If you're black, then you must be illegal

Published: February 20, 2009 at 3:01pm

The word ‘illegal’ has become synonymous with ‘African’ among the Maltese or people of Maltese descent living in the United States, like Denis Catania (apparently, they have no problems of their own over there). This is a message to Mr Catania’s Facebook group on illegal immigration in Malta – yes, there is such a thing, and it has 4,700+ members, though several of them appear to be duplicates and many of them live elsewhere.

Dear Members,
We are asking members to report any employer who hires illegals. Including your emoployers. We will keep it confidential. Please note some illegals have a work permit. Try to be accurate. A lot don’t.

OUR Goal
1. To deter employees from hiring illegals.
2. To have the Maltese government set up a hot line for such abuse.
3. To save and create jobs for the Maltese and EU residence.
4.To make sure the government collects proper taxes from employment. Which benefits all Maltese.

Please also note that anyone who doesn’t have a visa or overstayed his/her visa is an illegal. We must report them too.
TO REPORT E-MAIL to reportillegalhiringinmalta@yahoo.comREPORT EMPLOYERS WHO HIRE ILLEGALS IN MALT

“Please note that some illegals have a work permit”, he writes. Well, I hate to be anally retentive about these things, but I’m going to be: if you have a work permit then your status is obviously not illegal. You can’t get a work permit if you’re an illegal alien. So if you have a work permit, you’re not an illegal alien. So much for that “try to be accurate”.

I can just see what is going to happen now: all black people who are working here and minding their own business are going to find themselves reported. The European Parliament has just legislated for harsh penalties to be imposed on those who employ illegal immigrants. I suggest that any such initiative by Mr Catania waits until that law is enacted here. Otherwise, the only people who will be suffering the consequences of this sort of spying on one’s neighbour – unpleasant as it is, and with shades of the Gestapo – will be those who are illegally employed, while those who illegally employ them get away with a slap on the wrist. Illegal immigrants working without a permit are more abused than abusing.

76 Comments Comment

  1. C Chircop says:

    I concur with you. Mr. Catania’s statements are focusing on who is working illegally in Malta, and wrongly puts the light on all illegal immigrants.

    We have foreigners in Malta who are legally in the country but they are working illegally. Cue EU nationals as well as valid VISA holders who have part-time jobs without the necessaty employment papers.
    The correlation with illegal immigrants does not hold and it’s either a deliberate play of words, or simply a gross misunderstanding his part. It has nothing to do with colour of skin either – so I hope nobody gets the silly idea of reporting before checking things out (generating a placebo effect amongst others).

    And as you said, the focus needs to be on employers – they have the responsibility after all to employ legally and it is them who are abusing of the current situation. After all, threats to the Maltese job market (at the lower end of the scale especially) arise when employers break the law and employ people illegally at lower salaries than their Maltese counterparts, with pitiful working conditions and shrug off the health and safety responsibilities.

    When the foreigner is on the same pay-scale as the Maltese, economics would not come into question. Hopefully, discrimination would not come into it, either.

  2. Corinne Vella says:

    Yet another stunt in Dennis Catania’s never-ending campaign to get things wrong. A job for EU residence? How does that work?

    Why report ‘illegals’, rather than the abuse they are subjected to in the form of low wages, unreasonable hours, and non-payment for work done? And why file a report to Dennis Catania in the USA rather than to the ETC in Malta?

    Where does Dennis Catania stand on the matter of Maltese people being employed illegally at their own request? Does he expect their cases to be reported to him too?

    More to the point, why are anti-immigrant campaigns usually run by people who don’t know whether they’re coming or going?

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    F Chircop: “I hope nobody gets the silly idea of reporting before checking things out”

    My, you’re optimistic. Dennis Catania’s going to have his hands full for the next few weeks. What with organising a carcade in Malta and Gozo (from the USA), filtering out the duplicate (and triplicate) membership of his group, and sorting his way through the email reports of ‘illegals’ – how on earth is he going to keep his hands on the cookie jars in his candy store?

  4. Ivan M. Dingli says:

    Corinne Vella, if you know of any ‘Maltese people being employed illegally at their own request’ do please come forward and report them to the ETC. I would really love to see the outcome of such reports.

  5. Denis Catania says:

    Thank you for the free publicity. You swallowed my bait.

