Extreme office politics

Published: July 22, 2008 at 12:35pm

Look at this report, which is in The Times today. Do you think he hid his stapler or moved his mouse?

Tuesday, 22nd July 2008

Accused of setting colleague alight

A man from Sliema yesterday pleaded not guilty to the attempted murder of a colleague at work when he allegedly set him alight at the photocopier. Glen Borg, 33, denied attempting to murder Mario Bonello of Valletta in an incident at John’s Garage in Ħamrun at 6 a.m.He also pleaded not guilty to seriously injuring Mr Bonello.The court was informed that Mr Bonello suffered burn injuries during the incident when Mr Borg allegedly threw lighter fluid at him and then set his clothes on fire. Magistrate Giovanni Grixti heard Police Inspector Mario Tonna testify that when Mr Borg was under arrest at the police headquarters, he kept telling the police: “If you bring Mario Bonello before me, I will kill him.” The inspector exhibited the victim’s burnt clothing. Mr Borg was remanded in custody.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Corinne Vella says:

    He moved his cheese.

  2. David Buttigieg says:

    Hmmm he should be also fined for smoking inside!

  3. Mario P says:

    goodness – that will teach him not to leave the photocopier empty of paper…

  4. Adrian Borg says:

    From what I heard the accused had been sacked by the company (he worked as a driver) some time ago for irregularities.

  5. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    In that case, Adrian, he can find a job driving a bus or a white taxi. He sounds like he has the right attitude.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Well, it’s better than growing up with psychological problems and wasting thousands of euros on pyschologists and medication. Better to confront the bully head-on, I say. And consequences by damned.

  7. mat555 says:

    do take this seriously!!!! a man can only take so much, and if he was beeing bullied in any way, this should be taken into consideratio by the law courts. I am not defending or implicating anything here, I am only saying that there is a limit to everyone and the police who are working on the case should examine this as well!

  8. Il-Vanni says:

    10/10 for originality I’d say!

  9. A Camilleri says:

    Could it be the action of someone who had been the underdog for years until some straw broke the camel’s back?

  10. amrio says:

    Hi all! I’m back (but only for a couple of days). Strange incident, this. For one, I can’t fathom what lighter fluid is. Was it BBQ lighter fluid? It can’t be cigarette lighter fluid, as some are suggested, as that turns instantly to gas. Whatever it was, it must have been surely a premeditated act; if someone ticks you off in the office, you throw a chair or a desk or a screwdriver or something at him, not lighter fluid…

  11. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Mat555 – right, who was being bullied? I’m getting confused here. Was it the one who got set alight or the one who threw the lighter fluid? I don’t know the ins and outs, but it seems to me that chucking lighter fluid and then a match is a little bit…..creative. I could understand the angry reaction of picking up the nearest chair/ornament and taking a swing at the provocative person, but setting him alight? That’s the kind of thing that is done to disobedient wives and daughters by their parents and siblings in the more backward parts of Islamic society.

  12. Malcolm says:

    Sorry I didn’t understand this fully. Is Mario Bonello the Bully and Glen Borg couldn’t take it any longer and set him alight? Or is it that Glen Borg is actually the bully and overdid it?

  13. Steve Grech says:

    I used to pass from near John’s garage on my way to work a couple of years ago.

    I did see a person being bullied by his work mates next to John’s garage.

    I wonder if it’s the same guy?

  14. Adrian Borg says:

    I got some more information from a guy who works there. This is NOT a case of bullying at all. The guy who threw the fluid had been sacked over TWO years ago for some pretty serious matters and somehow he seems to have blamed Bonello who had nothing to do with him in reality. He went to the office to get revenge (why now?!!!) and found Bonello. It also appears that not all the screws are fitted tightly in all the right places either (get what I mean?)

  15. mat555 says:

    DCC – I can understand your reasoning completely!!! But still, the so called ‘bullies’ exist at all the strata in society and not only in the school environment. EVEN at many work places!!! I repeat that one cannot agree with the way the person in question responded (always assuming this is the case), but this could be a lesson to all of us in all work environments: A joke is only a joke when it ends as a joke! No one can justify aggression, but from the little I know, there was aggression from more than one part

  16. mat555 says:

    After reading all the other comments…if revenge is the motive here, than its not a matter for psychiatric intervention.

  17. Manuel says:

    Mr. Borg had this burning desire to get even…..

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