Alla” Gonzi was simply preserving the medieval privileges of the Catholic church against the modernization sought by Mintoff by any means possible. How anybody can think that this benefitted the country or was justifiable 50 years later is mind boggling.

    Do you think that the whole church school saga and blue sisters saga would have happened without the interdett? It was pay back time and we all suffered because of it. I think that it was Paul of Tarsus who said “those who live by the sword die by the sword”. That’s what happened to the Maltese Catholic Church in the 1930s with Strickland and then in the 1960s, 70s and 80s with Mintoff/Gonzi.

    There’s not much I admire that old stinker Dom for, but at least he did his best to cut the local church down to size and remind them that they live in a lay state and are subject to the same laws as the rest of us. Now if only somebody could come along and get rid of the pathetic Shaira style marriage laws we have here. Hope that it is going to be JM, it certainly won’t be Gonzi.

  93. Colin Vassallo says:

    @Albert Farrugia

    Was it bad or was it good for the PN that George Abela wasn’t elected as MLP leader?

    You seem to be happy that he wasn’t elected as your leader, since you think that he was a Nationalist in disguise, but then you’re happy he’s back to the Labour fold because he will give nightmares to the PN.

    Don’t you feel that your way of reasoning is, to put it mildly, slightly contradictory?

  94. Galea says:

    [Moderator – Malcolm, you dolt: Daphne is not trying to become prime minister.]

    Moderator, JM wasn’t the leader of the MLP either when he was 28 years old 6 years ago. ;)

    Actually, it’s quite a good track record for a young journalist to have had only one single libel case against him isn’t it? As Malcolm Buttigieg aptly pointed out, many journalists literally live in our law courts and only work to pay for their libel cases!

    And while on the topic of “What a Shame a Potential Future Prime Minister Lost a Libel Case 6 years Ago”, can someone kindly remind me who was the prime minister who lost a libel because on the eve of a general election he invented a little story about the leader of the opposition not letting his little boy enter university?

  95. Alfred Mifsud says:

    @Peter Muscat
    Can I suggest another explanation for the reason that the delegates decided the way they did.

    The delegates are by their nature hard core labourites. They are naturally attracted to people who can speak their hard core language like Farrugia and Abela. The party machinery was so focussed on the leadership election that in a week they did not have the time to massage the delegate voter base for the deputy leadership they way they wished especially as they spent the first three days celebrating their achievment of electing JM.

    Hence why the deputy leadership race seems going a different way from how the party administration wished it. The same thing happened in 2003 when the admin favourites Brincat and Bartolo were edged out by Falzon and Mangion who then never really gelled with the leader as they were not his choice!

  96. Sybil says:

    @Uncle Fester
    Just for your information.
    Sir Michael Gonzi archbishop of Malta was also one of the founder members of the Malta labour party, representing it in the early 1920’s, in the senate .

  97. Lucy Fair says:

    In ABC blog site a P.N. made available a you tube to substantiate his claim that Dr.G. Abela did not shake hands with Jason Micallef. A contributor here agreed with me that the you tube in question is prefabricated. Dr.G. Abela did in fact shake hands with Jason Micallef.
    A certain Anthony seems to suffer from piles. Poor chap.
    Daphne is an honourable lady and she is proud to earn her living by contributing to the Malta Independent, a newspaper that owes its revenue from subscribers, advertisers, daily readers. All these in a way contribute to the pay packet of the honorable lady Daphne, but she does not owe her living to the public, only if this paper closes its doors will the honorable lady Daphne will find herself depending on citizens’ direct taxes as she will be, God forbid, out of job, and will have to apply for government assistance, because, fortunately there are no longer beggars in the streets of Malta since the MLP first came into power, and the government provides for such contingency. On the other hand it is unfortunate notto be able to see the honorable lady squating at City Gate begging alms

    [Moderator – Lucy Fair/Peter Muscat, people who are self-employed can not register for an unemployment benefit, because they were not previously employed. Is the concept of owning your own business new to you? I thought it wouldn’t be, what with all that talk of Porches and champagne.]

  98. Corinne Vella says:

    GALEA: You missed the essential point. Here it is again.

