The new Count of Montekristo, Joseph Muscat

Published: September 20, 2008 at 7:45pm

Just in case some of you out there have nothing better to do, there’s a big party on for Joseph Muscat, to mark his royal entry into parliament. You have to pay to be there, and guess where it’s being held? At Charles Polidano’s Montekristo winery. Wasn’t he a baruni, or was that a mistake?

24 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    How was his entry in the room? Did he descend from the ceiling?

    [Daphne – Maybe he took a clue from Anglu and rode in on an elephant.]

  2. Gerald says:

    The entry fee is EUR 8 if you get invited too. I received something of the sort on Facebook.

  3. John Schembri says:

    Now ,THAT is “laham mibjugh”.
    BTW : The road leading to Montekristo estates has a sign, on the Qormi side and the Imqabba side , which have been there for around three months, stating that the road is closed due to road works. No need to tell you that the Polidano trucks can be driven unhindered on this road.

  4. A Camilleri says:

    Heard Ray Azzopardi on Super 1 yesterday announcing there’s going to be 2 big surprises today. Can’t control my anticipation.

    [Daphne – Maybe he’s going to pop out of the closet at last.]

  5. David Buttigieg says:

    “Maybe he’s going to pop out of the closet at last.”

    What – does he still deny it???

    [Daphne – Yes. I can’t imagine what he’s afraid of, even though he was chief mourner at Alfie’s funeral. I thought Labour was progressive.]

  6. David Buttigieg says:

    By the way, theoretically, could the Government prevent him being co-opted?

    [Daphne – I don’t think so. Parliament is autonomous.]

  7. Marku says:

    This country seems is producing crackpot politicians at an impressive rate. I’ve just discovered Dr. John Zammit of Alleanza Liberal-Demokratika Malta. Don’t take it from me – check out his website:

  8. Mario Debono says:

    I’m back from Munich to find that Otello has filed against Daphne, the idiot, and that one of the Ghastly Brothers has given up his seat for the Lijder, and that the Lijder Himself will descend on a cloud from Heaven onto the MonteKristo Vault, pampers in hand and halo on (balding) head for a well deserved, Euro 8, wine and pizza party to “celebrate” the momentous 100 days when he became Primus Absolutus inter pares and was thus anointed by the Great Unwashed packing the halls of Crystal Paliss at Majlend. I MISSED that. Oh NO. That and the oily Ray Azzopardi announcing that he has decided to admit his penchant for the tradesman’s entrance. Pajjiz miskin dan biex jara dawn l-affarijiet jigru, u ninkwieta meta nara nofs dan il-poplu mazzun li jibla kollox.I came back angry as well, because a freind of mine had an accident and his Malasian built old car burst into flames. You see, he had started his own business and he could afford nothing more. That Karakka that he was driving cost him a lot of money because our Government is criminal enough to charge so much tax on our cars that a lot of people keep on driving the old rubbish they drive because they cant afford a new car. I say it again, and I know what I am saying. THe Civil Service is criminally advising the Government to keep the high taxes on cars because they are incapable of generating revenue anywhere else,its just too easy to get revenue form car imports, and our elected politicians accept this? When all of the EU is pushing people with incentives to change their cars to take advantage of the new EURO NCAAP 5 star saftey certified cars, our Government is making us buy discards from abroad and charging us hefty taxes for it? Misskom Tisthu ! Sorry Daphne, out of place, but it needs to be said !

    [Daphne – I suppose you mean the young man who died in his car a couple of nights ago. That was very sad.]

  9. Mario Debono says:

    Yes. He died trapped in his car whilst it burned all around him, consuming him as well. Proton Sagas, old Skodas and Ladas, superannuated Fiats and British Leyland cars, still litter our roads. They are not classic cars. They are UNSAFE for both drivers and pedestrians.Cars have gotten safer with Airbags, crumple zones, pedestrian freindly bumpers and god knows what else and yet people still buy them because they can afford very little else. My 3 year old audi was nowhere to be seen in Munich, yet its full of safety features that are necessary in cars today. People today are buying cars from the likes of Kia and Perodua, who make cars with minimum safety features, and dealers are selling cars well past their sell by date over and over again. Our politicians are to blame. The people voted Gonzi in so that they could have cheaper good quality cars, not to see the ADT in our roads stopping every person with a UK number plate and confiscating hs car.

  10. rene says:

    illum b 4000 lira maltin jew 9300 ewro tista tixtri karozza li jkollha kwazi kollox (bhala safety features) u ta ditta rinomata li zgur mijiex xi somma esorbitanti,veru ma jkollokx mercedes jew volvo tal ahhar imma zgur ahjar min certi karozzi li ssemmew hawn fuq

  11. Tony Borg says:

    Incidentally my daughter tells me that Mrs MM was engaged for a couple of years to Sandro Mangion, before meeting her future husband, who is now president of the Gay Rights Movement.

    [Daphne – So I’m not that far off the mark in my perception, am I.]

  12. Tony Borg says:

    women’s intuition.

    [Daphne – I wouldn’t say so. The last time I looked Marie Benoit was a woman, for instance, and she’s pants at working these things out. Read her spiel in The Malta Independent today – projecting her difficulties and shortcomings onto others (me), making plain her jealousy and hatred (when it is always wiser to be discreet about those you envy) and raving about darling Fred and simpatico Joseph, while publishing Gouder’s wedding pic when the last time he was in the news it was for something entirely different. My sons picked up the Muscat thing, too, and they’re men. What we tend to call intuition is just highly developed powers of observation and perception, and the ability to read the signals, some of them subconscious, that you’re picking up. I guess it’s called women’s intuition because women are generally more observant, but lots of women are not (viz. Mrs Benoit, Mrs Muscat and Mrs Gouder) and lots of men are.]