  6. Denis Catania says:

    Save Malta From Illegal Immigrants doubled the PN’s membership on their facebook site. They also have members elsewhere. I’m one of them. My racial girlfriend is very supportive. She happens to be Puerto Rican with Black and Native Indian mix. Your color theory goes out the window. Stop using the racial card. It’s backfiring

    Corrine Vella it’s rude to spell someones name wrong. But look who’s sister you are.

    [Daphne – You spell everything wrong, not just names. Incidentally, what is a ‘racial girlfriend’? A racy girlfriend I can understand, even a racist girlfriend – but a racial one?]

  7. Corinne Vella says:

    Ivan Magro Dingli: Would you? Then perhaps you could file a few reports yourself. I’m afraid I can’t help you there.The people I engage work independently and legally.

  8. Ivan M. Dingli says:

    Corinne Vella, of course I would report them. I was just asking you to come forward and report them to the authorities if you had any information, that’s it.

  9. Corinne Vella says:

    Dennis Catania: “it’s rude to spell someones name wrong”

    I’m glad for you that you know you’re rude. Now please buy yourself some manners. So that campaign of yours was simply a ruse to have your name published here, was it? Why didn’t you just post a message directly to this site in the first place?

    How did your group double the PN’s facebook group? Is it an underground plot by the PN to campaign against its own government, alongside the opposition? It sounds like you’re one cookie short of a candy store. Or maybe you’ve had one cookie too many?

  10. C Chircop says:

    Denis, personally I would change tack and rename the facebook group as Human Trafficking Action Group. The issue with the so-called boat people is that they are being trafficked into Europe illegally to line other people’s pockets.

    Save Malta from Illegal Immigrants is only giving the idea that these are coming to invade the island which is somewhat incorrect. The island is being burdened with the arrival of these immigrants (due to resources to handle them and stretching state funding not because they are useless in any way) who are being illicitly brought here by others.

  11. Reuben Mifsud says:

    I cannot claim any moral high ground on grammar or objective thinking but I’ve given up on reading the comments-board at http://www.timesofmalta.com. At first it was funny, then it changed to disbelief but quickly turned to exasperation.

    Having found your blog, Daphne, I’m pleased to say I’m back down to the funny stage. Couldn’t help but laugh out loud at Denis Catania’s “racial girlfriend” comment above.

  12. Andrea says:

    Denis Catania:
    ‘Thank you for the free publicity.’

    On what kind of mission trip are you anyway? Is it all about getting your ‘fifteen minutes of fame’?

  13. Graham C. says:

    Racial Girlfriend, ha ha ha ..
    Did you get her from here?

  14. Amanda Mallia says:

    @Andrea re Denis Catania – Looks like it, especially since he was “taken away from Malta 37 years ago” at the age of ten. One would think that he would have settled in nicely in his adopted home, rather than getting obsessed with “illegals” in Malta.

    “Denis Catania said…
    I’m sorry I can’t write Maltese, Although I speak it, They took me away fom Malta 37yrs ago at the age of ten.I will be demonstrating in front of the Maltese Ambbasador to the United Nation,at 249 E 35th St New York NY, on Sept 23rd and 24th, when the Maltese delegation come to the General Assembly. We are demonstrating the large numbers of illegal immigrants.Can you visit my petition, that will be given to PM Gonzi and the Ambassador.The link is ****”

    (Extracted from: http://younglabour.blogspot.com/2008/08/studenti_01.html )

  15. Harry Purdie says:

    Mr. Catania,

    You appear to be a pompous little snot who doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. Your linguistic skills are atrocious as are your misguided thought processes. Hopefully you’ll bring some shovels to clean up after your parade.

  16. Marku says:

    Denis: we didn’t “swallow your bait” as we know that you’re not that smart. Please go back to chatting with the couple of Maltin tal-Amerka you hang out with in your little “social club.” The Malta you dream of never existed in the first place.

  17. Marku says:

    While we’re debating the (sort of) funny side of racists and bigots do check out Malcolm Seychell’s Facebook site where our Malcolm chose to put a picture of himself looking as if he is in a police lineup. Even his buddy Arlette (“Letty” to her Facebook friends) Baldacchino told “Mals” he looks silly.


  18. Marku says:

    The comment below is in response to the report “Migrants quarrel at Hal Far – fire reported”.