    Izda mhux korrett li tuza pubblikazzjoni politika fuq suggett skabruz u b’accenni ghal kriminalita’ organizzata biex tpoggi lil dak li jkun ta’ opinjoni politika kuntrarja f’dawl ikrah. Dan qed jinghad billi jidher li l-iskop ta’ l-awtur tal-ktejjeb in kwistjoni kien specifiku. Infatti fix-xhieda li ta’ Joseph Muscat fl-udjenza tat-12 ta’ Marzu 2001 qal hekk: “Issa, fil-fehma tieghi biex naghti forsi l-background, fil-fehma tieghi u ta’ hafna ohrajn ghaliex wasalt u fejn semmejt u f’liema kuntest semmejt lis-Sinjura Caruana Galizia, fil-fehma tieghi u ta’ hafna ohrajn, (ripetizzjoni b’enfazi tax-xhud), is-Sinjura Caruana Galizia hafna drabi serviet biex b’xi mod iccekken kontroversji li jistghu jew li jitfghu anzi dell ikrah fuq il-Partit Nazzjonalista u serviet ukoll biex tkabbar kontroversji illi b’xi mod jitfghu dell ikrah fuq il-Partit Laburista.”

    Din id-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Joseph Muscat turi l-animu li mmotiva d-decizzjoni tieghu li jdahhal lill-attrici fil-ktejjeb in kwistjoni. Ma kienx motivat mid-dritt ta’ risposta jew tficcija tal-verita’ izda ghamel dan bi tpattija ghal dak li l-attrici, skond hu, hija kapaci taghmel. B’hekk semmija f’pubblikazzjoni li ma tistax hlief titfa dell ikrah fuq l-attrici.

  99. SB says:

    @Lucy Fair

    I have already asked this question, but I will ask it once again:

    Am I the only one seeing a handshake @1.13 on that blessed youtube video?

  100. Uncle Fester says:

    @Sybil. I am aware of that. I am not sure what your point is exactly? He probably did it inspired by Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum which was a reaction to the threat of communism as opposed to an encylical inspired by the horrendous conditions of the working class in that period of history.

    Archbishop of Malta and Titular Bishop of Lybre Count Sir Michael Gonzi KBE, DD, LL.D. (Hons. causa); Assistant to the Papal Throne, Baliff Grand Cross of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Commander of the Holy Sepulchre, Grand Cross of the Order of St. Raimond de Penafort (awarded by Fascist Dictator Franco) who also claimed to be a follower of the humble preacher from Nazareth helped found the Malta Labour Party.

  101. Xewka says:

    So Toni Abela wants to open a supermarket. I hope it will not be like Lidl were the customers are treated like swine. Everything thrown in the middle of the store still packed in large boxes, Italian shop assistants screaming, so that they can pass with their loaded trolleys, and the dirt on the floor yuk. What does Austin Gatt think Maltese consumers are, telling us to go and shop at Lidl. Does he think we are still in the 1930’s. Health Inspectors should visit those shops – are they up to EU standards?

  102. chris says:

    ‘Do you think that the whole church school saga and blue sisters saga would have happened without the interdett? ‘

    Precisely my point. Malta had to suffer because of the internal squabbles of the Malta Labour Party. Once again thank you MLP!

  103. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Alfred, you’d better make it clear to ‘Peter Muscat’ that the Abela you mean is Otello.

  104. Uncle Fester says:

    @chris. The “interdett” was not an internal struggle within the MLP. It was a struggle between the MLP (and the Constitutional Party before it) and the local church. It was a struggle for control of the state. Does the state have the right to pass civil laws affecting all citizens or must it seek the approval of the church in civil areas in which the church claimed a special competence? It was all about separation of church and state. That struggle has not yet been completed in Malta as evidenced by our archaic marriage laws which allow the church exclusive competence in a sphere reserved to the state. Crazy that in 21st century Malta we should still be fighting for separation of church and state. Something that was resolved in other countries centuries ago – In the 16th century in England, in the 18th century in the United States and France, in the 19th century in Italy.

