Can you credit this?

Published: February 22, 2009 at 12:40pm

Here’s an FAA fan, in a comment beneath Alex Torpiano’s letter on, insinuating that Monsignor Philip Calleja was persistent about the museum project because he might have been planning to siphon of some of those EUR14 million for himself. How low can you go?

P.Scerri (22 hours, 38 minutes ago)
@J.Micallef. Power to the people. The Government and the Opposition were elected by the people, ergo they must represent the will of the people, may they be blue or red, or green or violet. Many argued that the quarry to be dug up would hurt very much the Cathedral’s structure. So why risk it. Better safe than sorry. And why all this hard-headedness from Mgr. Calleja et al? I wonder where part of the Euro 14 million would have gone has this project would have been given the go ahead. Even a certain geologist said that the site is very unstable due to the type of rock present there.


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One Comment Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    I’m not a lawyer so can’t be sure but it seems to me that this comment by P.Scerri verges on the libelous.

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