    Why does the Times allow this kind of language on its forum but will delete my comments if I call the author a racist?

    M Borg (1 hour, 42 minutes ago)
    Are the A Holes going to continue having “their” say!?!??!?! Can’t they understand that they are unwanted here and they are ILLEGAL immigrants?!?!?!? All newspapers report an umpteenth story when a new bunch of blacks come in. By now even radio broadcasters have a specimen of the report … they just change the place where they were rounded, and the number on board! I can’t imagine what’s gonna happen when the weather calms down!!!

  19. Denis Catania says:

    Great blog 4 people commenting. Save MALTA from Illegal Immigrants won’t go away, untill the problem of illegal immigrants in Malta go away.

    Graham C: My girlfriend is real. I know you see people of other color as imaginary. But bi-racial people are real. It’s a shame for your racist comment. How would you know about such a site?? Do you use it?? Is this why you use an C for a last name.

    Amanda Mallia: How far do you have to go from Malta and for long you have to be gone before you forget about Malta??

    Harry Perdue there isn’t a big enough shovel to pick up all the dirt GonziPN is spreading around Malta.

  20. Andrea says:

    @Amanda Mallia

    The poor guy was probably having frantic dreams of becoming the local hero of a manageable island instead of being a nameless nobody in a big country.

  21. John Borg says:

    Denis: are you sure that when your girlfriend told you she was “racial” she wasn’t just saying that her name is “Rachel”?

  22. Denis Catania says:

    @Andrea with no last name; FAME wow. Thanks.

    Marku; Smart enough to get a few employers reported. She did swallow mt bait. Not you Marku your’re just a Daphne groupie, a follower. She will never let you lead. She looks down on you.

  23. Harry Purdie says:

    Mr Catania,

    Your abysmal lack of an adequate retort only exemplifies my previous comment. Time for you grow up and enter the real world. If you wish to continue this ‘discussion’, please spell my surname properly. Obnoxious, irritating twit.

  24. Graham C. says:

    Denis Catania, touchy touchy.
    You remind me of my first driving instructor, an old ugly guy with moles all over his bald head. I stopped going to him after he started discussing how I was supposedly bi-racial and he also used to put his hand over my hand when I used the gear lever.

    I use C, because my name is enough to identify me. How many Graham C’s are there in Malta? Oh yeah you wouldn’t know, because you don’t live here.

    I did not leave a racist comment, I’m implying that a ‘racial girlfriend’ doesn’t exist, because it doesn’t make sense, therefore imaginary.

    Why didn’t you use proper English to begin with and say ” I have an ethnic girlfriend”?

  25. Marku says:

    Denis, you’re too funny. Yes Daphne looks down on me. She also flies me over to Malta from the U.S. every weekend because we can’t get enough of each other.

  26. Andrea with no last name says:

    @Denis Catania who ‘speaks with the tongues of elves’

    Took you a while to look up ‘fame’, didn’t it?

  27. Antoine Vella says:

    Graham C
    “Why didn’t you use proper English to begin with and say ” I have an ethnic girlfriend”?

    …or he could just say “I have a girlfriend” (do we care?) without pointing out her ethnicity as if he’s talking about the breed of his dog. After all, he’s just as ‘ethnic’ (or ‘racial’, to use his expression) as she is.

  28. Leonard says:

    Puerto Rican? Ugh, they’re worse than the Irish.

  29. Corinne Vella says:

    Dennis Catania: “Smart enough to get a few employers reported.”

    Since you’re such a clever dick, why don’t you tell us why you think it’s more efficient to report illegal employment to Dennis Catania in the US of A rather than to the ETC in the Jewel of Europe?

  30. Tony Pace says:

    Bet you Denis keeps his cultural ties with Malta by going every Sunday to Leli’s Pastizzi shop in Lower Manhattan, or wherever it is.
    And he probably takes his “racial” girlfriend to show her off to Zeza ta’ Leli, (you know the one wearing USD 10,000 worth of gold round her neck.

  31. Graham C. says:

    You know what I hate? How opposing illegal immigration became associated with being a nutter or being stupid. It is quite obvious that there is a problem, but it won’t be solved by the likes of racists nor by a bunch of scared individuals who think the Africans are supposedly going to invade us nor by a bunch of far rightists who use the issue as a tool of recruitment (which I fell victim to in my angst-filled teen years).