  105. Lucy Fair says:

    A certain Anthony defined Dr.Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici (KMB) as anticlerical. Anthony please give your definition of “anticlerical”. Does it mean providing work to the unemployed? Does it mean being of help to those in need? Come on and give details of KMB anticlericalism.
    If you are referring to the question of free Church schools, then just answer the question: Are Church schools free now? If your answer is positive, then are you in a position to say what the quarrel of” free Church schools” was about? This question is addressed also to Mrs. Daphne C.G and to whoever refers to that episode as a black period in the annals of the MLP under Karmenu as we prefer to call him.

  106. Amanda Mallia says:

    Peter Muscat – I don’t know you from Adam, and hence never address you as “Pete”; likewise, kindly refrain from addressing me as “Mandy” :)

  107. chris says:

    The interdett was a struggle between the old soul of the Labour Party and the new soul (i.e Gonzi v Mintoff) It was personal and vindictive, and both sides knew it. the political angle was a convenient smokescreen created for a gullible immature audience.

  108. chris says:

    @lucy fair
    re: ‘Anthony please give your definition of “anticlerical”. Does it mean providing work to the unemployed?’

    Thank you. This is the best laugh so far. Anticlerical does not mean against clerks, but against the church. At least i presuming that’s what you thought it meant. I can’t see any other connection between the church and unemployment.

  109. chris says:

    and since when did KMB provide work for anybody, let alone teh unemployed. As far as i remember he presided on the worst period of unemployment in Malta’s history

  110. Pinkerton says:

    chris Friday, 13 June 1918hrs
    ‘Do you think that the whole church school saga and blue sisters saga would have happened without the interdett? ‘

    What has the interdett of the early sixties to do with the Blues or church schools sagas of the late seventies and early eighties?

    What is inexplicable is parading Mintoffian ex-ministers associated with those dark years on television at Gowzef’s first offical bash last Sunday and then making a pilgrimage with Gejzin in tow to Tarxien to the shrine of the “father of the party” and ex “Traditur tal pajjiz” himself, Duminku.

  111. tony borg says:

    @Alfred Mifsud. Your interpretation of the deputy leadership result was confirmed by one serious and intelligent delegate and he hadn’t read your post.

  112. V says:

    What I can’t understand is why do some people prefer the truth to be hushed up.. and hence attack anyone who decides to let it out?!?!?! It’s not like you’re losing anything, it’s only your beloved party which is.. which btw, if you open your eyes, might not be as great as you think!

  113. Lucy Fair says:

    How old are you Christ I think I know best what anticlerical means, and KMB was and is not. I regret it. Read my name

  114. Lucy Fair says:

    Again Christopher, I will reserve you a very nice place when you will need it, quite warm, all by yourself. You will hear shouts of dispair, you would like to get out of it, but Daphne who will be there too will not allow you to stay away but to enjoy the temperature.

  115. MikeC says:

    @Uncle Fester

    Don’t exaggerate. And screaming obscenities is hardly earth shattering. I can just picture all the nuns spitting away and throwing molotov cocktails at the elderly and the infirm. I’m picturing the Zejtun thugs running away, with violent nuns, habits hitched up, running after them, swords dripping with blood of the aristocracy of the workers.

    This whining is pathetic. Oh and don’t forget you then chose one of those spitters to be your Dear Leader (KMB – who coined the aristocracy term), so it can’t have been all that bad, can it?

    Oh, and nothing alters the point that this was a battle between two labourites that dragged Malta into it for nothing, as usual.

    Where did this happen elsewhere you ask? Simple, a little earlier in Italy. Where do you think the Camillo & Peppone books came from? Thin air? I suggest you read (or re-read) them, cos you’ve just elected two Peppone’s to go with the poodle. They sound like an early sixties beat group, Poodle & The Peppones.

    Oh, and the live by the sword, die by the sword thing?

    To start with, I find it interesting that you attribute it to the first king of U-Turns, Paul (formerly Saul) of Tarsus, but it was Jesus who said it. I’d love to see JM’s detailed explanation on his european conversion.

    Secondly, are you suggesting the MLP came out a winner? Don’t make me laugh. Lets see, we STILL live in a fundamentalist catholic state, Labour has been in opposition for twenty years, faces another 5 years in opposition and is setting itself up with the tools to guarantee another five on top of that.

