A date with Joseph: 1530hrs on Sunday

Published: November 3, 2008 at 11:40pm

Forget the long, boozy lunch – Muscat needs you to manifest your courage in Valletta this Sunday. Be brave. You’ll have to battle your way through lines of thugs coming out of Alex Sceberras Trigona’s ministry. You’ll be charged by riot police with batons, shields and masks. People will shoot at you and throw stones. And then some of you will end up in the police lock-up in Floriana, being forced to sign false confessions written by Anglu Farrugia. Yes, Muscat’s right: you’ll need a lot of courage.

From The Sunday Times, 2 November

The “national manifestation of courage” called by the Labour Party when the government announced new water and electricity rates is being held next Sunday at 3.30 p.m. in Valletta. Labour leader Joseph Muscat told supporters in Msida this morning that this was not a protest but a manifestation because Labour was not just saying no but was also giving its vision for the future. It was not a party but a national activity and it was a manifestation of courage because Labour did not want people to lose hope. The invitation was open to everyone and rather than party flags, participants should carry the country’s national flag which united the people, he said.

Remember: it’s not a party.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Amanda Mallia says:

    Ooooh, enticing! Arani gejja bir-razza u r-radika, Joe!

  2. amrio says:

    Is it still being called a ‘manifestazzjoni ta’ kuragg’? I don’t want to go into the whole saga, but, sorry, courage as in what? Seeing the subject matter, ‘manifestazzjoni ta’ ghadab’ or ”manifestazzjoni ta’ protesta’ would have made a bit of sense, but ‘kuragg’?

  3. amrio says:

    BTW, I’ve heard cigs have increased 20 or 30c… does that make me eligible to go and manifest my courage?

    [Daphne – And they’re taxing magazines distributed with newspapers too, if they have more than 50% advertising content. Fortunately, mine have a much lower proportion of advertising content, so I won’t need to manifest my courage in Valletta on Sunday. Joseph! Joseph!]

  4. Corinne Vella says:

    He’s promised to offer us his vision, even though it is not a political event. (Try wrapping your mind around that one.) Maybe he’s going to explain how to balance a household budget to all the people who don’t know how to do that yet presume to dictate the way a national economy should be run.

    For his sake, I hope they don’t show him up by arriving in their own cars instead of using public transport.

  5. Gerald says:

    well I don’t expect JM expects you to be there :)

  6. Lorna says:

    I still can’t get it: courage?? Is this the 1980’s? Or they would have us to believe that this is the 1980’s and 70’s? They’re really desperate to have something to whine about – they have nothing so they invent stuff.

    BTW, have you seen Joseph’s ashen face whilst the budget speech was being read out? Perhaps it was not the most spectacular of budget speeches ever (even though I was overjoyed to see that the people registering for work will be “encouraged” to do community service – now that’s political courage!) but still, it was not all the doom and gloom that the MLP had hoped it would be.

    LIfe can be tough – but then we have JM and the colourful band to see us through the long, break-neck-speed days :) And, of course, this blog :)

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