    It is obvious that our country cannot deal with this problem, because we can’t even deal with our own in-house problems let alone…Africans aren’t a bunch of rapists, they aren’t here to invade us, they aren’t here to cause trouble, they’re just individuals who like us want a better life that we simply cannot provide to them.

    Now I don’t mind our government giving refuge to people who are escaping from war, but what I do mind is all these riots and protests coming from people who emigrated from stable countries like Tunisia and Nigeria. I’ve met Nigerians, they are very friendly people. I’ve even dealt with one from e-bay despite the Nigerian scams (he was a UK seller); he was very helpful and even sent me some extra free stuff.

    So, this makes me think that a good number of illegal immigrants are either very uneducated and/or come from a poor background and/or are criminals escaping from the authorities. After all isn’t illegal immigration a trackless voyage? Police cannot exactly go to the human traffickers and ask for a voyage manifest.

  32. Denis Catania says:

    Although Daphne and Corrine are probably the most hated woman in Malta. I must admit at least they use their full names. Unlike their little groupies who are ashamed to use their names.

    Graham C it’s nice to remember that instructors , you must enjoyed what he did to you. Maybe you should go back to your imaginary girlie site and keep imagining.

    It’s funny Graham mentioned that driving instructor. There is a man named G Crocker who dated a male driving instructor.

    No john Borg she is bi-racial, something you wouldn’t know about.

    Marku find yourself!! grow a spine and use your full name.

    Andrea with no last name: Heroes are the AFM and the Maltese police who are taming them to keep you safe.

    Harry Purdie if you want to continue the discussion talk about the issue. Correction I’m done talking to you.

    Daphne now I believe the Pinocchio story, when someone lies their nose will grow. Your picture verified it. Thank you.

    Daphne why don’t you work the Malta Times anymore? You can’t even work the mail room at the New York Times.Never mind trying to write for the NY Times.

    Reuben Mifsud if you would have read the whole comment, you would have realized the word was a mistype and should have read bi-racial. You wouldn’t know what that means.

    Daphne thank you for the plug. Every bit of publicity helps our cause.

    No one talked about the issue. Because no one has a good argument.

    C Chircop:Your arguments are constructive. Keep up the good work.

  33. Andrea says:

    Denis Catania

    And lead us to the Promised Land!

  34. Denis Catania says:

    Antoine Vella it’s important to let you know my girlfriend is bi-racial. Since you people think this is only about race and color. You compare someones race to a breed of dogs. Are you proud of that?

    Leonard you say Puerto Ricans are worse than the Irish and you are not racist?? If you don’t show your last name, you do not stand behind your comment.Like a spineless coward.

    Graham C so you don’t like them rioting? Get use to it. As they rioted about 8 times in the last 6 weeks.

    [Daphne – Some people have klieb tar-razza but our Denis has a tfajla tar-razza. Maybe he shows her at Crufts.]

  35. Graham C. says:

    Denis Catania,
    Like I said, my name is enough to identify me. The difference is I get to see how many losers go through the trouble of cyber-stalking me. You imply that I am gay, yet here we have an old man using his personal time to look up a young boy on the internet, instead of dating his racial girlfriend. Yes, yes, we know your girlfriend is trans-racial.

  36. Graham C. says:

    Denis Catania,
    Your first instinct was to try insult me by saying I date male driving instructors & boast about how you’ve got a girlfriend. This is the kind of behavior you’d expect from a 12-year-old boy & not a fully grown adult. Is this the face of anti-illegal Immigration in Malta? The Maltese version of Peter Pan? Nobody in his/her right mind would want to be associated with that.

  37. Harry Purdie says:

    Mr. Catania,

    The issue is you and your motley tribe. You are nothing but a pimple on the ass of mediocrity. Crawl back into your hole.

  38. Corinne Vella says:

    Dennis Catania: Please don’t be fresh and address me by my (badly spelled) first name. We haven’t been introduced and I have no plans for that to happen any time soon.

    Here’s a bit of free advice: if you’re here to promote your cause, try being polite to the people you address. You’re hardly likely to win anyone over by acting as though you’re in a fairground coconut shy.

  39. Marku says:

    I am happy to say that after I emailed The Times, the racially offensive message by M. Borg (posted above) was removed.