  13. edgar gatt says:

    @ Mario Debono.
    About six years ago an Italian friend of mine was driving his Ferrari from Potenza to Bari, when he crashed into a lorry. His son in law managed to get out but he died when his Ferrari caught fire,as he was trapped in the crash. Another unfortunate accident, however it can happen even driving an expensive car.

  14. Tony Borg says:

    surely one mustn’t generalise, but you get my drift, and I get yours, it’s ok if you wanted to use my comment to have a go at MB, she deserves it. well done.

  15. Nigel S. says:

    Mela the ‘image-consultant’aka Mrs. MM must have a soft spot for pussies :)

    [Daphne – No, because that would make her a lesbian. She probably doesn’t have a soft spot for sexless men who see her as a mother or sister, either, but she seems a sheltered sort who hasn’t worked that one out yet.]

  16. Nigel S. says:

    Daph, by pussies i meant ‘softies’

    [Daphne – Still doesn’t apply. A couple of the most awful men I know are sexless.]

  17. P Shaw says:

    Like her fiend Marie Benoit, Joseanne Cassar also tries to project her disillusionment with the MLP onto the PN. Today, in TMIS, she tries to criticize the MLP for the 100 day farce that she was part of. But in trying to illustrate her criticism of the MLP performance, she lashes out at the PN, and tries to ridicule Gonzi.

    Noel Grima should pay more attention to the quality of the columnists for his Sunday paper. It would be interesting to read a good opinion piece criticizing the Government of the day, but obviously it has to be of good quality and flowing. At this rate, Noel Grima might as well fill that space with an opinion piece from Rita Law or Lorna Vassallo.

    [Daphne – The clue to the Marie Benoit tribe of champagne socialists (old ‘girls’ being ‘democratic’ by mixing with those they secretly think of as…well, never mind) is that they are all of a piece: the same size and shape, and with the same chips. And that’s not a cheap shot, but a pertinent observation. They really are all roughly 4’9″ and shaped like a basketball. I’m sure that has loads to do with it. And quite frankly, I’m fed up of Mrs Benoit, who is causing untold damage to the newspaper for which we both work. But obviously, it’s more of a priority for her to rave on about the latest addition to the Labour leadership while attacking her newspaper’s main columnist, because her primary loyalty is to the Labour Party and not to her employer. I’ve ignored her until now, operating on the principle that it’s not fair play to retaliate against women my mother’s age, but then again, women my mother’s age shouldn’t be running around attacking women their daughter’s age – or rather, of the age their daughter would have been hadn’t she had her at 40.]

  18. P Shaw says:

    In France they’re called ‘La gauche caviar’ and you’re right, they’re all the same – ranting, and ranting, with a lot of bitterness and envy.

    This negative attitude is reflected in their policies. Look at the state of the left wing parties in Europe, they’re almost nowhere to be seen, except for a few countries.

    [Daphne – Well, they are to be seen. Whether it’s in government is another matter.]

  19. Mark says:

    There’s actually a popular song about them in France called ‘Les Bobos’ (short for bourgeois-bohème) in which they’re ridiculed for being a bunch of canting, hypocritical tossers. Jowsef, Ev et al should adopt it as the new Labour anthem.

  20. Marku says:

    Daphne, I was wondering how long your restraint toward Marie Benoit would continue. What is this woman’s problem? How could the editor of TMIS allow her constant bitching about another of the paper’s columnists? And anyway, by what stretch of the imagination does she identify with the MLP? I just love how in the same breath she flouts her alleged socialist credentials while telling us how exhausted she is after wining and dining with the Decesares, flying off to London for shopping trips and attending the launch of yet another designer perfume.

    [Daphne – I’m not going into the details of what her problem is, because it would be unseemly and uncharitable. Marie Benoit considers herself to be in a privileged position because her brother is a director of the company that owns the newspaper, and so she apparently believes that she can’t be sacked no matter how badly she behaves internally, publicly, or how much she alienates the newspaper’s pro-PN, socio-economic group AB readers with her idiotic remarks, her attempts at causing trouble with others who work for the newspaper, and her relentless fawning over the politicians the newspaper’s readers don’t vote for. In what we think is a privileged position at work, or more so a protected position, most of us would be careful to be behave better than normally required, not worse, so as not to cause embarrassment to those who have put us there and who keep us there and to remove the perception that the only reason we are there is because we cannot be removed. She is aware that I help contribute to the bottom-line of the company that pays her salary, but this doesn’t matter to her because her personal bitterness and envy overcome her, and her loyalty to the Labour Party she knows nothing about, because her ignorance of politics is supreme, is greater than her sense of duty towards the company we both work for, or in my case, with.]

  21. edgar gatt says:

    I was always so curious to know how on earth Marie Benoit was kept on with TMIS. So her brother is one of the directors. Speci hbieb tal hbieb.Because of her brother she will obviously carry on with her ranting, but do we have to have 2 or 3 pictures of her every Sunday…

  22. Gerald says:

    He also happens to be CEO of Maltapost, Lombard Bank and Heritage Malta too – hbieb tal-hbieb?

    [Daphne – Not at all. He’s a very able, capable and highly organised person who is nothing like his sister.]

  23. Gerald says:

    Of course, no one’s denying that. – I was only asking.

  24. P Shaw says:

    It looks like her BFF is Sant’s ex-wife. I can’t imagine, these two snobbish wannabes talking how intellectual and superior Alfred is, how Marxism is the perfect solution for Malta, and then at the same time about their latest shopping sprees in Paris.

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