James Tyrrell of Northern Ireland and Gozo – time to give that goat a break

Published: February 26, 2009 at 1:32pm

Denis Catania (3 hours, 20 minutes ago)
@d borg: We need volunteers in Gozo for the peaceful car cade demonstration. If you know any, tell them to e-mail me deniscatania@yahoo.com or through the facebook group Save Malta From Illegal Immigration 2. Group 1 is closed for new members. We need people to help organize the car cade in Gozo one weekend morning in the very near future and then meet us in Malta. We will greet the great people of Gozo at the ferry on the Malta side, with a sound truck.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Andrea says:

    I might possibly harp on drumming Easter peep Denis:
    Keep going and going and…!

  2. Jon Mallia says:

    Save Malta From Illegal Immigration 2 – The Sequel
    X’cuc hu Quentin Tarantino b’ Kill Bill 2i?

    “Peaceful carcade demonstration”… “We will greet the great people of Gozo at the ferry on the Malta side, with a sound truck”

    A sound truck I’m assuming is not a truck which is in good condition, but rather some noisy monstrosity with speakers the size of fridges… i.e. they’re gonna booze up and party to the sounds of Encore une Fois, Over the Rainbow and similar…

    Xi hlew.

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    How about another Facebook group: Save Malta from Dennis Catania?

  4. MikeC says:

    I’m not sure we ought to give James Tyrrell a break. He should continue to produce. Look at this gem from http://gozoairstrip.blogspot.com/

    “James A. Tyrrell

    First of all I would like to say that I support what John Mizzi says 100%. I also agree with most of what Liam Kelly says although I don’t think a hovercraft is the answer. Nor is a bridge as suggested by L Galea. The problem with a bridge apart from the obvious one of cost is that it provides easy access for criminals.”

    [Daphne – Actually, I was suggesting to Tyrrell that his goat (or chicken) gets a break. Incidentally, that was one of his arguments against EU membership for Malta: it provides easy access for criminals. And he still won’t answer me as to whether he was the NO TO EU campaigner James Tyrrell of County Antrim. He keeps dodging the question.]

  5. Corinne Vella says:

    James Tyrell: Did you mean that criminals from Gozo would have access to Malta?

  6. Amanda Mallia says:

    Maybe he’s a criminal …

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