    [Daphne – Yes, actually the moderator at the The Times is very responsive when his attention is drawn to instances of abuse. With hundreds of comments coming in every day, it is very difficult to keep complete control.]

  40. Denis Catania says:

    Daphne you and your son shown your class at the debate last year. Wow a lot of attacks. None on the issue. Do you have an argument, while we should not report illegal employment in Malta?

    Graham C who called you gay. I was talking about a man named G Crocker. Why, are you gay?? Are you a little boy?? Do you still date imaginary girls or boys??.Do you have an argument on the issue??
    When you live in a glass house, you shouldn’t try to insult anyone. look at our comments above, in order please.

    Corrine you stepped into that dick. Be careful next time.

    Harry Purdie what do you know about pimples on asses?? Do you suffer from that?? Do you have an argument on the issue?? I am in my hole, a 3,500 square foot home.

    Daphne stop the lies I already have your Halloween poster, don’t need to grow your nose anymore.You could have became something without the nose off course. Now send your husband to serve ABC his coffee please.

    Wow nobody likes to be attacked, huh. You guys should have stuck to the issues.Maybe we could have had a constructive debate.Which is best in the situation Malta is in.Instead I got a laugh on your behalf. Thanks.

    Daphne tame your idiot nameless groupies. But than again you can’t even tame your own son. You should have said sit boy sit.Instead of letting him make a fool of himself on Super One.What kind of breed is he. He barked like a poodle.

    [Daphne – As though further confirmation were needed that the anti-immigration lobby is made up of nut-jobs….]

  41. Marku says:

    Daphne: it’s true. To be fair to The Times this is how other newspapers run their on-line forums as they cannot be expected to pay somebody to scrutinize each and every comment.

  42. Andrea says:

    Denis Catania (6 hours, 18 minutes ago)
    Why do the government still gives them shaving cream in cans? To throw at our police and AFM. Give them little packets of shaving powder. You have to separate them, two in a cell with a 23 1/2 hour lock down. Half hour to shower and stretch. Which is considered humane by international law. Then reward them more free time according to behavior.

  43. Denis Catania says:

    Corrine you just gave me good advise on your last post and I thank you for that. But please look at the attacks above in order. Yes I agree I stooped to some people’s level. I tend to that, intentionally, it was you who called me a dick. I just responded. My intentions was to have a constructive debate.This is why I came on this blog.Which as I stated above is best for the Maltese and the illegals. Attacks because two letters (bi) were forgot to be typed in front of the word racial were uncalled for. Attacks on a innocent girl were uncalled for. Maybe if she was white, things would have been different. But that’s just a maybe.I hope I’m wrong. You have read my post on the timesofmalta.com. You never heard any racists remarks and you will never. You know my intentions is freedom of movement within the EU not deportation. Deportation is the last resort.We know there are people who can’t be deported for safety reasons and I respect that. My question to you is are these people really being helped in Malta. Living in tents and detention centers?? Is giving someone a work permit,right if he can’t use it in London, Hamburg or Paris?? Is picking someone for cheap labor right?? These are all important questions that should have been discussed on this blog. Not attacks.Does someone who is an English major have more rights to debate over someone who doesn’t??

  44. Denis Catania says:

    Daphne read my last comment to your sister Corrine. It does apply to you too.This was a great blog and could have been very constructive. My apologies for the retaliation. I’m no Norman this is why I mentioned my girlfriend and her race. The attacks were uncalled for.

    [Daphne – It’s still a great blog, Denis. And your presence makes it even better.]

  45. Denis Catania says:

    Daphne yes you are right my presence brought 44 comments or so. Double, tripled and quadrupled your normal blog. With the attacks, it showed the frustration on this issue from both sides.Frustration don’t usually bring results. At least not positive results. A constructive debate, yes.

  46. Corinne Vella says:

    Dennis Catania: “Does someone who is an English major have more rights to debate over someone who doesn’t?”

    I’ve read that question several times and I *think* you may be asking whether someone who writes clearly in English has more of a right to debate than someone who doesn’t write clearly in English.

    No. I don’t believe that. On the contrary, it’s those who DON’T write clearly in English – and who exhibit a poor grasp of logical thought and scant knowledge of their chosen subject – who are loudest on the matter of immigration.

