Out on 2 November
October 22, 2008 at 6:47pm
This is what I’m working on at the moment. It’s out on 2 November with The Malta Independent on Sunday. There’s lots to read and some amazing photographs to look at, so don’t miss it. It’s the best value for money you’ll have all week.
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Isn’t that the 16th century chalice on show at Les Invalides?
[Daphne – That’s it. We have a big feature about the exhibition.]
Is Flair also available on the net? If so, may I have links of past issues pls?
[Daphne – Not yet, I’m afraid.]
Vanni – no, its not avaliable on the net but it will be available from rubbish bins early on Monday morning.
U, hallina Vanni. The Maltese Sunday newspaper magazines are not boring enough to read that you want us to believe you want to go looking on the net for back issues? The laqqismu on this site reaches new heights!!
[Daphne – Actually, you little fool, the back issues are pretty much sold out. People order them in bulk. Your comment just goes to show that some people will never notice a gap in the market even when it clubs them over the head and drags them back to its cave.]
The problem is what to do with the back issues. I always say “I must keep this one” but when spring cleaning time comes, the magazines have to go. It’s a real pity. Keep up the excellent work. “Town’ is immensely good too.
Flair has become a classic collector`s item!! and can be found in most households who appreciate a good first class publication!!
Taste and Flair remind me of Patrimoniu Malti`s publications and having them online,would deprive us of being able to collect them in a traditional way!!!
You have Taste and Flair and Daphinetly the best in Town.
@ Fonze
int bil-fors wiehed minn dawn li gejjin:
a) laburist
b) Kattoliku pratikanti/mhux pratikanti
c) ma tafx tilbes
d) tuza l-gel
e) mort skola tal-knisja
f) injorant
Imma in all fairness Taste u Flair huma ta’ certu kalibru … bhall-Homework/s
Flair is a good magazine. All Daphne stable magazines are, actually. What we need now is bespoke binders for them.
@ Zizzu. I use gel. I Have to. What little hair i possess goes up in spikes if not, its so wiry. Does that make me a Laburist?
@ Mario Debono.
It does now, just as Brylcreem makes you a Nazzjonalist.
I could have written the feature on the “La Croix et la Glaive” exhibition, if only you’d put out the word. Against a decent remuneration, of course.
[Daphne – That’s what happens when you keep your identity secret.]
Zizzu – “Homeworks”: Even the name puts me off, “homework” being the correct word, both singular and plural.
@ Amanda Mallia
…erm … it’s the name of a magazine, one of the better ones distributed with the Sunday-so-called-papers
Zizzu – I DO know that it’s the name of a magazine, and I DO know which magazine it is. The fact remains that the word “homeworks”, ie with an “s”, reflects the … oh, I’d better not go on …
If the product is as good as the Caravaggio feature magazine it will be in my bookshelf together with ‘Treasures Of Malta’. BTW I hope there will not be any Cornflakes advert on it .LOL
@ Fonze : You have to give the devil his/her due:Daphne’s magazines should never be missed, they are a pleasure to read and look at.
Il-Malti tieghek jehtieg ittejbu, inkella tiktbux.’Il-kelma “Laghaqizmu” jien nahrabha , inhoss li ahjar tghid “kemm hawn laghaqa”. Jew ktibt “laqqizmu”ghax ma’ tafx il-kelma bl-Ingliz ? Ktibtha bil-Malti imfarrak. Nies bhalek ghalhekk jahbu isimhom ghax tajbin biss biex jitfghu il-gebla u jahbu idhom ……..u jarmu l-kotba li minnhom jistghu jitghalmu xi haga!
Daphne, are you and Amanda Mallia related by any chance?
[Daphne – Yes, we’re sisters.]
Mario P – As if you didn’t know that in the first place, seeing that it’s been pointed out many times by the various Victor Laivieras, Frans Sammts, etc.