    Just read Toni Abela’s article in the orizzont a couple of days after the election, if you want to know what he’s REALLY like.

    I’ll also be interested in watching ex-Inspector Anglu Farrugia explain his involvement in the interrogations and beatings (including being hit on the head with a typewriter – no wonder he was using a notebook to take statements) of the Zebbug victims. Another interesting issue would be his perspective on the principle of habeas corpus, as seen by Inspector Anglu Farrugia and defense lawyer Dr. Anglu Farrugia.

    And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of negative PR they’re going to saddle the MLP with. These guys make the MLP Soooooooooooo electable…..

    Oh, and I’ll be interested to see the 2008 version of this:


    But maybe we can see it being examined in 2013. I’m sure Europarl/Kev will be delighted to supply us with even more interesting links for ALL the MEPs, but so far only one wants to be PM.

    There must be a lot of rubbing of hands and archiving of material going on as of now. But out it will come in 2013…..

    Its a wonder the MLP is still standing, with all the holes its shot in its feet…..

    Ladies and Gentlemen: Lets hear a round of applause for that fabulous ensemble, Poodle & The Peppones…….

  116. David Buttigieg says:

    @Lucy Fair,

    What work did KMB provide? When he was PM (Malta’s ONLY never elected PM I might add) we had nothing. He tried to deny me an education by closing my school (not a church school by the way), Malta had shortages of everything under the sun, I couldn’t even find a chocolate in the stores because chocolate, pasta, toothpaste and many things were banned in Malta. Freedom of speech did not exist and people were being murdered in police depots! I’m sure you must be very proud of “karmenu”. He even imposed artificial price freezes not to mention that foreign interferences act.

    And do you remember seeing him leading the “aristocracy of the workers”, you know, that bunch of baboons that attacked the curia. “karmenu”‘s defence – “Tabernaklu vojt mhux tabernaklu”

    Anticlerical indeed!! How would anybody come up with that!

  117. Lucy Fair says:

    I will not attack Daphne anymore, on the contrary. She has given proof of what she is worth when it comes to find candidates to my dwelling, and that is what I aim. Now I make this site my own. Those who favour dear Daphne will be registered in my golden book for “Ad futurum rei memoriam”, that means to remember them when the time comes. They have booked their place. You tubes featuring here on this site about humans, dogs, elephants etc ought to be vulgarised that is made available at no price. More the moral harm is great the better. There is plenty of space don’t bother. You will all enjoy being here. You will agree when your turn comes to join the crowd. There is a lot of goodwill down here ask Dante.
    Three cheers for the lady and her suitors for recruiting
    new dwellers.
    Don’t tell about what is happening to this site to any cleric. They would send an exorcist. Daphne will not like it. This is reality not humour.

    [Moderator – Lucifer, please don’t take my soul.]

  118. chris says:

    so pray (no, perhaps not!) tell us the connection between anticlerical and unemployment, ‘cos i must be dumb and don’t get it.
    Also are you using Babelfish to translate from your own minority language or do you naturally write pidgin English?

  119. andrew borg-cardona says:

    Lucy Fair is Jo Said.

  120. me says:

    Stupidity is the devil.
    Look in the eye of a chicken and you’ll know.
    It’s the most horrifying, cannibalistic, and nightmarish creature in this world.

  121. chris says:

    so if Lucy Fair is Jo Said has he been at the gin again?

  122. Amanda Mallia says:

    More like Sad Jo than Jo Said. Incidentally – Any relation to Marie?

  123. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Andrew, did I read Lucy Fair Said’s comment correctly, or did he just call us ‘you tubes’?

  124. Pinkerton says:

    @Lucie Fair,

    Will we be travelling in your deluxe boat?

  125. noel mizzi says:


  126. carmenu abela says:

    Daphne Cauana. jiena Malti mil Australia. Xi trid tghid fuq il-partit li dejjem hadem ghall-fqir. Jiena ghadni bl-interdett ghax kont imur nara it-TV il-kazin ta’ Mintoff, u fi zmien il-gvern tal-PN jien kelli nigi hawn fl-Australia, ghax hlief talb ma kienx hemm f’Malta.

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