    If you’re going to take on a controversial topic, and wish to be understood, then it helps to know 1) what you’re talking about, 2) what the relevant issues are, and 3) the appropriate language in which to discuss it. Failing on any one count – or, as in your case, all three – and pressing on regardless, simply sets you up as a figure of fun, as you have found out for yourself here.

    You also seem to think that your girlfriend has been pilloried in this discussion. She hasn’t. But your inaccurate (and irrelevant) reference to her ethnic background was, and justifiably so. That’s the problem with venturing into a discussion poorly armed with facts and knowledge.

    For instance, there is a clear difference between calling someone a dick and referring to him as a *clever* dick, but you evidently did not know that. You do know now, so look it up.

    And one final thing, if you are concerned about the welfare of immigrants, I suggest you withdraw from your own campaign. It does nothing to help the immigrants themselves and serve only to fan the already existing antagonism.

  47. Corinne Vella says:

    Dennis Catania: Another bit of free advice – the presence of known racists in your Facebook group is not an aberration. It is precisely the sort of person you are likely to attract with the theme “save Malta from illegal immigrants”. If you do not want to come across as racist, then you need to rethink what you’re doing, what you hope to achieve and the means by which you plan to do so. If you persist, then there is no other word for you or what you do, regardless of your girlfriend’s background.

  48. Graham C. says:

    Denis Catania, you really are a weird person. Of all people who comment in this blog, I was probably the only one you could have won over, but all you did was prove Daphne right. Illegal immigration is just about one of the couple of things on which I disagree with Daphne.

    I’ve had enough of your homosexual innuendos towards me. Your girlfriend cannot hide your gayness for ever. I’m not going to bother sinking to your level and suggesting that your racial girlfriend is a man from Puerto Rico. Sorry to disappoint you mate, but the answer to all your questions is no. I’m not going to bother arguing about my sexuality, because I have no problems with the way I am.

    You on the other hand…need to tell the world you have a girlfriend and insinuate that other people are gay to try distract them from the fact that you are gayer than Michael Jackson.

    [Daphne – If you call a woman a lesbian, she doesn’t bother. But if you call a man gay, my god….]

  49. Darren Azzopardi says:

    I hope to have a serious debate please, so take this as an academic exercise. We can all agree that one of the reasons that illegal immigrants (and they are illegal, there is no status of irregular immigrant in International Law) leave there countries of origin is because of security reasons, apart from other more economic reasons. Failed states like Congo, Chad and Sudan have a very basic rule of law but at least there is a semblance of a government, however corrupt it may be.

    Somalia is in a totally different category in that it has had no government in the last 20 years apart from six months some two years ago when a coalition called the Islamic Courts Conference took control of most of the country and established rule because of the ONLY thing that every Clan has in common, Sharia Law. Apart from that, the AK rules. It is the only place on earth that has descended to a truly Hobbesian level, with the life of man really poor, nasty, brutish and short.

    Now we can all agree that living in such a “society” with no concept of the rule of law (not even sharia law) will hardly turn out model citizens. What happens if you take those people raised in such a “society” and put them into a stable society, based on the rule of law and by definition, established institutions?

    If criminologists always go on about how some criminals are raised “criminal” due to the background that they have, and the society they were brought up in, and this while living in a society with the rule of law and established institutions, can one not be concerned at having such a person living in ones society?

    If we are so concerned about how relatively harmless factors (compared to living in Somalia, everything is harmless) such as bullying and being from a broken family contribute to the formation of a criminal, shouldn’t we be much more concerned with people from a failed state?

    I hope that this is taken in the spirit of free debate, and i am in no way implying that we shouldn’t help these people.

  50. Marku says:

    For God’s sake Denis buy a dictionary!

  51. Harry Purdie says:

    Mr. Catania,

    Keep digging your hole, buddy. You don’t appear to understand that the issue is you and your fellow misguided miscreants. The world has changed, accept it, deal with it. A parade? Wow, what an ingenious idea. Looking forward to seeing you and your shovel.

  52. Vanni says:

    I can finally ask the great man himself something that has been bothering me all along. Namely, is he conscious of the irony that, as an immigrant himself, he has no qualms in participating in a crusade against people who leave their country and those closest to them, and risk great odds, hardships and danger, for the mirage of the same life that he himself has had as an immigrant?

  53. Leonard says:

    Hi Denis. So what are you going to do with the plug Daphne gave you?

  54. Denis Catania says:

    Vanni immigration is great thing for the immigrant and the adopted country. When done right. My family applied for it in a legal way. We got health checks, my family got criminal back round checks and everything that goes with contributing to your adopted country. These people are coming illegally with no checks what so ever. Just ask PM Gonzi he is calling it an invasion. Minister Tonio Borg say’s it’s now hurting the Maltese Islands. I’m not the only one. A lot of people are jumping on board. This type of migration hurts the illegals and the adopted country.The group Save Malta From illegal Immigrants as of Feb 15th has six members that are candidates for MEP 2 PN 2PL and 2AN.We will be opening Save Malta From illegal Immigrants 2. As we are close to 5,000 members. You have a right to voice your opinion. As long as you realize you are in the minority.

  55. Denis Catania says:

    Leonard any media attention is welcomed.Even if it’s from the minority. We don’t look to impose an opinion on anyone. The illegals are doing a great job. This week in the Times I seen 2 pro illegals turn to anti illegals after a few riots in the detention center. We don’t prove ourselves right. The illegals prove us right. Not that we are happy with the rioting as it puts peaceful detainees in jeopardy along with our soldiers and police.

  56. Corinne Vella says:

    Darren Azzopardi: If I sum up your theory correctly, it is this: Somalia is a failed state therefore Somalis are failed citizens therefore Somalis are criminals therefore Somalis in Malta are bad news full stop.

    One particular Somali refugee stands out in my memory: he was a trained air force pilot. He spoke fluent English, though not Maltese, and was articulate and courteous when addressing his audience, though some of the members of that audience did not reciprocate (‘we are Maltese and in Malta so we should speak in Maltese’). I’d say he disproves your theory and that his case is not unique.

    Here’s the weak point in your theory: the formation of a criminal personality is not solely dependent on the lawlessness or otherwise of a person’s home state. If it is the lawlessness of one’s environment that induces criminal behaviour (as opposed to a criminal personality) then an environment in which the law is observed would have the opposite effect.

  57. Antoine Vella says:

    Denis Catania
    “This week in the Times I seen 2 pro illegals turn to anti illegals …”

    Pro-illegals exist only in your imagination. Perhaps you mean pro-human beings.

    By the way, what are you going to call your carcade: racist pride parade?

  58. A Camilleri says:

    @Antoine. Some are so pro-illegal that they see such immigrants having every right to be here, and that there’s no problem at all about it. Not even if the volume increases from 26 to 260 per boat I suppose.

    I wonder what we’ll do if arrivals really increase tenfold this summer.

    As regards getting newer patrol boats from Australia. I wonder what that’s going to achieve. We’ll be able to bring them over once they dip their toe in a Libyan beach, instead of once they are 60 miles away…. same as with the Frontex patrols.

  59. Denis Catania says:

    Antoine Vella Since we are not racists a name that you suggested would not be appropriate maybe will ask the 6 MEP candidates 2PN 2PL and 2AN who are members of the group to help us come up with a name. If the car cade demonstration happens. You’ll find out the name at a later date.

    Can anyone stick to the issue of employers hiring illegals. Why shouldn’t an employer get charged?? Why should an illegal immigrant work without a permit?? This is what this blog is about. Reporting illegal employment in Malta.

  60. Denis Catania says:

    Antoine Vella pro human beings don’t leave them in tents. Where are you demonstrating to give them a better roof over their head. Get them freedom of movement among your Anglo friends in mainland Europe.You should be ashamed.

    Some pro human beings are profiting from them such as employees of UN organizations, lawyers, builders and other employers.Shame on these people too.

    A Camilleri thank you.

  61. John Schembri says:

    @ Denis Catania: all illegal workers can be reported to the ETC on freephone 80076501.
    May I ask what your real intentions are? Would I trust ETC or Denis to report such illegality without disclosing my identity?

  62. Darren Azzopardi says:

    @ Corinne Vella

    I am not saying that coming from a failed state makes one an instant barbarian, ready to rape,murder and pillage. And sometimes “criminal” behaviour (not personality)is nothing more than a means of survival (especially in the context of a failed state).

    However having been brought up as a child soldier will hardly prepare you for a “normal” stable society.

    And your example of the Somali air force pilot PROVES my point. Having been trained as such, he must by definition have been trained by an established Somali institution, most probably before Mohammed Siad Barre regime fell. I don’t think that he was trained as an air force pilot by a non existing institution. Even the idea of an air force pilot receiving training presupposes the existence of a society (let alone of a state).

    If in todays Somalia there is no concept of an established society (apart from a basic tribal and clan based one), do you find it that far fetched to acknowledge that coming from such a society will hardly increase your chances of making you a “pillar of the community”?

  63. Graham C. says:

    Antoine Vella, there are differences between being pro-illegal immigration and pro-human. One is an economical stance & the other is a moral stance. One seeks to profit from cheap labor & the other seeks to empower all humans with rights (such as freedom of movement).

  64. MikeC says:

    Just thought I’d stir it up a little :)



    (Is that the right number of exclamation marks?)

    [Daphne – You should have written: “WAKEUP gONziPN!!!!!!!!!!!SMELL THE COFFEE!!!!!!!!!were is carm???!!!were is that strong pair oif hand????!!!!!! Now they come in OUR ships and we pay them!!!!!]

  65. Graham C. says:

    MikeC, try this:




    Martin Debono wants to do like the ‘Egiptions’ and take €5000….

  66. Antoine Vella says:

    Denis Catania

    “…Since we are not racists …”

    No? Well, as the saying goes, if it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it sure isn’t a ruby-throated hummingbird.

  67. Andrea says:


    Mr. Catania still seems to be ‘unplugged’.

  68. Antoine Vella says:

    Graham C.

    “….the other seeks to empower all humans with rights (such as freedom of movement)….”

    Freedom of movement within a foreign state is not a fundamental human right, otherwise all passports and visas would be illegitimate. Pro-human means treating people as people not as faulty disposable goods.

  69. Antoine Vella says:

    Darren Azzopardi

    If in today’s Somalia there is no concept of an established society (apart from a basic tribal and clan based one), do you find it that far fetched to acknowledge that coming from such a society will hardly increase your chances of making you a “pillar of the community”?”

    I agree that tribalism is not the ideal organisation of contemporary society, even in places like Somalia, but it is very wrong to imply that those who live in such a social system are or have more potential to become criminals. It cannot be overstressed that immigrants are people like us: some of them are criminals, just as some Maltese are but at the same time, most of them are decent folk doing their best to improve their life, grabbing the few opportunities they have, exactly as any Maltese would.

  70. Denis Catania says:

    Look who’s jumping on the bandwagon.Is he racist too??

    Nationalist backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has joined the fray too. Writing in The Times today (see back page) he says that immigrants should be sent back immediately

    This is what groups like Save Malta From Illegal Immigrants can do.Pressure pressure pressure.In a peaceful way. In a peaceful way.

    Now when are the do-gooders going to get better living condition for the illegals. If not, send them home. Since the racist EU don’t want them in mainland Europe and none of you want to help force the EU to accept them.Shame on you people.

    [Daphne – Jeffrey must be very proud to have your support.]

  71. Denis Catania says:

    Daphne Caruana Galizia I ask you is Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando a racist?? Simple question.

    When is Corinne Vella going to get the illegals what they want, freedom of movement within the EU?? When is Corinne Vella going to get them out of the tents and in proper homes?? Simple questions.

    [Daphne – Yawn.]

  72. Corinne Vella says:

    Dennis Catania:

    When is Dennis Catania going to get “the illegals” what they want, freedom of movement within the EU? When is Dennis Catania going to get them out of the tents and in proper homes? Simple questions.

  73. Denis Catania says:

    Daphne don’t fall asleep now. Answer the question.
    Daphne Caruana Galizia I ask you is Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando a racist?? Simple question.

    The pAtition you mentioned in previous blogs does not allow comments. You have the wrong petition. Do your research, do your research. Just think if you were good enough for the New York times, you would have a research team.

  74. Denis Catania says:

    Corrine Vella: Soon I hope. Soon. I’m praying for that.

  75. Breaking News...almost says:

    Denis shall not be here tonight…busy watching:


    …and bet your knickers…others shall be enduring his Blogorhhea.

    [Daphne – That reminds me: it’s almost 8pm. Time for BBC Prime…..and Eastenders.]

  76. Leonard says:

    Less than twenty minutes for Inter – ManU to kick off. Wish these matches were still in the evening.

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